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Thursday, January 18, 2018

PetroChina Wants Master Mahakam Bloc

Mahakam block continues to release new news. The latest news comes to PetroChina eyeing the Block management section. The Chinese oil and gas company is eyeing a 15% -20% shareholding in Mahakam. Claiming to be ready to invest in (in-house), until now, there is still no official decision.

"We discussed recently, these weeks," said Gusmiran, Vice President of Supply Chain Management & Operation Support of PetroChina Indonesia.


Only, PetroChina has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Pertamina since November 2017. Under the agreement, PetroChina will develop oil and gas blocks in Indonesia including the Mahakam Block.

According to Gusmiran, although PetroChina's intention to enter the Mahakam block has been granted permission from Pertamina, it still needs to be discussed between the SOE with Total EP Indonesie (France) and Inpex Japan Corporation. Only the two companies are still difficult to negotiate for shared ownership.

The Mahakam Block

Although, the Government of Indonesia has approved Total EP and Inpex can get 39% stake in Mahakam Block. When PetroChina steps into the Mahakam Block is realized, this will not affect Pertamina's position as a controller. PetroChina enters the Mahakam through the Total EP and Inpex sections.

In order to manage the Mahakam block, PetroChina has to spend a huge amount of money. Based on the valuation of Mahakam assets calculated by the Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Unit (SKK Migas), the estimated asset of Mahakam as of December 31, 2017, is US $ 9.43 billion. If it takes 15% -20% of the shares, Petrochina must spend between US $ 1.4 billion - US $ 1.88 billion.

SKK Migas noted that the proven reserves of the Mahakam Block as of January 1, 2016, are 4.9 tcf of gas, 57 million barrels of oil and 45 million barrels of condensate. As of November 2017, the Mahakam Block produces 52,000 barrels of oil and condensate oil per day. 

 Meanwhile, gas production is 360 million cubic feet of natural gas per day. Previously, Syamsu Alam Director Hulu Pertamina once said other than Total EP and Inpex, there are some companies that are interested to enter the Mahakam Block.


PetroChina Ingin Menguasai Blok Mahakam

Blok Mahakam terus merilis berita baru. Terbaru muncul kabar PetroChina mengincar bagian Pengelolaan blok tersebut. Perusahaan minyak dan gas bumi dari Tiongkok ini mengincar kepemilikan saham 15%-20% di Mahakam. Mengaku siap melakukan penyertaan modal (farm in), hingga kini, masih belum ada keputusan resmi. 

"Kami membahas belum lama ini, pekan-pekan inilah,” kata Gusmiran, Vice President Supply Chain Management & Operation Support PetroChina Indonesia.

Hanya, PetroChina sudah melakukan penandatangan memorandum of understanding (MOU) dengan Pertamina sejak November 2017. Dalam kesepakatan itu, PetroChina akan mengembangkan blok-blok migas di Indonesia termasuk Blok Mahakam.

Menurut Gusmiran, walaupun niat PetroChina masuk ke Blok Mahakam telah mendapat ijin dari Pertamina, masih perlu pembicaraan antara BUMN tersebut dengan Total EP Indonesie (Perancis) dan Inpex Corporation Jepang. Hanya kedua perusahaan tersebut masih sulit negosiasi unutk bagian kepemilikan saham.

Meski, Pemerintah Indonesia sudah merestui Total EP dan Inpex bisa mendapat 39% saham Blok Mahakam. Bila langkah PetroChina masuk ke Blok Mahakam terealisasi, ini tidak akan mempengaruhi posisi Pertamina sebagai pengendali. PetroChina masuk ke Mahakam melalui bagian Total EP dan Inpex.

Untuk dapat mengelola blok Mahakam, PetroChina harus mengeluarkan dana yang sangat besar. Berdasarkan valuasi aset Mahakam yang dihitung Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas), estimasi aset Mahakam per 31 Desember 2017 segede US$ 9,43 miliar. Jika mengambil 15%-20% saham, Petrochina harus mengeluarkan dana antara US$ 1,4 miliar - US$ 1,88 miliar.

SKK Migas mencatat, cadangan terbukti Blok Mahakam per 1 Januari 2016 sebesat 4,9 tcf gas, 57 juta barel minyak dan 45 juta barrel kondensat. Hingga November 2017, Blok Mahakam memproduksi minyak dan kondensat 52.000 barel minyak per hari. 

     Sementara, produksi gas 360 juta kaki kubik gas bumi per hari. Sebelumnya, Syamsu Alam Direktur Hulu Pertamina pernah bilang selain Total EP dan Inpex, ada beberapa perusahaan yang berminat masuk ke Blok Mahakam.

Kontan, Page-1, Thursday, Jan 11, 2018

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