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Saturday, February 3, 2018

ESDM Auctioned 25 Unexpected Oil and Gas Blocks

    Investors want investment certainty in running upstream oil and gas projects

    The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) stated that it will only conduct an oil and gas block auction (25 oil and gas blocks) in 2018. In fact, before the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources will hold auction as many as 40 oil and gas blocks that do not sell at auction a few years back.
 Archandra Tahar

    The decision only auctioned 25 oil and gas blocks because of the results of the evaluation the rest is not attractive to oil and gas contractors. The plan, the auction of 25 blocks of oil and gas is accelerated. Usually held in May 2018. Deputy Minister of EMR, Archandra Tahar Deputy Minister of EMR asserted, the auction of oil and gas blocks will be officially announced mid-February.

"There are 25 oil and gas blocks, around February 16-17 new auctioned," he said at the Office of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

    He explained that the evaluation must be recognized that there are some oil and gas blocks that are considered not to attract the attention of business actors. Most are blocks that had been auctioned off in previous years. As between the blocks there are three non-conventional blocks that will not be included in the next auction.

"From the previous 40 oil and gas blocks, after evaluating only the remaining 25 oil and gas blocks, it is an old oil and gas block.Later take a look, which is not interesting like what. Non-conventional has not been auctioned with oil prices) at the moment, "he said.

   Unfortunately, Archandra is still reluctant to mention the name and location of 25 oil and gas blocks to be auctioned. He is also reluctant to mention any such unattractive oil and gas blocks.
    Pri Agung Rakhmanto, Oil and Gas Observer from Trisakti University said one of the things that the government should be sure ahead of next auction block is the guarantee of investment certainty from the policy side. According to him, the problem is in the government.

"Classic issues, such as uncertainty resulting from policy or regulatory inconsistencies, licensing or bureaucracy," he said.

    He also assessed the government's claim that oil and gas investment is more attractive is still too early, whether or not investment is attractive not only based on the number of companies that returned the auction document of oil and gas blocks last year.

"If there is only the interest, then declared there is a winning bidder (sold), it actually has not indicated anything," he said.

    He said, if you look at data from the period of 2002-2014 auctions of oil and gas blocks are always interested and sold in quantities that are also not small, but the results are not encouraging until now.

"But the result is not reflected in the form of increased reserves and production, so more importantly it is not the quantity of interest or quantity of selling blocks, but the quality of the enthusiasts as well as the quality of the blocks worked on," he explained.

    Winner of the auction 207 Meanwhile, of the 15 oil and gas blocks auctioned last year, only five of which will be announced soon will be the name of the winning company. Archandra said, the announcement of the winners will be accelerated and officially made by the end of this month.

    He explained, the announcement of the winner was deliberately accelerated because the government has finished evaluating the bid management block proposed by each contractor.

"The new auction with the gross split scheme by the end of January is due to be announced, who will be the winner," he said.


ESDM Melelang 25 Blok Migas yang Tidak diminati

Investor menginginkan kepastian investasi dalam menjalankan proyek hulu migas

    Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) menyatakan hanya akan melakukan lelang blok minyak an gas bumi (migas) sebanyak 25 blok migas pada tahun 2018 ini. Padahal, sebelumnya Kementerian ESDM akan menggelar lelang sebanyak 40 blok migas yang tidak laku pada lelang beberapa tahun ke belakang.

    Keputusan hanya melelang 25 blok migas karena dari hasil evaluasi sisanya tidak menarik bagi para kontraktor migas. Rencananya, lelang 25 blok migas ini dipercepat. Biasanya digelar pada bulan Mei 2018. Wakil Menteri ESDM, Arcandra Tahar Wakil Menteri ESDM menegaskan, lelang blok migas secara resmi akan diumumkan pertengahan Februari.

"Ada 25 blok migas. sekitar tanggal 16-17 Februari baru dilelang," katanya di Kantor Kementerian ESDM.

    Dia menjelaskan, dari evaluasi yang dilakukan harus diakui ada beberapa blok migas yang dinilai tidak akan menarik perhatian para pelaku usaha. Kebanyakan merupakan blok yang sempat dilelang juga di tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Adapun di antara blok tersebut terdapat tiga blok non konvensional yang tidak akan diikutsertakan dalam lelang selanjutnya.

"Dari 40 blok migas yang sebelumnya, setelah dievaluasi hanya sisa 25 blok migas. Itu blok migas yang lama. Nanti kita lihat, yang tidak menarik seperti apa. Non-konvensional belum dilelang dengan harga minyak) saat ini," katanya.

    Sayangnya, Archandra masih enggan menyebutkan nama dan lokasi 25 blok migas yang akan dilelang. Dia juga enggan menyebutkan mana saja blok migas yang dianggap tidak menarik itu.

    Pri Agung Rakhmanto, Pengamat Migas dari Universitas Trisakti menuturkan, salah satu yang harus dipastikan pemerintah menjelang lelang blok berikutnya adalah adanya jaminan kepastian investasi dari sisi kebijakan. Menurut dia, masalahnya ada di pemerintah.

"Permasalahan klasik, misalnya ketidakpastian akibat inkonsistensi kebijakan atau regulasi, perizinan atau birokrasi," katanya.

    Dia juga menilai klaim pemerintah yang menyatakan investasi migas semakin menarik masih terlalu dini, menarik atau tidaknya investasi tidak hanya berdasarkan jumlah perusahaan yang mengembalikan dokumen lelang blok migas pada tahun lalu.

"Jika hanya sekadar ada peminat, lalu dinyatakan ada pemenang tender (terjual), itu sebenarnya belum menandakan apapun," ucapnya.

    Dia bilang, jika melihat data dari periode tahun 2002-2014 lelang blok migas selalu ada peminat dan terjual dalam jumlah kuantitas yang juga tidak sedikit, tapi hasilnya tidak menggembirakan hingga sekarang.

"Tapi hasilnya tidak terefleksikan dalam bentuk peningkatan cadangan dan produksi. Jadi, yang lebih penting itu bukan kuantitas peminat atau kuantitas blok yang laku, tapi kualitas peminat dan juga kualitas blok yang digarap," terangnya.

    Pemenang lelang 207 Sementara itu, dari 15 blok migas yang dilelang tahun lalu, hanya lima yang yang terjual akan segera diumumkan nama perusahaan pemenangnya. Kata Archandra, pengumuan pemenang akan dipercepat dan dilakukan secara resmi pada akhir bulan ini.

    Ia menjelaskan, pengumuman pemenang memang sengaja dipercepat karena pemerintah sudah selesai mengevaluasi penawaran pengelolaan blok yang diajukan oleh masing-masing kontraktor.

"Lelang baru dengan skema gross split akhir bulan Januari ini selesai. Akan diumumkan siapa pemenangnya," katanya.

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, Jan 24, 2018

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