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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Citizens May Reject, The reason must be Logical

Tuban Refinery


    Oil Company from Russian Country Rosneft Oil Company does not want safety Tuban refinery equated with Cilacap Refinery, Balikpapan, and Oil and Gas Company in Cepu, therefore the procurement or purchase of land in Mentoso and Ramen Village, Jenu Subdistrict, Tuban Regency, is a request of Pertamina partners in Tuban Refinery.


 Rosneft Oil Company- Russia

"Rosneft wants the safety of the plant is guaranteed," said Head of East Java Provincial Government and Autonomy Bureau, Anom Surahno.

    Anom asserted, Tuban refinery actually already has a location on the east of Pertamina Petrochemical Indotama Refinery (TPPI) owned by Pertamina of 64.9 hectares.

    Since Pertamina's partners demanded that, finally the purchase of land of local residents. Although the purchase of land affects hundreds of heads of households (KK), Anom ensures that the folk pier to the west of the Tanjung Awar-awar Steam Power Plant (PLTU) is maintained. If it is forced to be evicted, East Java Provincial Government requested to be replaced around the location.

"The dock must exist because it is the identity of the people and has historical value," said this bespectacled man.

    There are still residents who are reluctant to release the land, considered Anom as a natural thing. In a democratic country like Indonesia, the team of land acquisition of Tuban refinery will prioritize dialogue. If the first national strategic project should start early, it should now dialogue with the refinery-affected residents.

    There are processes and mechanisms undertaken by the team, starting with the argumentation, forward planning, and asking for security for the sacrificial landowners.

"Do not let them become spectators," he said.

    Post socialization of land acquisition to Remen villagers, next there will be public consultation. That's when there is a dialogue and people are approached by the team and asked whether the correct area is the location of refinery. If it's true how many.

"Citizens may disagree, but must include a logical reason," 'he added.

    East Java Provincial Government does not target when completion of land acquisition. Currently, the socialization process, and late because it should be completed by the end of 2017. Reaffirmed, to be noticed by all parties of Indonesia Fuel Oil stock [BBM] only 10 days. If it had been the 11th day would worry and we are still importing oil. The existence of Tuban refinery will extend the stock of fuel for up to three months.

"We can also reduce imports," he explained.


Warga Boleh Menolak, Alasannya harus Logis

    Perusahaan Minyak berasal dari Negara Rusia Rosneft Oil Company tidak ingin safety Kilang Tuban disamakan dengan Kilang Cilacap, Balikpapan, maupun Perusahaan Migas di Cepu, oleh karena itu pengadaan atau pembelian lahan di Desa Mentoso dan Ramen, Kecamatan Jenu, KabupatenTuban, merupakan permintaan mitra Pertamina di Kilang Tuban.

“Rosneft ingin safety Kilang terjamin,” ujar Kepala Biro Pemerintahan dan Otonomi Daerah Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Timur, Anom Surahno.

    Anom menegaskan, Kilang Tuban sebenarnya sudah memiliki lokasi di sebelah Timur Kilang Trans Pasific Petrochemical Indotama (TPPI) milik Pertamina seluas 64,9 hektare.

    Berhubung mitra Pertamina meminta demikian, akhirnya diadakannya
pembelian lahan warga setempat. Meskipun pembelian lahan berdampak pada ratusan Kepala Keluarga (KK), tapi Anom memastikan dermaga rakyat di sebelah Barat Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) Tanjung Awar-awar tetap dipertahankan. Kalau memang terpaksa digusur, Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Timur meminta diganti sekitar lokasi.

“Dermaga harus ada karena itu merupakan identitas rakyat dan memiliki nilai historis,” kata pria berkacamata ini.

    Masih adanya warga yang enggan melepas lahannya dianggap Anom sebagai hal yang wajar. Di negara demokrasi seperti Indonesia, tim pembelian lahan Kilang Tuban  akan mengedepankan dialog. Jika dulu proyek strategis nasional harus dimulai lebih awal, sekarang harus berdialog dengan warga terdampak kilang.

    Ada proses dan mekanisme yang dilakukan oleh tim, mulai pemaparan argumentasi, rencana ke depan, dan minta jaminan bagi pemilik lahan yang telah berkorban.

“Jangan sampai mereka jadi penonton,” tegasnya.

    Pasca sosialisasi pembebasan lahan ke warga desa Remen, berikutnya akan ada konsultasi publik. Disaat itulah ada dialog dan warga didatangi tim dan ditanya apakah benar wilayah yang bersangkutan menjadi lokasi kilang. Kalau benar luasannya berapa.

“Warga boleh tidak setuju, tapi harus menyertakan alasan yang logis,”‘tambahnya.

    Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Timur tidak menarget kapan selesainya pembelian lahan. Saat ini sedang proses sosialisasi, dan terlambat karena seharusnya selsai akhir 2017. Ditegaskan kembali, yang perlu diperhatikan oleh semua pihak Indonesia stok Bahan Bakar Minyak [BBM] hanya 10 hari.  Kalau sudah hari ke-11 pasti khawatir dan kita masih impor minyak. Adanya Kilang Tuban nantinya akan memperpanjang stok BBM sampai tiga bulan.

“Kita juga bisa mengurangi impor,” jelasnya.

 Bhirawa, Page-5, Tuesday, Feb 6, 2018

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