The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) revoked 32 regulations to increase investment in this sector. For the oil and gas sector, for example, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources targets an increase in investment of 67.38% to US $ 17.04 billion or around Rp 228.9 trillion this year.
ESDM Minister Ignatius Jonan said, according to President Joko Widodo's direction, his side is trying to encourage investment to support economic growth and job creation. The reason, although macro indicators continue to improve, the national economic growth is still at 5.2% level.
"This (economic growth) to be higher, one of them by reducing licensing, reducing regulations that are seen to encourage business activities and investing, especially from the business sector for the longer the better," said Jonan.
He explained that in total there are 32 regulations in ESDM sector revoked. There are 11 regulations in the oil and gas sector, 4 electrical regulations, 7 mineral and coal regulations (minerba), 7 New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE) regulations, and 3 regulations of the Special Operations Unit for Upstream Business Activities Oil and Gas (SKK Migas). As a result, many licenses based on these rules will be removed.
"This will continue to be done, not just 32 regulations. Maybe in the next 1-2 weeks will be reduced again so that the longer the business activities the better, "said Jonan.
Secretary General concurrently Acting Director General of Oil and Gas Directorate General of ESDM Ego Syahrial explains, there are three principles that it holds in revoking the rules. First, for matters of the nature of the Constitution (the Constitution), will not be revoked. Secondly, all security-related regulations will also not be revoked. Thirdly, Regulations on governance will also be maintained.
"Beyond that, which is not relevant to the development, Zaman, which allegedly has been hindering the business world to get permission and so on, we pull out," he said.
In the oil and gas sector, some regulations are revoked because they are irrelevant or there are new regulations governing the details. Some of these regulations, namely Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation 8/2005 have been regulated in more detail in Ministerial Regulation 52/2017, 44/2005 and Ministerial Regulation 26/2006 has been updated in detail in Presidential Regulation 191/2014, Ministerial Regulation 22/2008 has been regulated in detail in Government Regulation 27/2017, and Ministerial Regulation 22/2016 is included in Ministerial Regulation 35/2016.
However, there are regulations that are revoked. Some of these regulations are Ministerial Regulation 51/2017 on the Guidance and Governance of State Property on Upstream Oil and Gas Activities and Ministerial Regulation 2/2008 on. Implementation of Obligation of Fulfillment of Domestic Oil and Gas Needs by Cooperation Contract Contractor (KKKS).
"In addition to revoked (regulations), in a week we will try to simplify the six regulations into three," said Ego.
The same is true in the minerals and coal sectors. According to the Director General of Minerba Bambang Gatot, Minister of Mining and Energy Decree 2555.K / 1993, 1614/2004, 134.K / 201 / MPE / 1996, and 2202.K / 201 / MPE / 1994 revoked because it is irrelevant and has been replaced become Ministerial Regulation 34/2017 on Licensing of Mineral and Coal Field.
Subsequently, the Decree of the Minister of Mining and Energy 135.K / 201 / MPE / 1996, 103.K / 008 / MPE / 1994, and 620.K / 008 / MPE / 1994 was revoked in light of new regulations. Furthermore, it will also simplify some rules, namely by combining or eliminating certain regulations.
"At least another week, maybe we will issue a Ministerial Regulation upstream, which is more or less to remove the six rules," he said.
In EBTKE sector, Director General of EBTKE Rida Mulyana said, four regulations were revoked because they are no longer relevant to be implemented. These four regulations are Regulation of the Minister of EMR 13/2013, 14/2016, 11/2009, and 18/2012. While the three Ministerial Regulations, namely Minister Regulation 19/2015, 19/2016, and 21/2016 revoked because it has been issued Ministerial Regulation 50/2017.
"For Ministerial Regulation 11/2009 and 18/2012 will be accommodated in the Ministerial Regulation of the amendment," said Rida.
