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Thursday, January 18, 2018

PetroChina Unlock Five Sleep Blocks

PetroChina began to intensively work on its assets in Indonesia. This step after their two main blocks Tuban East Java and Jabung Sumatra continue to experience a decrease in natural production (natural decline).

PetroChina plans to activate five blocks that have been sleeping alias not developed. The five blocks are West Jambi II, Strait Block, South Jambi B Block, Madura Block and Bird Head-Salawati Basin Block.

Gusmiran, Vice President of Supply Chain Management & Operation Support of Petro-China Indonesia, said the five blocks have not been done since PetroChina's management focus on Jabung Block.

To increase the production of the five blocks owned, PetroChina will perform the activities as cement and rework (workover).

"With the new management, we want to be more aggressive again," he said.

Presiden PetroChina Indonesia Gong Bencai 

Meanwhile, President of PetroChina Indonesia Gong Bencai added that this year PetroChina will undertake the activities of drilling 16 new wells, 17 wells rework and well service of 123 wells.

In addition to maintaining Jabung block, PetroChina will invest in Bangko Block. In order to maximize production, PetroChina will undertake rework so that there is an increase of oil production from 7 barrels of oil per day (bopd) to 600 bopd.

PetroChina also plans to complete the plan of development (POD) for the discovery of gas reserves of 5 million to 10 million cubic feet. If the POD process has been approved and the buyer of gas, then the gas field construction process in Bangko Block could start this year.

With PetroChina's efforts, it is expected that total production this year can reach 100,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd). This amount increased by 5.2% compared to last year's Petro-China production of around 95,000 boepd.

To finance these activities, PetroChina has prepared capital expenditure (capex) this year of US $ 59.9 million. In addition, also prepared operation expenditure (opex) of US $ 286.23 million.

The number is increasing compared to last year. In 2017 the amount of capex of US $ 43.9 million and opex in that year amounted to US $ 201.9 million.


PetroChina Aktifkan Lima Blok Tidur

PetroChina mulai gencar menggarap aset-asetnya di Indonesia. Langkah ini setelah dua blok utama mereka yakni Tuban Jawa Timur dan Jabung Sumatra terus mengalami penurunan produksi alamiah (natural decline).

PetroChina rencananya akan mengaktifkan lima blok yang selama ini tertidur alias tidak dikembangkan. Kelima blok tersebut adalah West Jambi II, Blok Selat Panjang, Blok South Jambi B, Blok Madura dan Blok Kepala Burung-Salawati Basin.

Gusmiran, Vice President Supply Chain Management & Operation Support Petro-China Indonesia mengatakan, kelima blok tersebut selama ini tidak dikerjakan karena manajemen PetroChina fokus pada Blok Jabung.

Untuk meningkatkan produksi kelima blok yang dimiliki tersebut, PetroChina akan melakukan kegiatan sesimik dan pengerjaan ulang (workover). 

"Dengan manajemen baru, kami ingin lebih agresif lagi," ujarnya.

Sementara itu Presiden PetroChina Indonesia Gong Bencai menambahkan, tahun ini PetroChina akan melakukan kegiatan berupa pengeboran 16 sumur baru, pengerjaan ulang 17 sumur dan perawatan sumur (well service) sebanyak 123 sumur.

Selain masih mempertahankan blok Jabung, PetroChina akan berinvestasi di Blok Bangko. Agar berproduksi maksimal, PetroChina akan melakukan pengerjaan ulang sehingga ada peningkatan produksi minyak dari 7 barrels of oil per day (bopd) menjadi 600 bopd.

PetroChina juga berencana menyelesiakan plan of development (POD) untuk penemuan cadangan gas sebesar 5 juta sampai 10 juta kaki kubik. Jika proses POD sudah disetujui dan mendapatkan pembeli gas, maka proses konstruksi lapangan gas di Blok Bangko bisa dimulai pada tahun ini.

Dengan upaya PetroChina tersebut, diharapkan total produksi tahun ini dapat mencapai 100.000 barel oil equivalent per day (boepd). Jumlah ini meningkat sekitar 5,2% dibandingkan produksi Petro-China sepanjang tahun lalu sekitar 95.000 boepd.

Untuk membiayai kegiatan tersebut, PetroChina sudah menyiapkan belanja modal atau capital expenditure (capex) di tahun ini sebesar US$ 59,9 juta. Selain itu disiapkan pula operation expenditure (opex) sebesar US$ 286,23 juta.

Jumlah tersebut meningkat dibandingkan tahun lalu. Pada tahun 2017 jumlah capex sebesar US$ 43,9 juta dan opex di tahun itu sebesar US$ 201,9 juta.

Kontan, Page-14, Thursday, Jan 11, 2018

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