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Saturday, February 3, 2018

End of January, Auction Winners of Oil and Gas Block Auction Announced

    The government will announce the winners of the 2017 oil and gas block auction by the end of this month. At this auction, there are five oil and gas blocks that investors are interested in.

"Good news in the near future that the auction is still gross split by the end of this month is over, it will be announced who the winner is," said Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) Archandra Tahar.

    According to him, the government deliberately speed up the auction process that was held since mid-2017 this. Hopefully, with the auction winner announced soon, the exploration of oil and gas blocks offered can be done faster.

"The auction is accelerated to make production faster, so that the exploration process can be accelerated," explained Archandra.

    Previously, Archandra stated that there were 13 companies that accessed 20 documents at auction in 2017. While total oil and gas blocks offered last year, including conventional and non-conventional oil and gas blocks, contain 15 blocks. Of the 15 oil and gas blocks, five blocks are in demand by investors.

    This is evident from the existence of six companies that return the tender documents. In detail, Mubadala Petroleum (SE Asia) Ltd is interested in taking the Andaman I Block. Then, Repsol Exploracion SA, EMP Tbk and Consortium Premiere Oil Far East Ltd, Mubadala Energy (SE Asia), and Kris Energy fight the Andaman II Block. Next, PT Tansri Madjid Energy is eyeing the Merak-Lampung Block. Finally PT Saka Energi Indonesia is interested to work on Pekawai Block and West Yamdena.

    Under the initial plan, after the investor submits the document, the opening of the participation document will be conducted in the second week of January, followed by administrative evaluation and technical document in the third week. Then, the evaluation and assessment of financial documents by the public accounting firm will be conducted from the third week of January to the third week of February.

    Furthermore, the team's recommendations for proposed winners are targeted to be completed by the third week of February. Referring to this schedule, the announcement of the winner of the new work area will be conducted in the fourth week of February. Then proceed with the signing of the contract around March.

    Regarding whether the company that became one-on-one enthusiasts on a particular block will be the winner, Archandra reluctantly replied. "Wait a minute, wait. End of month is announced, accelerated, "he said.

    As for the 2018 auction period, there will be 25 oil and gas blocks to be offered to investors. However, in the exposure to the House of Representatives Commission VII, government data shows there are 40 oil and gas blocks offered this year. But based on the evaluation, Archandra revealed, only 25 oil and gas blocks are interesting to be auctioned.

"Around March 16-17 new auctioned," he said. Unfortunately, he did not specify any of these 25 blocks of oil and gas. Unconventional oil and gas blocks will not be offered as attractive yet with current oil prices.


Akhir Januari, Pemenang Lelang Blok Migas Diumumkan

    Pemerintah akan mengumumkan pemenang lelang blok migas periode 2017 pada akhir bulan ini. Pada lelang ini, terdapat lima blok migas yang diminati oleh investor.

“Good news sebentar lagi yang lelang masih gross split akhir bulan ini selesai, akan diumumkan siapa pemenangnya,” kata Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Archandra Tahar.

    Menurutnya, pemerintah sengaja mempercepat proses lelang yang digelar sejak pertengahan 2017 ini. Harapannya, dengan pemenang lelang segera diumumkan, eksplorasi blok migas yang ditawarkan ini bisa lebih cepat dilakukan.

“Lelang dipercepat supaya produksinya lebih cepat, agar proses eksplorasi bisa dipercepat,” jelas Archandra.

    Sebelumnya, Archandra menyatakan, adanya 13 perusahaan yang mengakses 20 dokumen pada lelang 2017. Sementara total blok migas yang ditawarkan pada tahun lalu, termasuk blok migas konvensional maupun nonkonvensional, terdapat 15 blok. Dari 15 blok migas ini, lima blok diminati oleh investor.

    Hal ini terlihat dari adanya enam perusahaan yang mengembalikan dokumen lelangnya. Rincinya, Mubadala Petroleum (SE Asia) Ltd berminat mengambil Blok Andaman I. Kemudian, Repsol Exploracion SA, EMP Tbk, dan Konsorsium Premiere Oil Far East Ltd, Mubadala Energy (SE Asia), dan Kris Energy memperebutkan Blok Andaman II. Berikutnya, PT Tansri Madjid Energy mengincar Blok Merak-Lampung. Terakhir PT Saka Energi Indonesia berminat menggarap Blok Pekawai dan West Yamdena.

    Berdasarkan rencana awal, setelah investor memasukkan dokumen, pembukaan dokumen partisipasi akan dilakukan pada minggu kedua Januari, dilanjutkan evaluasi administrasi dan dokumen teknis pada minggu ketiga. Kemudian, evaluasi dan penilaian dokumen keuangan oleh kantor akuntan publik akan dilakukan dari minggu ketiga Januari hingga minggu ketiga Februari.

    Selanjutnya, rekomendasi tim untuk usulan penetapan pemenang ditargetkan selesai pada minggu ketiga Februari. Mengacu pada jadwal ini, pengumuman pemenang wilayah kerja baru akan dilakukan pada minggu keempat Februari. Kemudian dilanjutkan penandatanganan kontrak sekitar Maret.

    Terkait apakah perusahaan yang menjadi satu-satu peminat pada blok tertentu akan menjadi pemenang, Arcandra enggan menjawab. “Tunggu dulu, tunggu. Akhir bulan diumumkan, dipercepat,” tuturnya.

    Sementara untuk lelang periode 2018, akan ada 25 blok migas yang akan ditawarkan kepada investor. Namun dalam paparan kepada Komisi VII DPR RI, data pemerintah menunjukkan terdapat 40 blok migas yang ditawarkan pada tahun ini. Namun berdasarkan evaluasi, Arcandra mengungkapkan, hanya 25 blok migas yang menarik untuk dilelang.

“Sekitar 16-17 Maret baru dilelang,” kata dia. Sayangnya, dia tidak merinci mana saja 25 blok migas ini. Blok migas non-konvensional dipastikan tidak akan ditawarkan lantaran belum menarik dengan harga minyak saat ini.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Wednesday, Jan 24, 2018

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