While in the electricity sector, four regulations are revoked because there is already Law no. 30 of 2009 which regulates it. These four regulations are Regulation of the Minister of Mines and Energy 03.P / 451 / M. PE / 1991 and 02.P / 451 / M.PE / 1991, and Minister of EMR Regulation 33/2008 and 04 / 2012. Previously, 11 regulations in the electricity sector have been revoked.
Next, in the SKK Migas environment, the three regulations that were revoked were the Governance Regulation (PTK) 12/2007, 13/2007, and 37/2017.
Contacted separately, the Chairman of Indonesia Mining Institute Irwandy Arif hopes the mining process will run better with the elimination or merging of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation. He mentioned a number of regulations related to the Contract of Work (CoW) and Working Agreement on Coal Mining Concession (PKP2B) is no longer relevant. The reason is, there is a contract amendment has been signed.
"The most important thing is the implementation of the regulation (de facto) with its own rules (de jure) must be appropriate and timely," he said.
Meanwhile, Daily Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Private Electric Manufacturers (APLSI) Arthur Simatupang said, it is still reviewing a number of ministerial regulations ESDM. However, he has not disclosed any rules. Later, the results of the study will be submitted to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.
"We want to propose some input," he said.
Oil and Gas Investment
The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources targets oil and gas sector investment this year to reach US $ 17.04 billion, up 67.38 percent from last year's realization of US $ 10.18 billion. Significant increase occurred in downstream oil and gas from US $ 845.58 million to US $ 2.59 billion.
Ego Syahrial previously acknowledged that the realization of investment in the oil and gas sector is at its lowest point in 2017, due to falling crude oil prices. However, this year, oil and gas investment is expected to return the same as in 2014-2015. The realization of oil and gas investment reached US $ 20.72 billion in 2015 and fell to US $ 17.38 billion in 2014.
"In 2018, we plan upstream and downstream oil and gas investment of US $ 17.04 billion, returning to the level in 2014-2015," he said.
Meanwhile, the government set five companies as the winners of the 15 oil and gas block auction 2017 period using the production sharing contract (PSC) for gross split for the first time.
From this auction, the government obtained the first three year investment commitment of US $ 23.6 million. Deputy Minister of EMR Arcandra Tahar said many companies still have doubts about the gross split PSC. Some companies even ask for time to discuss these new scheme contracts together including large corporations. However, through this auction is seen there are oil and gas companies interested in doing business with gross split scheme.
"There are five companies that declare interest to run the business in the oil and gas industry of Indonesia," said Arcandra after the announcement of the winning bidder of oil and gas blocks in Jakarta.
The gross split mechanism applies to new contracts or extended contracts. Thus, old contracts still use cost recovery mechanism.
Pertamina became the first company to use gross splits last year for the ONWJ oil and gas block because the coincidence of his contract expired last year and extended. This is also an example for other companies. Then, this year there are five winners of oil and gas auction which will use gross split mechanism because of new contract. So, in total there are 6 companies that have used gross split.
Ego Syahrial explains, until the deadline of the submission of the bidding document, there are seven competing that writes five blocks of oil and gas. The main competition for the Andaman Block ll, where there are three companies fighting over it.
"The total commitment value of the five oil and gas blocks is US $ 23.6 million. While the signature bonuses obtained US $ 3.25 million, "he said.
The Andaman II Block was won by Premier Oil Consortium Far East Ltd, Kriss Energy (Andaman Il) BY and Mubadala Petroleum (Andaman Il JSA) Ltd. Mubadala pledged the first three-year commitment to 3D G & G and 3D seismic activities totaling 1,850 square kilometers (km2) worth US $ 7.55 million. While the signature bonus is given US $ 1 million.
He explained that in total there are 32 regulations in ESDM sector revoked. There are 11 regulations in the oil and gas sector, 4 electrical regulations, 7 mineral and coal regulations (minerba), 7 New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE) regulations, and 3 regulations of the Special Operations Unit for Upstream Business Activities Oil and Gas (SKK Migas). As a result, many licenses based on these rules will be removed.
