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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Deregulation of ESDM Fun the President

A number of regulations revoked by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources are considered not valid for this.

    The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) continues to filter the rules considered to be a barrier to investment. After simplifying the 11 electrical rules into one rule, the ESDM Ministry has now revoked 32 more rules.

    The revoked regulation is related to the electricity, oil and gas and mineral and coal sectors. The details are 11 regulations of oil and gas sector, four sectors of electricity, and adds to the list of 11 rules of electricity sector that have been revoked previously.

    In the mineral and coal mining sector, there are seven rules, while the Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE) sector has seven revoked. In addition there are three rules SKK Migas cut.

    The Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Ignatius Jonan, said that the revocation of this regulation was in line with President Joko Widodo's order to smooth the entry of new investment, while encouraging economic growth and creating new jobs.

"One of President Jokowi's directions is to reduce licensing, encourage business activities and invest," said Jonan.

    Jonan promised efforts to trim the investment barrier rules do not stop here. However, he has not yet detailed the advanced rule cuts.

    Secretary General of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Ego Syahrial mentions in principle there are three things that guide the pruning of these investment inhibiting rules. First, the existing rules must be in accordance with the mandate of article 33 of the Constitution. Secondly, the rules must ensure safety and security. He also asserted the government will not revoke the rules concerning safety. Third, the rules concerning the interests of the community are many (class) or concerning good governance.

"We suspect that the 32 rules are inhibiting investment," he said.

    That's why the government continues to simplify the other rules that have been the complaint of potential investors.

It's unused

    The latest effort of the latest ESDM Ministry is still viewed skeptically by businessmen and employers' associations. They believe that deregulation in the EMR Ministry does not guarantee increased investment in the energy and mineral resources sectors.

    Moreover, some of the revoked rules have been revised or no longer valid. As a result, the benefits of deregulation times were questioned. For example, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation no. 19/2015 on Purchase of Electricity from Power Plant (PLTS) with Capacity up to 10 Megawatt (MW) by PLN, and Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation no. 19/2016 on Purchasing of Power from Power Plant. Solar Electricity Photovoltaics by PLN. The two rules are part of 32 rules that are revoked.

    The problem, according to Riza Husni, Chairman of the Association of Water Hydro Power Developers (APPLTA), the two rules that are no longer exist or have not apply. The current regulation is the Minister of EMR Regulation 50/2017.

"The revocation of this rule is only to please President Jokowi, not to improve the investment climate," he said.


Deregulasi ESDM Menyenangkan Presiden

Sejumlah aturan yang dicabut Kementerian ESDM dinilai sudah tidak berlaku selama ini.

    Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) terus memfilter aturan yang dianggap jadi penghambat investasi. Setelah menyederhanakan 11 aturan listrik menjadi satu aturan, kini Kementerian ESDM mencabut 32 aturan lagi.

    Aturan yang dicabut itu terkait dengan sektor ketenagalistrikan, migas serta mineral dan batubara. Perinciannya, 11 peraturan sektor migas, empat sektor ketenagalistrikan, serta menambah daftar 11 aturan sektor kelistrikan yang sudah dicabut sebelumnya.

    Di sektor pertambangan mineral dan batubara, ada tujuh aturan, sedangkan sektor Energi Terbarukan dan Konservasi Energi (EBTKE) ada tujuh yang dicabut. Selain itu ada tiga aturan SKK Migas yang dipotong.

    Menteri ESDM, Ignasius Jonan menyebut, pencabutan aturan ini sesuai dengan perintah Presiden Joko Widodo agar bisa memuluskan masuknya investasi baru, sekaligus mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi dan menciptakan lapangan kerja baru.

“Salah satu arahan Presiden Jokowi agar mengurangi perizinan, mendorong kegiatan berusaha dan berinvestasi," kata Jonan.

    Jonan berjanji upaya pemangkasan aturan penghambat investasi ini tidak berhenti sampai di sini saja. Namun, ia belum memerinci pemangkasan aturan lanjutan.

    Sekretaris Jenderal Kementerian ESDM, Ego Syahrial menyebutkan pada prinsipnya ada tiga hal yang menjadi pedoman pemangkasan aturan-aturan penghambat investasi ini. Pertama, aturan yang ada harus sesuai dengan amanat UUD pasal 33. 

   Kedua, aturan harus menjamin keamanan dan keselamatan. Ia pun menegaskan pemerintah tidak akan mencabut aturan yang menyangkut keselamatan. Ketiga, aturan mengenai kepentingan masyarakat banyak (golongan) atau menyangkut tata kelola yang baik.

"Kami menengarai dari 32 aturan itu menjadi menghambat investasi," katanya.

    Karena itulah kini pemerintah terus menyederhanakan aturan-aturan lain yang selama ini menjadi keluhan calon investor.

Sudah tidak terpakai
    Upaya terbaru Kementerian ESDM terbaru ini masih dilihat skeptis oleh kalangan pengusaha dan asosiasi pengusaha. Mereka menilai, deregulasi di Kementerian ESDM tidak menjamin meningkatkan investasi di sektor energi dan sumber daya mineral.

    Apalagi, sejumlah aturan yang dicabut itu memang sudah direvisi atau tidak berlaku lagi. Alhasil, manfaat deregulasi kali pun dipertanyakan. Sebagai contoh, Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 19/2015 tentang Pembelian Tenaga Listrik dari Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air (PLTS) dengan Kapasitas sampai dengan 10 Megawatt (MW) oleh PLN, dan Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 19/2016 tentang Pembelian Tenaga Listrik dari Pembangkit. Listrik Tenaga Surya Fotovoltaik oleh PLN. Dua aturan itu bagian dari 32 aturan yang dicabut.

    Persoalannya, menurut Riza Husni, Ketua Asosiasi Pengembang Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air (APPLTA), dua aturan itu memang sudah tidak ada lagi atau sudah tidak berlaku. Sebab saat ini yang berlaku adalah Peraturan Menteri ESDM 50/2017.

"Pencabutan aturan ini hanya untuk menyenangkan Presiden Jokowi, bukan untuk memperbaiki iklim investasi, " katanya.

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, Feb 6, 2018

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