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Thursday, January 18, 2018

Shrinking Oil and Gas Reserves

The replacement ratio of oil and gas reserves in 2017 only reached 55.33% below the target of 60%. Thus, the realization of oil and gas reserve replacement ratio in 2017 is only 92.2% and the target.

The Reserve Replacement Ratio (RRR) ratio is a comparison between the discovery of new oil and gas reserves and oil and gas reserves produced. With so realization of oil and gas reserves reached 92.2% of the target.

With a reserve replacement ratio of 55.33%, it means that the discovery of new oil and gas reserves is only 55.33% of total oil and gas produced in 2017. Based on data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Indonesia's oil and gas reserves in 2017 did not reach the target.

However, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is still optimistic that the gross profit sharing scheme could increase the exploration activities that could add oil and gas reserves this year.

Ego Syahrial

The implementer of the task Director General of Oil and Gas Ministry of ESDM Ego Syahrial admitted that the discovery of new oil and gas wells did not increase so that the target of replacement ratio of oil and gas reserves last year was not achieved.

"So, supposing, we are suctioning a barrel, but the replacement is only 0.6 barrels. So, there is indeed a decrease in production, "he said.

On the other hand, Deputy Head of SKK Migas Sukandar also briefly explained that the target of unexpected oil and gas reserves is also related to the unplanned plan of development (POD) in 2017. The three unfinished oil and gas development plans in 2017 will be completed this year.

"Of the three PoD results are good, can add 3 tcf [trillion cubic feet / trillion cubic feet]," he said.

Ego explained, the target substitution of oil and gas reserves is not achieved does not mean the oil and gas reserves in the country is up. The reason is, Indonesia still has 128 oil and gas basins, and only 45% have been explored optimally.

'"The majority of potential oil and gas reserves are located in eastern Indonesia which until now has not been done," he said.

He said that with policy changes such as profit sharing contracts with cost recovery returns to gross splits are expected to intensify exploration activities along with more efficient contractor performance.

Director of Upstream Oil and Gas Supervision at the Ministry of ESDM Tunggal said the government hopes that the RRR target could be above 100%, but to be able to achieve it depends on exploration activities to find new oil and gas reserves.


Cadangan Migas Menyusut

Rasio pengganti cadangan minyak dan gas bumi sepanjang 2017 hanya teralisasi 55,33 % di bawah target 60%. Dengan begitu realisasi rasio pengganti cadangan migas pada 2017 hanya sebesar 92,2% dan target.

Rasio penggantian cadangan migas atau Reserve Replacement Ratio (RRR) merupakan perbandingan antara penemuan cadangan migas baru dan cadangan migas yang diproduksi. Dengan begitu realisasi cadangan migas mencapai 92,2% dari target.

Dengan tingkat rasio pengganti cadangan sebesar 55,33%, artinya penemuan baru cadangan migas hanya 55,33% dari total migas yang diproduksi pada 2017. Berdasarkan data Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), realisasi cadangan migas Indonesia pada 2017 tidak mencapai target.

Namun, Kementerian ESDM masih optimis dengan skema kontrak bagi hasil kotor atau gross split bisa meningkatkan kegiatan eksplorasi yang bisa menambah cadangan migas pada tahun ini.

Pelaksana tugas (PLt) Dirjen Migas Kementerian ESDM Ego Syahrial mengakui, bahwa penemuan sumur migas baru tidak bertambah banyak sehingga target rasio pengganti cadangan migas pada tahun lalu tidak tercapai.

“Jadi, ibaratnya, kita sedot 1 barel, tetapi penggantinya hanya 0,6 barel. Jadi, memang ada penurunan produksi," ujarnya.

Di sisi lain, Wakil Kepala SKK Migas Sukandar pun sempat menjelaskan target cadangan migas yang tidak tercapai itu juga terkait dengan adanya tiga rencana pengembangan (plan of development/POD) yang tidak terealisasi pada 2017. Ketiga rencana pengembangan migas yang belum selesai pada 2017 itu akan diselesaikan pada tahun ini.

“Dari tiga PoD itu hasilnya bagus, bisa menambah 3 tcf [trillion cubic feet/triliun kaki kubik],” ujarnya.

Ego menjelaskan, target pengganti cadangan migas tidak tercapai bukan berarti cadangan minyak dan gas di Tanah Air sudah habis. Pasalnya, Indonesia masih memiliki 128 cekungan migas, dan hanya 45% yang sudah dieksplorasi secara maksimal.

'“Mayoritas potensi cadangan migas pun berada di Indonesia bagian timur yang sampai saat ini belum diapa-apakan,” ujarnya.

Dia menyebutkan, dengan adanya perubahan kebijakan seperti kontrak bagi hasil dengan pengembalian biaya operasional (cost recovery) menjadi gross split diharapkan mampu menggiatkan aksi eksplorasi seiring dengan kinerja kontraktor yang lebih efisien.

Direktur Pembinaan Usaha Hulu Migas Kementerian ESDM Tunggal mengatakan, pemerintah berharap agar target RRR bisa di atas 100%, tetapi untuk bisa mencapai itu tergantung dengan kegiatan eksplorasi untuk menemukan cadangan migas baru.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Friday, Jan 12, 2018

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