"This will continue to be done, not just 32 regulations. Maybe in the next 1-2 weeks will be reduced again so that the longer the business activities the better, "said Jonan.
Secretary General concurrently Acting Director General of Oil and Gas Directorate General of ESDM Ego Syahrial explains, there are three principles that it holds in revoking the rules. First, for matters of the nature of the Constitution (the Constitution), will not be revoked. Secondly, all security-related regulations will also not be revoked. Thirdly, Regulations on governance will also be maintained.
"Beyond that, which is not relevant to the development, Zaman, which allegedly has been hindering the business world to get permission and so on, we pull out," he said.
In the oil and gas sector, some regulations are revoked because they are irrelevant or there are new regulations governing the details. Some of these regulations, namely Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation 8/2005 have been regulated in more detail in Ministerial Regulation 52/2017, 44/2005 and Ministerial Regulation 26/2006 has been updated in detail in Presidential Regulation 191/2014, Ministerial Regulation 22/2008 has been regulated in detail in Government Regulation 27/2017, and Ministerial Regulation 22/2016 is included in Ministerial Regulation 35/2016.
However, there are regulations that are revoked. Some of these regulations are Ministerial Regulation 51/2017 on the Guidance and Governance of State Property on Upstream Oil and Gas Activities and Ministerial Regulation 2/2008 on. Implementation of Obligation of Fulfillment of Domestic Oil and Gas Needs by Cooperation Contract Contractor (KKKS).
"In addition to revoked (regulations), in a week we will try to simplify the six regulations into three," said Ego.
The same is true in the minerals and coal sectors. According to the Director General of Minerba Bambang Gatot, Minister of Mining and Energy Decree 2555.K / 1993, 1614/2004, 134.K / 201 / MPE / 1996, and 2202.K / 201 / MPE / 1994 revoked because it is irrelevant and has been replaced become Ministerial Regulation 34/2017 on Licensing of Mineral and Coal Field.
Subsequently, the Decree of the Minister of Mining and Energy 135.K / 201 / MPE / 1996, 103.K / 008 / MPE / 1994, and 620.K / 008 / MPE / 1994 was revoked in light of new regulations. Furthermore, it will also simplify some rules, namely by combining or eliminating certain regulations.
"At least another week, maybe we will issue a Ministerial Regulation upstream, which is more or less to remove the six rules," he said.
In EBTKE sector, Director General of EBTKE Rida Mulyana said, four regulations were revoked because they are no longer relevant to be implemented. These four regulations are Regulation of the Minister of EMR 13/2013, 14/2016, 11/2009, and 18/2012. While the three Ministerial Regulations, namely Minister Regulation 19/2015, 19/2016, and 21/2016 revoked because it has been issued Ministerial Regulation 50/2017.
"For Ministerial Regulation 11/2009 and 18/2012 will be accommodated in the Ministerial Regulation of the amendment," said Rida.
While in the electricity sector, four regulations are revoked because there is already Law no. 30 of 2009 which regulates it. These four regulations are Regulation of the Minister of Mines and Energy 03.P / 451 / M. PE / 1991 and 02.P / 451 / M.PE / 1991, and Minister of EMR Regulation 33/2008 and 04 / 2012. Previously, 11 regulations in the electricity sector have been revoked.
Next, in the SKK Migas environment, the three regulations that were revoked were the Governance Regulation (PTK) 12/2007, 13/2007, and 37/2017.
Contacted separately, the Chairman of Indonesia Mining Institute Irwandy Arif hopes the mining process will run better with the elimination or merging of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation. He mentioned a number of regulations related to the Contract of Work (CoW) and Working Agreement on Coal Mining Concession (PKP2B) is no longer relevant. The reason is, there is a contract amendment has been signed.
"The most important thing is the implementation of the regulation (de facto) with its own rules (de jure) must be appropriate and timely," he said.
