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Friday, January 19, 2018

SKK Migas Boost Three Fields

SKK Migas to pursue the completion of three unfinished oil and gas field development plans in 2017 could be completed earlier this year. The three plans to develop three oil and gas fields are expected to increase oil and gas reserves in Indonesia by 2018.

Head of Program and Communications Division of SKK Migas Wisnu Prabawa, said the total amount of oil and gas reserves from the three plans of development (POD) amounted to 311.84 million barrels of oil equivalent.

The three oil and gas fields include the Kido Red Smoke, Kasuri Block in West Papua with reserves of 262.52 million barrels of oil equivalent. North West Kenanga Field, Batanghari Block in South Sumatra with a potential reserve of 7.78 million barrels of oil equivalent, and Sinamar Field, South West Bukit Barisan Block in West Sumatra with reserves of 41.511 million barrels of oil equivalent per day.

"Third POD is also expected to increase oil and gas reserves this year," he said.

Earlier, Deputy Chief of SKK Migas Sukandar said the target of oil and gas reserves in 2017 that is not achieved is also related to the completion of three oil and gas field development plans.

"Of the three PoDs it can add 3 tcf / trillion cubic of natural gas reserves."

According to SKK Migas data, the ratio of oil and gas reserve replacement ratio (RRR) in Indonesia in 2017 is at 55.33%, which is still below the target of 60% last year.In this year, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources hopes that the ratio Indonesia's oil and gas reserves could return to 100%.

Director of Upstream Oil and Gas Supervision at the Ministry of ESDM Tunggal said the ESDM Ministry hopes that the target rate of replacement of oil and gas reserves can be above 100%. However, to achieve 100% needs to be accompanied by exploration activities to find new oil and gas reserves.

"Then exploration activities also depend on WP & B [work program & budget] exploration activities that have been discussed and agreed between KKKS [contractor cooperation contract] and SKK Migas."

Ego Syahrial 

Executing the Directorate General of Oil and Gas, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Ego Syahrial said the unexpected oil and gas reserves does not mean that the reserve is exhausted. The reason is, Indonesia still has 128 oil and gas basins, and only 45% have been explored optimally.

Previously, in the past year had projected oil and gas reserves Indonesia could reach 68% or above the target of 60%. However, it can be called if the development of several oil and gas fields at that time was approved by SKK Migas.


SKK Migas Kebut Tiga Lapangan

SKK Migas mengejar penyelesaian tiga rencana pengembangan lapangan minyak dan gas bumi yang tidak rampung pada 2017 bisa diselesaikan pada awal tahun ini. Ketiga rencana pengembangan tiga lapangan migas itu diharapkan bisa menambah cadangan migas di Indonesia pada 2018.

Kepala Divisi Program dan Komunikasi SKK Migas Wisnu Prabawa mengatakan, total jumlah potensi cadangan migas dari tiga rencana pengembangan (plan of development/POD) itu sebesar 311,84 juta barel setara minyak.

Ketiga lapangan migas itu antara lain Asap Merah Kido, Blok Kasuri di Papua Barat dengan potensi cadangan 262,52 juta barel setara minyak. Lapangan North West Kenanga, Blok Batanghari di Sumatra Selatan dengan potensi cadangan 7,78 juta barel setara minyak, dan Lapangan Sinamar, Blok South West Bukit Barisan di Sumatra Barat dengan potensi cadangan 41,511 juta barel setara minyak per hari.

“Ketiga POD itu pun diharapkan dapat menambah cadangan migas pada tahun ini,” ujarnya.

Sebelumnya, Wakil Kepala SKK Migas Sukandar menyebutkan, target cadangan migas pada 2017 yang tidak tercapai juga terkait dengan belum selesainya tiga rencana pengembangan lapangan migas tersebut.

“Dari tiga PoD itu bisa menambah cadangan gas bumi 3 tcf/triliun kaki kubik.”

Menurut data SKK Migas, tingkat rasio penggantian cadangan migas (reserve replacement ratio/RRR] migas di Indonesia sepanjang 2017 berada di level 55,33%. Hasil itu masih di bawah target tahun lalu 60%. Pada tahun ini, Kementerian ESDM berharap agar rasio cadangan migas Indonesia bisa kembali menjadi 100 %.

Direktur Pembinaan Usaha Hulu Migas Kementerian ESDM Tunggal mengatakan, Kementerian ESDM berharap agar target tingkat penggantian cadangan migas bisa di atas 100%. Namun, untuk mencapai 100% perlu dibarengi dengan kegiatan eksplorasi untuk menemukan cadangan migas baru.

“Lalu kegiatan eksplorasi pun tergantung WP&B [work program & budget] kegiatan eksplorasi yang telah dibahas dan disepakati antara KKKS [kontraktor kontrak kerja sama] dan SKK Migas.”

Pelaksana tugas Dirjen Minyak dan Gas Bumi, Kementerian ESDM Ego Syahrial mengatakan, cadangan migas yang tidak tercapai itu bukan berarti cadangan sudah habis. Pasalnya, Indonesia masih memiliki 128 cekungan migas, dan hanya 45% yang sudah dieksplorasi secara maksimal.

Sebelumnya, pada tahun lalu sempat diproyeksikan cadangan migas Indonesia bisa mencapai 68% atau di atas target yang sebesar 60%. Namun, hal itu disebut bisa terjadi kalau pengembangan beberapa lapangan migas saat itu disetujui oleh SKK Migas.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Thusday, Jan 18, 2018

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