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Monday, January 15, 2018

PetroChina will be Expansive in Indonesia

PetroChina International Companies, an oil and gas company from China, is interested in several oil and gas blocks auctioned by the government.

PetroChina International Companies

In addition to attracting the oil and gas blocks, PetroChina is also exploring opportunities for cooperation with several oil and gas blocks operators. Several blocks that PetroChina glimpsed include the Mahakam Block, Attaka, East Kalimantan, East Natuna, Strait Panjang, Kasuri, and Arguni.

The Attaka and East Kalimantan blocks have been offered to PT Pertamina (Persero), but the company is not interested in becoming operators in both oil and gas blocks.

The East Kalimantan Block contract expires in 2018. The oil and gas block located in East Kalimantan is currently managed by Chevron Pacific Indonesia. In fact, the Chevron-run Attaka block has ended its contract in March 2017.

Mahakam Block

Meanwhile, Pertamina as the operator of Mahakam Block is still looking for partners in managing the oil and gas fields. Vice President of Supply Chain Management & Support Operator of PetroChina Gusminar said that for Mahakam block still in unofficial discussion stage with Pertamina.

From the response of the government-owned company, it sees no opportunity, but Pertamina is still discussing it in the internal study.

"Pertamina Total and Inpex are also still discussions. If we want it from this year there has been a decision, "he said.

Attaka and East Kalimantan blocks

For the Attaka and East Kalimantan blocks, PetroChina said it will bid on both blocs to be auctioned earlier this year. Gusminar admitted it is preparing technical data in accordance with the requirements in the auction of the second block.

"We have included a letter of intent related to the interest of the two blocks [Attaka and East Kalimantan. We will join the auction this year, "he said.

He continued that PetroChina is also interested in the East Kalimantan Block where Pertamina is not interested in going there.

"We have been officially informed there, this is again waiting for the tender course," he continued.

PetroChina is also interested to enter East Natuna Block through cooperation with Pertamina. Gusminar said that his side is currently conducting a study. The advantage of the company from Panda State is to have the technology already tested on Jabung Block.

Jabung Block

"For this project [East Natuna Block] can be considered quite expensive about US $ 40 billion, but since there is OBOR [One Belt One Road Line silk] Chinese government makes Indonesia as one of the important investment destination. There is a support for us to get into that [East Natuna] block. "

Block East Natuna

Beyond that, PetroChina is also eyeing the Long Strait Block in line with its current operator status, Petroselat Ltd., declared bankrupt.

"Petroselat has been declared bankrupt, and we are ready to fill there. We've submitted also, now just wait for the government's decision says Gusminar.

PetroChina also plans to acquire the Kasuri and Arguni Blocks. He mentioned, for the Kasuri Block has approached and reached the stage of commercial discussion. For the percentage of ownership, PetroChina is said to be taking the majority share of the block in eastern Indonesia.

"Our acquisition of Genting Malaysia [Genting Oil Kasuri Pte. Ltd.], is expected this year, "he said.

PetroChina also glances at Kasuri block because it looks at the future of Indonesia's oil and gas in the east. For the planned acquisition of Arguni Block, Gusminar explained, still entering the stage of the technical stage, has not yet discussed the commercial phase.

"We continue to try the Arguni Block discussion with Eni Indonesia Ltd."


Meanwhile, PetroChina is targeting oil production from blocks in Indonesia this year to 105,000 barrels per day (bpd) up 5% compared to 2017 of 100,000 bpd. Companies from China that will activate some blocks that had been off. President Director of PetroChina Gong Bencai said it would reactivate several blocks that had previously been inactive, such as the Bangko Block in Jambi. In the block, there are four old wells with a current production capacity of 7 bph.

"We will work over [re-drilling] within the next 2 months so it is targeted to produce 600 barrels per day. In addition, in Bangko there is also a gas prospect, we are making PoP [put on production] and POD [plan of development] he said.

Gong mentioned that the potential of gas production capacity in Bangko is around 5 million to 10 million cubic feet per day [Mmscfd]. To that end, it is looking for buyers of gas to regional-owned enterprises.

"If the GSA [gas sales agreement] can sign this year. In 2019 it will be able to start production, "he said.

He said the problem of Block Bangko this had fallen asleep because the distance away from the Block Jabung so rather ignored. "With the new management, this sleep asset will be activated again."

Vice President of Supply Chain Management & Operator Suppon PetroChina Gusminar said, in addition to Bangko, PetroChina will get additional production from South Jambi Block B.

"You see, ConocoPhillips who became operators in the block was not interested in developing so we propose as an operator. If it is an operator, we can increase production there. "

Currently, PetroChina has a participation stake in South Jambi B Block, but not as operator PetroChina manages nine oil and gas blocks in Indonesia including the Strait Block (non-operator), Jabung Block (operator), West Jambi Block (operator), South Block Jambi B (non-operator), Bangko Block (operator), Tuban Block (non-operator), Madura Block (operator), and Salawati Island Block and Basin (non-operator).

PetroChina is preparing a capital expenditure of US $ 57 million or Rp741 billion for oil and gas exploration and production in Indonesia this year.

