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Saturday, February 10, 2018

Facilitates Oil and Gas ESDM Business Want to Change Upstream Oil and Gas Government Regulation

    The Government will revise Government Regulation No. 35/2004 on Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities. Through this revision, the government hopes that there will be an improvement in the investment climate of oil and gas in Indonesia. Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Arcandra Tahar explained there are some changes in the revision of Government Regulation 35/2004.

Arcandra Tahar
    For example about transfer of firm commitment from one Work Area (WK) exploration, to other WK Locations. As an illustration of firm commitment is the commitment of oil and gas contractors to invest in oil and gas fields. The transfer of this firm commitment to the record as long as the transfer is accompanied by an additional commitment in the WK.

"So it's not a reduction," said Arcandra.

    He pointed out that if one Contractor of Cooperation Contract (KKKS) is committed to drilling in three wells in WK A, it can be transferred to the drilling commitment of three wells to WK B. However, KKKS should not reduce the commitment in WK B.

"The KKKS may move the three wells into the second field, which is still affiliated with the same company.In the second field, for example, the exact commitment of the four wells, the commitment on the ground certainly will be seven well," explained Arcandra.

    It's just to be able to transfer the firm commitment of oil and gas contractors must have affiliates.

"For example Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) and Pertamina EP, the important thing is not reduced," he added.

    The government considers that way could facilitate the implementation of oil and gas contractor commitments. Because all this time the contractor objected to having to pay a commitment they did not do if they did not find oil and gas reserves.

    As an illustration, oil and gas investment in 2017 is indeed down about 20% compared to 2016. If 2016 oil and gas investment reached US $ 12.74 billion, down to US $ 10.175 billion throughout 2017.

    In addition to increasing investment, the transition of this commitment is expected to add to the discovery of new reserves. Because in addition to changing the location of the WK from the firm commitment the government will also allow contractors to transfer the equipment they use in upstream oil and gas activities from one WK to another WK, if in fact they do not find oil and gas reserves in the first WK.

    So far, the equipment used by oil and gas contractors is categorized as state-owned goods because it has been paid by the government through cost recovery fund. Well after changing the scheme of oil and gas cooperation into gross split automatic equipment is not owned by the state because it is no longer replaced by cost recovery funds. But contractors still have to pay taxes and duties on these goods.


Permudah Bisnis Migas ESDM Ingin Mengubah Peraturan Pemerintah Hulu Minyak dan Gas

    Pemerintah akan merevisi Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 35/2004 tentang Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi. Lewat revisi ini, pemerintah berharap akan ada perbaikan dalam iklim investasi minyak dan gas di Indonesia. Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), Arcandra Tahar menjelaskan ada beberapa perubahan di revisi Peraturan Pemerintah 35/2004.

    Misalnya tentang pengalihan firm commitment dari satu Wilayah Kerja (WK) eksplorasi, ke Iokasi WK lain. Sebagai gambaran firm commitment adalah komitmen dari kontraktor migas untuk berinvestasi di ladang migas. Pengalihan firm commitment ini dengan catatan sepanjang pengalihan itu dibarengi dengan komitmen tambahan di WK tersebut.

"Jadi bukan pengurangan," kata Arcandra.

    Dia mencontohkan jika satu Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS) memiliki komitmen untuk melakukan pengeboran di tiga sumur di WK A, maka bisa dialihkan komitmen pengeboran tiga sumur tersebut ke WK B. Namun KKKS tidak boleh mengurangi komitmen di WK B tersebut.

"KKKS boleh pindahkan tiga well itu ke lapangan kedua, yang masih berafiliasi dengan company yang sama. Nah di lapangan dua itu juga misalnya komitmen pastinya empat well, maka komitmen pasti di lapangan itu jadinya tujuh well," jelas Arcandra.

    Hanya saja untuk bisa mengalihkan firm commitment kontraktor migas harus memiliki afiliasi.

"Misalnya Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) dan Pertamina EP, yang penting tidak berkurang," imbuhnya.

    Pemerintah menganggap cara itu bisa memudahkan pelaksanaan komitmen kontraktor migas. Sebab selama ini kontraktor keberatan karena harus membayar komitmen yang tidak mereka kerjakan jika tidak menemukan cadangan migas.

    Sebagai gambaran, investasi migas tahun 2017 lalu memang turun sekitar 20% dibandingkan dengan 2016. Jika tahun 2016 investasi migas mencapai US$ 12,74 miliar, turun menjadi US$ 10,175 miliar sepanjang 2017.

    Selain menambah investasi, peralihan komitmen ini diharapkan bisa menambah penemuan cadangan baru. Sebab selain boleh mengubah lokasi WK dari firm commitment pemerintah juga akan membolehkan kontraktor mengalihkan peralatan yang mereka gunakan dalam kegiatan hulu migas dari satu WK ke WK lain, jika ternyata mereka tidak menemukan cadangan migas di WK pertama.

    Selama ini, peralatan yang dipakai kontraktor migas tersebut masuk kategori barang milik negara karena sudah dibayar pemerintah melalui dana cost recovery. Nah setelah berubah skema kerjasama migas menjadi gross split otomatis peralatan tersebut bukan milik negara karena tidak lagi diganti oleh dana cost recovery. Tapi kontraktor tetap harus membayar pajak dan bea masuk barang-barang tersebut.

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, Jan 29, 2018

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