Meanwhile, Daily Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Private Electric Manufacturers (APLSI) Arthur Simatupang said, it is still reviewing a number of ministerial regulations ESDM. However, he has not disclosed any rules. Later, the results of the study will be submitted to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.
"We want to propose some input," he said.
Oil and Gas Investment
The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources targets oil and gas sector investment this year to reach US $ 17.04 billion, up 67.38 percent from last year's realization of US $ 10.18 billion. Significant increase occurred in downstream oil and gas from US $ 845.58 million to US $ 2.59 billion.
Ego Syahrial previously acknowledged that the realization of investment in the oil and gas sector is at its lowest point in 2017, due to falling crude oil prices. However, this year, oil and gas investment is expected to return the same as in 2014-2015. The realization of oil and gas investment reached US $ 20.72 billion in 2015 and fell to US $ 17.38 billion in 2014.
"In 2018, we plan upstream and downstream oil and gas investment of US $ 17.04 billion, returning to the level in 2014-2015," he said.
Meanwhile, the government set five companies as the winners of the 15 oil and gas block auction 2017 period using the production sharing contract (PSC) for gross split for the first time.
From this auction, the government obtained the first three year investment commitment of US $ 23.6 million. Deputy Minister of EMR Arcandra Tahar said many companies still have doubts about the gross split PSC. Some companies even ask for time to discuss these new scheme contracts together including large corporations. However, through this auction is seen there are oil and gas companies interested in doing business with gross split scheme.
"There are five companies that declare interest to run the business in the oil and gas industry of Indonesia," said Arcandra after the announcement of the winning bidder of oil and gas blocks in Jakarta.
The gross split mechanism applies to new contracts or extended contracts. Thus, old contracts still use cost recovery mechanism.
Pertamina became the first company to use gross splits last year for the ONWJ oil and gas block because the coincidence of his contract expired last year and extended. This is also an example for other companies. Then, this year there are five winners of oil and gas auction which will use gross split mechanism because of new contract. So, in total there are 6 companies that have used gross split.
Ego Syahrial explains, until the deadline of the submission of the bidding document, there are seven competing that writes five blocks of oil and gas. The main competition for the Andaman Block ll, where there are three companies fighting over it.
"The total commitment value of the five oil and gas blocks is US $ 23.6 million. While the signature bonuses obtained US $ 3.25 million, "he said.
The Andaman II Block was won by Premier Oil Consortium Far East Ltd, Kriss Energy (Andaman Il) BY and Mubadala Petroleum (Andaman Il JSA) Ltd. Mubadala pledged the first three-year commitment to 3D G & G and 3D seismic activities totaling 1,850 square kilometers (km2) worth US $ 7.55 million. While the signature bonus is given US $ 1 million.
Next, the Andaman Block won by Mubadala Petroleum (SE Asia) Ltd with a definite investment commitment of US $ 2.15 million and a signature bonus of US $ 750 thousand. Furthermore, the Merak-Lampung Block was won by PT Tansri Madjid Energi which promised an investment of US $ 1.32 million and a signature bonus of US $ 500 thousand.
Meanwhile PT Saka Energy won the Pekawai Block and West Yamdena. In Pekawai, Saka Energi promised an investment commitment of US $ 10.45 million and a signature bonus of US $ 500 thousand. While in West Yamdena, investment commitment to be spent of US $ 2.1 million and a signature bonus of US $ 500 thousand. Ego explained, the signing of the PSC with the five winners will be done as soon as possible.
"Usually within 14 days after they receive," he said.
Meanwhile PT Saka Energy won the Pekawai Block and West Yamdena. In Pekawai, Saka Energi promised an investment commitment of US $ 10.45 million and a signature bonus of US $ 500 thousand. While in West Yamdena, investment commitment to be spent of US $ 2.1 million and a signature bonus of US $ 500 thousand. Ego explained, the signing of the PSC with the five winners will be done as soon as possible.
"Usually within 14 days after they receive," he said.