Gong Bocai said the program plan this year is related to the drilling of 16 new wells, 17 re-operation activities, and 123 well maintenance activities.

The company's capital expenditure and operating expenses this year have increased compared to 2017. Last year, the company poured US $ 43.9 million in capital expenditure, while for operational expenditure was US $ 201.9 million.

The implementer of the task of Director General of Oil and Gas Ministry of ESDM Ego Syahrial said, in the appointment of parties who will manage four termination blocks, it has assigned to Pertamina. However, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources does not close opportunities for foreign contractors and current operators to re-manage the block of contracts.

"So, both the existing operators and Pertamina are both submitting proposals.Once seen, it turns out the proposals from the existing better. To that end, Pertamina is deciding to take the right to match [the right privilege to be the manager of the oil and gas block out contract] or not, "he said.

Ego admitted, currently the process of transfer of oil and gas blocks runs out of the contract is running and is expected to be completed.

"We continue to meet, for the completion target, we hope he finishes soon enough."

The four contracted oil and gas blocks include Tuban Block, Southeast Sumatra, Ogan Komering, and Sanga-Sanga. In addition, there are two blocks that are combined in the management, namely the Middle Block combined with Mahakam and North Sumatra Offshore combined with north Sumatra.


PetroChina Akan Ekspansif di Indonesia

PetroChina International Companies, perusahaan minyak dan gas bumi asal China, tertarik dengan beberapa blok migas yang dilelang oleh pemerintah.

Selain tertarik terhadap lelang blok migas, PetroChina juga menjajaki peluang kerja sama dengan beberapa operator blok migas. Beberapa blok yang dilirik oleh PetroChina antara lain Blok Mahakam, Attaka, East Kalimantan, East Natuna, Selat Panjang, Kasuri, dan Arguni.

Blok Attaka dan East Kalimantan sudah ditawarkan ke PT Pertamina (Persero), tetapi perseroan itu tidak tertarik untuk menjadi operator di kedua blok migas tersebut.

Kontrak Blok East Kalimantan akan berakhir pada 2018. Blok migas yang berlokasi di Kalimantan Timur itu saat ini dikelola oleh Chevron Pacific Indonesia. Bahkan, Blok Attaka yang dikelola Chevron sudah berakhir kontraknya pada Maret 2017.

Sementara itu, Pertamina sebagai operator Blok Mahakam masih mencari mitra dalam mengelola ladang migas tersebut. Vice President Supply Chain Management & Operator Support PetroChina Gusminar mengatakan bahwa untuk Blok Mahakam masih dalam tahap diskusi tidak resmi dengan Pertamina.

Dari respons perusahaan milik pemrintah ini, pihaknya melihat ada peluang, tetapi Pertamina masih membahasnya dalam kajian internal.

“Pertamina sama Total dan Inpex juga masih diskusi. Kalau dari kami inginnya tahun ini sudah ada keputusannya,” ujarnya.

Untuk Blok Attaka dan East Kalimantan, PetroChina mengaku akan melakukan penawaran terhadap kedua blok itu yang akan dilelang awal tahun ini. Gusminar mengaku, pihaknya sedang menyiapkan data teknis sesuai dengan persyaratan dalam lelang kedua blok tersebut.

“Kami sudah memasukkan letter of intent [surat resmi] terkait dengan ketertarikan kepada dua blok itu [Attaka dan East Kalimantan. Kami akan ikut lelang pada tahun ini,” ujarnya.

Dia melanjutkan, PetroChina juga berminat pada Blok East Kalimantan di mana Pertamina disebut tidak tertarik masuk ke sana. 

“Kami sudah sampaikan secara resmi berminat di sana, ini lagi menunggu tendernya saja,” lanjutnya.

Petrochina juga berminat untuk masuk ke Blok East Natuna melalui kerja sama dengan Pertamina. Gusminar menyebutkan, saat ini pihaknya sedang melakukan kajian. Kelebihan perusahaan asal Negeri Panda itu adalah memiliki teknologi yang sudah diuji coba pada Blok Jabung.

“Untuk proyek ini [Blok East Natuna] bisa dibilang cukup mahal sekitar US$ 40 miliar, tetapi sejak ada OBOR [One Belt One Road Jalur sutera] pemerintah China menjadikan Indonesia sebagai salah satu tempat tujuan investasi yang penting. Ada dukungan kepada kami untuk masuk ke blok [East Natuna] itu.”

Di luar itu, PetroChina juga mengincar Blok Selat Panjang seiring dengan status operatornya saat ini, Petroselat Ltd., dinyatakan pailit.

“Petroselat sudah dinyatakan bangkrut, dan kami siap untuk mengisi di sana. Kami sudah submit juga, sekarang hanya tunggu keputusan pemerintah ujar Gusminar.

PetroChina juga berencana mengakuisisi Blok Kasuri dan Arguni. Dia menyebutkan, untuk Blok Kasuri sudah melakukan pendekatan dan mencapai tahap diskusi komersial. Untuk persentase kepemilikan, PetroChina disebut akan mengambil saham mayoritas dari blok di timur Indonesia tersebut.

