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Friday, January 19, 2018

PHM Depend on Handil

The management of PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM) ensures that it will drill a new well in Handil Square, one from the Mahakam working area. BPHM is ready to increase the supply, especially crude oil, while the current supply of Handil Mix Crude type is around 17,000 barrels per day (bpd).

"We will open lots of new Handil wells. The additional production I do not know, Field Handil mostly gas wells. Some will contribute to oil. This will depend on the gas well that donates the condensate. That will definitely rise significantly, "explained Vice President of Well Construction and Intervention (WCI) PT PHM, Anto Suryananto

He said it had to pursue the target 69 drilling wells this year. Work plans and budgets (WP & B) are targeted at 42,010 bpd and 916 mmscfd per day (MMscfd) for gas.

Previously, Pertamina spent US $ 1.8 billion to finance production operations in the formerly named Mahakam Block. In addition to drilling, the company conducted work over 132 wells and repair of 5,623 wells.

"One of our wells has been completed [by 2018], then 14 wells have been completed last year, and we plan to drill many wells, [totaling] 69 wells this year," he said.

A total of 14 previous wells were the result of a collaboration between PHM and Total E & P Indonesie (TEPI) in a series of government programs with a total of 15 wells already in production. The Company is also seeking efficiency improvements in several production facilities.

"So far the efficiency is good so it must be maintained so as not to affect production. Besides also speed up the process. well maintenance is also done, "he said.

Anto expressed the biggest obstacle in the field at this time is the decrease in production naturally.

"Every drilled reservoir must have natural decline, therefore it is difficult to answer (production) because it depends on the decline," he explained.

The oil to be produced is projected to meet the supply of domestic refineries. Previously, Bambang Manumayoso, Director of Pertamina Hulu Indonesia (PHI) did not refuse if the current condition of WK Mahakam is not as good as it used to be because of the old reservoir.

"It's not so promising," he said.

Furthermore, he said the economic solution not only rely on one field, but 5-6 field ahead to get around the economic problem.

"We must quickly find new drilling points," he said.

Separately, SKK Migas fully supports efforts to increase this production. Shipments of 150,000 barrels of crude oil from Senipah terminal should be continued in the current Mahakam Block condition.

"We expect the production and lifting can be maintained," said Public Relation SKK Migas Kalimantan Sulawesi Damar Setyawan.

Associated with the production of gas from the wells in the working area of Mahakam to date continue to flow to PT Badak refinery in Bontang to be processed into LNG. It has not calculated the number of production wells that have been in production this 2018.

"Yes, if for gas continue to produce, sales later without going through the shipping process like this," he explained.

Based on data from SKK Migas, as of November 2017, WK produced oil and condensate of 52,000 barrels per day (bpd) and 1,360 MMscfd of gas


PHM Andalkan Handil

Manajemen PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM) memastikan akan mengebor sumur baru di Lapangan Handil, satu dari wilayah kerja Mahakam. BPHM siap meningkatkan pasokan terutama minyak mentah, sementara itu saat ini pasokan jenis Handil Mix Crude berkisar 17.000 barel per hari (bph).

“Kami akan banyak membuka sumur Handil baru. Tambahan produksinya saya belum tahu, Lapangan Handil kebanyakan sumur gas. Beberapa akan berkontribusi terhadap minyak. lni akan bergantung pada sumur gas yang menyumbangkan kondensatnya. Yang pasti akan naik signifikan," jelas Vice President Well Construction dan Intervention (WCI) PT PHM, Anto Suryananto 

Dia mengatakan pihaknya harus mengejar target 69 pengeboran sumur sepanjang tahun ini. Dalam rencana kerja dan anggaran (WP&B) ditarget sebesar 42.010 bph dan 916 juta kaki kubik per hari (MMscfd) untuk gas. 

Sebelumnya, Pertamina mengeluarkan dana US$ 1,8 miliar untuk membiayai operasi produksi di wilayah yang dulu bernama Blok Mahakam itu. Selain pengeboran, perseroan melakukan work over 132 sumur, dan perbaikan terhadap 5.623 sumur. 

"Satu sumur kami pastikan telah selesai [ per 2018], lalu 14 sumur sudah selesai tahun lalu. Rencananya kami akan mengebor banyak sumur, [totalnya] 69 sumur tahun ini,” katanya.

Sebanyak 14 sumur yang terdahulu merupakan hasil kolaborasi PHM dengan Total E&P Indonesie (TEPI) dalam rangkaian program alih kelola dengan total sebanyak 15 sumur telah berproduksi. Perseroan juga mengupayakan peningkatan efisiensi di beberapa fasilitas produksi. 

“Selama ini efisiensi sudah bagus sehingga harus dipertahankan agar tidak berdampak ke produksi. Selain juga mempercepat proses. perawatan sumur juga dikerjakan,” ungkapnya.

Anto mengutarakan kendala terbesar di lapangan saat ini adalah penurunan produksi secara alamiah. 

"Setiap reservoir yang dibor pasti mengalami natural dedine, oleh karena itu sulit untuk dijawab (produksi) karena bergantung pada dedine itu,” jelasnya.

Minyak yang akan diproduksi diproyeksikan untuk memenuhi pasokan kilang dalam negeri. Sebelumnya, Bambang Manumayoso Direktur Pertamina Hulu Indonesia (PHI) tidak menolak jika kondisi WK Mahakam saat ini tidak sebaik dulu karena reservoir yang sudah tua. 

“Ini sudah kurang begitu menjanjikan," ujarnya.

Lebih jauh, dia mengatakan solusi keekonomian tidak hanya mengandalkan satu field, melainkan 5-6 field ke depannya untuk menyiasati persoalan keekonomian itu. 

“Kami mesti cepat menemukan titik-titik pengeboran yang baru,” sebutnya.

Secara terpisah, SKK Migas mendukung penuh upaya peningkatan produksi ini. Pengapalan sebanyak 150.000 barel crude oil dari terminal Senipah mesti dilanjutkan di saat kondisi Blok Mahakam saat ini.

“Kami berharap produksi dan lifting dapat dipertahankan,” kata Humas SKK Migas Kalimantan Sulawesi Damar Setyawan.

Terkait dengan produksi gas dari sumur-sumur di wilayah kerja Mahakam sampai saat ini terus mengalir ke kilang PT Badak di Bontang untuk diolah menjadi LNG. Pihaknya belum menghitung berapa jumlah produksi sumur yang sudah berproduksi 2018 ini.

“Ya, kalau untuk gas terus berproduksi, penjualan nantinya tanpa melalui proses pengapalan seperti ini," jelasnya.

Berdasarkan data pihaknya SKK Migas, per November 2017, WK memproduksi minyak dan kondensat sebesar 52.000 barel per hari (bph) dan 1.360 MMscfd gas.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Monday 15, 2018

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