32 Peraturan ESDM Dicabut
Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) mencabut 32 peraturan untuk menaikkan investasi di sektor ini. Untuk sektor migas, misalnya, Kementerian ESDM menargetkan kenaikan investasi sebesar 67,38% menjadi US$ 17,04 miliar atau sekitar Rp 228,9 triliun pada tahun ini.
Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan mengatakan, sesuai arahan Presiden Joko Widodo, pihaknya berupaya mendorong investasi untuk mendukung pertumbuhan ekonomi dan penciptaan lapangan kerja. Pasalnya, meski indikator makro terus membaik, pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional masih bertahan di level 5,2%.
“Ini (pertumbuhan ekonomi) agar bisa lebih tinggi, salah satunya dengan mengurangi perizinan, mengurangi peraturan yang dipandang bisa mendorong kegiatan berusaha dan berinvestasi, terutama dari sektor usaha agar makin lama makin baik,” kata Jonan.
Dia menjelaskan, total terdapat 32 peraturan di sektor ESDM yang dicabut. Rinciannya, sebanyak 11 peraturan di sektor minyak dan gas bumi (migas), 4 peraturan kelistrikan, 7 peraturan mineral dan batubara (minerba) , 7 peraturan Energi Baru Terbarukan dan Konservasi Energi (EBTKE), dan 3 peraturan Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Migas (SKK Migas).
Dampaknya, banyak perizinan yang didasari atas peraturan-peraturan tersebut akan dihapus.
“Ini akan terus dilakukan, bukan hanya 32 peraturan. Mungkin dalam 1-2 minggu lagi akan dikurangi lagi supaya semakin lama kegiatan usaha itu semakin baik,” jelas Jonan.
Sekretaris Jenderal merangkap Pelaksana Tugas Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM Ego Syahrial menjelaskan, terdapat tiga prinsip yang dipegang pihaknya dalam mencabut peraturan. Pertama, untuk hal-hal yang sifatnya amanat Undang-Undang Dasar (UUD) , tidak akan dicabut. Kedua, seluruh peraturan yang terkait keamanan juga tidak akan dicabut. Ketiga, Regulasi tentang governance juga akan dipertahankan.
“Di luar itu, yang sifatnya sudah tidak relevan dengan perkembangan, Zaman, yang ditengarai selama ini menghambat dunia usaha untuk mendapat izin dan lain sebagainya, kami cabut,” kata dia.
Di sektor migas, beberapa peraturan dicabut karena sudah tidak relevan atau ada peraturan baru yang mengatur lebih detail. Beberapa regulasi ini yakni Peraturan Menteri ESDM 8/2005 sudah diatur lebih rinci dalam Peraturan Menteri 52/2017, 44/2005 dan Peraturan Menteri 26/2006 telah diperbarui dengan detail dalam Peraturan Presiden 191/2014, Peraturan Menteri 22/2008 telah diatur dengan rinci dalam Peraturan Pemerintah 27/2017, serta Peraturan Menteri 22/2016 masuk dalam Peraturan Menteri 35/2016.
Meski demikian, ada regulasi yang memang dicabut saja. Beberapa regulasi ini adalah Peraturan Menteri 51/2017 tentang Pembinaan dan Tata Kelola Barang Milik Negara pada Kegiatan Hulu Migas dan Peraturan Menteri 2/2008 tentang. Pelaksanaan Kewajiban Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Migas Dalam Negeri oleh Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS).
“Selain dicabut (peraturan-peraturan), dalam seminggu kami akan usahakan sederhanakan enam peraturan menjadi tigas,” tutur Ego.
Hal yang sama juga terjadi di sektor mineral dan batubara. Menurut Direktur Jenderal Minerba Bambang Gatot, Keputusan Menteri Pertambangan dan Energi 2555.K/1993, 1614/2004, 134.K/201/MPE/ 1996, dan 2202.K/201/MPE/ 1994 dicabut karena sudah tidak relevan dan telah diganti menjadi Peraturan Menteri 34/2017 tentang Perizinan Bidang mineral dan batubara.