“Kami akuisisi dari Genting Malaysia [Genting Oil Kasuri Pte. Ltd.], diharapkan tahun ini terlaksana," sebutnya.

PetroChina pun melirik blok Kasuri karena memandang masa depan migas Indonesia ada di bagian timur. Untuk rencana akuisisi Blok Arguni, Gusminar menjelaskan, masih masuk tahap tahap teknis, belum membahas tahap komersial. 

“Kami terus coba diskusi Blok Arguni itu dengan Eni Indonesia Ltd.”


Sementara itu, PetroChina menargetkan produksi minyak dari blok di Indonesia pada tahun ini 105.000 barel per hari (bph) naik 5% dibandingkan dengan 2017 sebesar 100.000 bph. Perusahaan asal China itu akan mengaktifkan beberapa blok yang sempat nonaktif. Presiden Direktur PetroChina Gong Bencai mengatakan, pihaknya akan kembali mengaktifkan beberapa blok yang sebelumnya sempat nonaktif, seperti Blok Bangko di Jambi. Di blok itu terdapat empat sumur tua dengan kapasitas produksi saat ini 7 bph.

“Kami akan work over [pengeboran ulang] dalam 2 bulan ke depan sehingga ditargetkan bisa berproduksi 600 barel per hari. Selain itu, di Bangko juga ada prospek gas, kami sedang membuat PoP [put on production] dan POD [plan of development] ujarnya.

Gong menyebutkan, potensi kapasitas produksi gas di Bangko sekitar 5 juta- 10 juta kaki kubik per hari [Mmscfd]. Untuk itu pihaknya sedang mencari pembeli gasnya kepada badan usaha milik daerah.

“Kalau GSA [kesepakatan penjualan gas] bisa tanda tangan tahun ini. Pada 2019 nanti sudah bisa mulai produksi,” ujarnya.

Dia menuturkan, permasalahan Blok Bangko ini sempat tertidur disebabkan jaraknya jauh dari Blok Jabung sehingga agak diabaikan. “Dengan manajemen baru, aset tidur ini mau diaktifkan lagi."

Vice President Supply Chain Mana-gement & Operator Suppon PetroChina Gusminar mengatakan, selain Bangko, PetroChina akan mendapatkan tambahan produksi dari Blok South Jambi B.

“Soalnya, ConocoPhillips yang menjadi operator di blok itu tidak terarik mengembangkan sehingga kami ajukan sebagai operator. Kalau sudah menjadi operator, kami bisa meningkatkan produksi di sana.”

Saat ini, PetroChina memiliki saham partisipasi di Blok South Jambi B, tetapi bukan selaku operator PetroChina mengelola sembilan blok migas di Indonesia antara lain Blok Selat Panjang (non-operator), Blok Jabung (operator), Blok West Jambi (operator), Blok South Jambi B (non-operator), Blok Bangko (operator), Blok Tuban (non-operator), Blok Madura (operator), dan Blok Salawati Island serta Basin (non-operator).

PetroChina menyiapkan belanja modal US$57 juta atau Rp741 miliar untuk kegiatan eksplorasi dan produksi minyak dan gas bumi di Indonesia pada tahun ini. 

Gong Bocai mengatakan, rencana program pada tahun ini antara lain terkait dengan kegiatan pengeboran 16 sumur baru, 17 kegiatan kerja ulang, dan 123 kegiatan perawatan sumur.

Nilai belanja modal dan operasional perseroan pada tahun ini memang mengalami kenaikan dibandingkan pada 2017. Sepanjang tahun lalu, perseroan menggelontorkan belanja modal senilai US$43,9 juta, sedangkan untuk belanja operasional US$ 201,9 juta.

Pelaksana tugas Dirjen Migas Kementerian ESDM Ego Syahrial mengatakan, dalam penunjukan pihak yang akan mengelola empat blok terminasi, pihaknya telah menugaskan kepada Pertamina. Namun, Kementrian ESDM pun tidak menutup peluang bagi kontraktor asing dan operator saat ini untuk kembali mengelola blok habis kontrak tersebut.

"Jadi, baik operator existing dan Pertamina sama-sama mengirimkan proposal. Setelah dilihat, ternyata proposal dari existing lebih baik. Untuk itu, Pertamina sedang memutuskan untuk mengambil right to match [hak istimewa langsung menjadi pengelola blok migas yang habis kontrak] atau tidak," ujarnya.

Ego mengaku, saat ini proses pengalihan blok migas habis kontrak itu terus berjalan dan diharapkan bisa segera selesai. 

"Kami terus melakukan rapat, untuk target selesainya, kami sih harapnya cepat selesai saja."

Keempat blok migas yang habis kontrak itu antara lain Blok Tuban, Southeast Sumatera, Ogan Komering, dan Sanga-Sanga. Selain itu, ada dua blok yang digabung dalam pengelolaannya, yakni Blok Tengah yang digabung dengan Mahakam dan North Sumatera Offshore digabung dengan north sumatra.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Thursday, Jan 11, 2018

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