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Monday, February 12, 2018

Pertamina Set Partner Bontang Refinery

    PT Pertamina has made a choice to the consortium of Overseas Oil and Gas LLC in cooperation with Cosmo Oil International Pte Ltd as a prospective partner of the Bontang grass root refinery project.

Overseas Oil and Gas LLC - Oman

    The election of Overseas Oil and Gas LLC is based on several factors that benefit Pertamina. The value of the Bontang refinery project is estimated to reach USD 10 billion or around Rp 130 trillion.

 Cosmo Oil International Pte Ltd - Japan

    Vice President of Pertamina Corporate Communication, Adiatma Sardjito said, the reason for the election of Overseas Oil and Gas LLC because the company is supported directly by Oman Government.

Overseas Oil

    In addition, Pertamina has no obligation as an off-taker (buyer). So Pertamina does not need to buy all the products that will be produced by Bontang refinery which will produce gasoline of 300,000 barrels in 2025. 

     Instead Pertamina has the opportunity to sell products produced Bontang Refinery overseas. Moreover, Overseas Oil and Gas LLC took the Cosmo Oil trading company.

"With this partnership Pertamina is not obliged to buy all its products, but Pertamina can gain cooperation to market outside," said Adiatma.


Pertamina Tetapkan Mitra Kilang Bontang

    PT Pertamina menetapkan pilihan kepada konsorsium Overseas Oil and Gas LLC yang bekerjasama dengan Cosmo Oil International Pte Ltd sebagai Calon mitra proyek grass root refinery Bontang.

    Terpilihnya Overseas Oil and Gas LLC berdasarkan beberapa faktor yang menguntungkan Pertamina. Nilai proyek kilang Bontang ini diperkirakan akan mencapai USD 10 miliar atau sekitar Rp 130 triliun.

    Vice Presiden Corporate Communication Pertamina, Adiatma Sardjito menyebutkan, alasan terpilihnya Overseas Oil and Gas LLC karena perusahaan tersebut didukung langsung oleh Pemeritah Oman.

Overseas Oil

    Selain itu, Pertamina tidak memiliki kewajiban sebagai off-taker (pembeli). Sehingga Pertamina tidak perlu membeli semua produk yang nanti dihasilkan oleh kilang Bontang yang akan memproduksi gasolin sebesar 300.000 barel pada tahun 2025. 

    Justru Pertamina memiliki kesempatan untuk menjual produk yang dihasilkan Kilang Bontang ke luar negeri. Apalagi Overseas Oil and Gas LLC menggandeng perusahaan trading Cosmo Oil.

"Dengan kerjasama ini Pertamina tidak wajib membeli semua produknya. Tapi Pertamina dapat keuntungan kerja sama untuk memasarkan di luar," kata Adiatma.

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, Jan 31, 2018

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