Berikutnya, Keputusan Menteri Pertambangan dan Energi 135.K/201/MPE/ 1996, 103.K/ 008/ MPE/ 1994, dan 620.K/ 008/ MPE/ 1994 dicabut mengingat sudah ada regulasi baru. Selanjutnya, pihaknya juga akan menyederhanakan beberapa peraturan, yakni dengan menggabungkan atau menghilangkan regulasi tertentu.
“Paling lama seminggu lagi, mungkin kami akan menerbitkan Peraturan Menteri yang bagian hulu, yang kurang lebih menghapus enam peraturan,” ujar dia.
Di sektor EBTKE, Direktur Jenderal EBTKE Rida Mulyana menuturkan, empat peraturan dicabut karena tidak relevan lagi untuk diimplementasikan. Keempat regulasi ini adalah Peraturan Menteri ESDM 13/2013, 14/2016, 11/2009, dan 18/2012. Sementara tiga Peraturan Menteri, yakni Peraturan Menteri 19/2015, 19/2016, dan 21/2016 dicabut karena sudah diterbitkan Peraturan Menteri 50/ 2017.
“Untuk Peraturan Menteri 11/2009 dan 18/2012 nanti akan diakomodir di Peraturan Menteri perubahannya,” kata Rida.
Sementara di sektor kelistrikan, empat peraturan dicabut karena sudah ada Undang-Undang No. 30 Tahun 2009 yang mengaturnya. Keempat regulasi ini adalah Peraturan Menteri Pertambangan dan Energi 03.P/451/M. PE/1991 dan 02.P/451/M.PE/1991, serta Peraturan Menteri ESDM 33/2008 dan 04/ 2012. Sebelumnya, 11 peraturan di sektor kelistrikan telah dicabut.
Berikutnya, di lingkungan SKK Migas, tiga regulasi yang dicabut adalah Peraturan Tata Kelola (PTK) 12/ 2007, 13/ 2007, serta 37/ 2017.
Lebih Baik
Dihubungi terpisah, Ketua Indonesia Mining Institute lrwandy Arif berharap proses pertambangan berjalan lebih baik dengan adanya penghapusan maupun penggabungan Peraturan Menteri ESDM. Dia menyebut sejumlah peraturan terkait Kontrak Karya (KK) dan Perjanjian Karya Pengusahaan Pertambangan Batubara (PKP2B) memang sudah tidak relevan lagi. Pasalnya, sudah ada amendemen kontrak yang telah ditandatangani.
“Yang paling penting adalah implementasi peraturan tersebut (de facto) dengan peraturannya sendiri (de jure) harus sesuai dan tepat waktu,” ujar dia.
Sementara itu, Ketua Harian Asosiasi Produsen Listrik Swasta Indonesia (APLSI) Arthur Simatupang menuturkan, pihaknya masih mengkaji sejumlah peraturan menteri ESDM. Namun, dia belum membeberkan peraturan mana saja. Nantinya, hasil kajian tersebut akan diserahkan ke Kementerian ESDM.
“Kita ingin propose beberapa masukan,” ujarnya.
Investasi Migas
Kementerian ESDM menargetkan investasi sektor minyak dan gas bumi tahun ini mencapai US$ 17,04 miliar, naik 67,38% dari realisasi tahun lalu sebesar US$ 10,18 miliar. Kenaikan signifikan terjadi di hilir migas dari US$ 845,58 juta menjadi US$ 2,59 miliar.
Ego Syahrial sebelumnya mengakui, realisasi investasi sektor migas berada di titik terendah pada 2017, karena jatuhnya harga minyak mentah. Namun, pada tahun ini, investasi migas diharapkan kembali sama seperti pada 2014-2015. Realisasi investasi migas tercatat mencapai US$ 20,72 miliar pada 2015 dan turun menjadi US$ 17,38 miliar pada 2014.
“Di 2018 ini, kami rencanakan investasi hulu dan hilir migas sebesar US$ 17,04 miliar, kembali ke level pada 2014-2015 lalu,” kata dia.
Sementara itu, pemerintah menetapkan lima perusahaan sebagai pemenang dari lelang 15 blok migas periode 2017 yang menggunakan skema kontrak kerja sama (production sharing contract/PSC) bagi hasil kotor (gross split) untuk pertama kalinya.
Dari lelang ini, pemerintah memperoleh komitmen investasi tiga tahun pertama sebesar US$ 23,6 juta. Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, banyak perusahaan yang masih memiliki keraguan dengan PSC gross split. Beberapa perusahaan bahkan sampai meminta waktu untuk mendiskusikan kontrak skema baru ini bersama-sama termasuk perusahaan besar. Meski demikian, melalui lelang ini terlihat terdapat perusahaan migas yang tertarik berbisnis dengan skema gross split.
“Ada lima perusahaan yang menyatakan berminat untuk menjalankan bisnis di industri migas lndonesia," kata Arcandra usai pengumuman pemenang lelang blok migas di Jakarta.
Mekanisme gross split diterapkan untuk kontrak baru atau kontrak yangg diperpanjang. Jadi, kontrak-kontrak lama masih memakai mekanisme cost recovery.
Pertamina menjadi perusahaan pertama yang menggunakan gross split tahun lalu untuk blok migas ONWJ karena kebetulan kontraknya habis tahun lalu dan diperpanjang. Ini sekaligus menjadi contoh bagi perusahaan lain. Lalu, tahun ini ada lima pemenang lelang migas yang akan menggunakan mekanisme gross split karena kontrak baru. Sehingga, total ada 6 perusahaan yang sudah menggunakan gross split.
Ego Syahrial menjelaskan, sampai batas akhir pemasukkan dokumen penawaran, terdapat tujuh bersaing yang memperbutkan lima blok migas. Persaingan utamanya untuk Blok Andaman ll, di mana terdapat tiga perusahaan yang memperebutkannya.
“Total nilai komitinen pasti dari kelima blok migas yang dimenangkan yakni US$ 23,6 juta. Sementara bonus tanda tangan yang diperoleh US$ 3,25 juta,” ujarnya.
Blok Andaman II dimenangkan oleh Konsorsium Premier Oil Far East Ltd, Kriss Energy (Andaman Il) BY dan Mubadala Petroleum (Andaman Il JSA) Ltd. Mubadala menjanjikan komitmen pasti tiga tahun pertama berupa kegiatan G&G dan seismik 3D seluas 1.850 kilometer persegi (km2) senilai US$ 7,55 juta. Sementara bonus tanda tangan yang diberikan US$ 1 juta.
Berikutnya, Blok Andaman l dimenangkan oleh Mubadala Petroleum (SE Asia) Ltd dengan komitmen pasti investasi US$ 2,15 juta dan bonus tanda tangan US$ 750 ribu. Selanjutnya, Blok Merak-Lampung dimenangkan oleh PT Tansri Madjid Energi yang menjanjikan investasi US$ 1,32 juta dan bonus tanda tangan US$ 500 ribu.
Sementara PT Saka Energi memenangkan Blok Pekawai dan West Yamdena. Di Pekawai, Saka Energi menjanjikan komitmen investasi US$ 10,45 juta dan bonus tanda tangan US$ 500 ribu. Sedangkan di West Yamdena, komitmen investasi yang akan dikeluarkan sebesar US$ 2,1 juta dan bonus tanda tangan US$ 500 ribu. Ego menjelaskan, penandatanganan PSC dengan kelima pemenang akan dilakukan sesegera mungkin.
“Bisanya dalam waktu 14 hari setelah mereka terima,” tutur dia.
Investor Daily, Page-1, Tuesday, Feb 6, 2018
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