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Monday, February 12, 2018

Gas Price Will Be More Rational

    The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources will apply rational gas prices to industrial interests and benefit all stakeholders. ESDM Minister Ignatius Jonan said the industrial gas price economy will be formed if all parties, including the user industry, make efficiency and careful cost calculations, especially distribution costs.

"Later I will set the price of gas to be rational," he said in London in order to visit England and Italy.

Jobi Triananda Hasjim

     Meanwhile, President Director of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk. Jobi Triananda Hasjim said the company is still working to maintain supply for a number of user industries, especially in North Sumatra, which in recent years continue to question the price of expensive gas.

    Previously in Jakarta, Vice Minister and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar said the government continues to seek the best option in reducing the price of industrial gas economy to US $ 6 per MMBtu in accordance with the mandate of Presidential Regulation no. 40/2016 on Natural Gas Pricing.

    One of them is by reducing the state revenue and gas sector so that the gas industry can get competitive competitive gas price and grow optimally. However, Arcandra Tahar said the plan is still being drafted and awaiting decisions under the Minister of Finance.

"The Finance Minister said that this effect will be eliminated, because the state revenue will decrease as well, we will wait for it from Finance Minister Sri Mulyani," explained Arcandra.

    This consideration considering the impact of the abolition of non-tax state revenue (PNBP) from natural gas has no significant effect on the decline of industrial gas prices in accordance with Presidential Regulation no. 40/2016.

"It could be less US $ 0.7 per MMBtu, some US $ 0.3, and the effect is less than US $ 6 per MMBtu," said Arcandra.

    In fact, if this is done, the potential revenue of the country could be reduced to US $ 4.3 million. "We have calculated, the amount of PNBP loss of about US $ 4.3 million," said Arcandra.

    The abolition of non-tax revenues is still considered to be the best option to keep evaluating compared to price cuts in upstream oil and gas. Moreover, rising world oil prices also rose to other considerations.

    On a separate occasion, Komaidi Notonegoro Executive Director of ReforMiner Institute, said the impact of licensing cuts by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources could lower downstream gas prices in the industry. However, the impact will not be too great.

"The problem of gas price formation in the industry is that there is a factor in the downstream sector and limited infrastructure," he said.

    Komaidi said, the price of upstream gas in Indonesia is quite competitive in Southeast Asia.

"However, this step of the EMR Ministry is one of the positive steps to form a more efficient gas industry," he said.


    Previously, President Joko Widodo was asked to step in to enforce Presidential Regulation no. 40/2016 on Natural Gas Pricing. Chairman of the Forum of Natural Gas User Industry (FIPGB) Achmad Safiun said the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of ESDM no. 58/2017 which regulates the price of gas through pipes contrary to the above rule namely the Presidential Regulation.

      For that, it asks President Joko Widodo back to intervene so the industry can survive in the middle of a very competitive competition. He said in the derivative rule of the Minister of EMR, the gas price for the industry is unlikely to fall in accordance with the Presidential Regulation. The reason, in addition to gas prices in the upstream, the rule also sets the cost of commerce, transmission costs, and production costs.

Harga Gas Akan Lebih Rasional

    Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral akan menerapkan harga gas yang rasional untuk kepentingan industri dan memberi keuntungan untuk semua pemangku kepentingan. Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan mengatakan harga keekonomian gas industri akan terbentuk jika semua pihak, termasuk industri pengguna, melakukan efisiensi dan perhitungan biaya yang cermat, terutama biaya distribusi.

“Nanti akan saya tetapkan harga gas harus rasional," katanya di London dalam rangka kunjungan ke Inggris dan italia.

     Sementara itu, Direktur Utama PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk. Jobi Triananda Hasjim menyebutkan pihaknya tetap berupaya menjaga pasokan untuk sejumlah industri pengguna, terutama di Sumatra Utara yang dalam beberapa tahun terakhir terus mempersoalkan harga gas yang mahal.

    Sebelumnya di Jakarta, Wakil Menteri dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar menyebutkan pemerintah terus mencari opsi terbaik dalam menekan harga keekonomian gas industri menjadi sebesar US$ 6 per MMBtu sesuai dengan amanat Peraturan Presiden No. 40/2016 tentang Penetapan Harga Gas Bumi.

    Salah satunya melalui pengurangan bagian penerimaan negara dan gas bumi agar industri gas bisa mendapat harga gas yang bersaing kompetitif dan tumbuh optimal. Meski begitu, Arcandra Tahar menyatakan rencana tersebut masih terus dirancang dan menunggu keputusan di bawah Menteri Keuangan.

"Menteri Keuangan bilang ini efeknya berapa kalau dihilangkan, karena pendapatan negara berkurang juga. Kita tunggu dari Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani," jelas Arcandra.

    Pertimbangan ini mengingat dampak penghapusan penerimaan negara bukan pajak (PNBP) dari gas bumi tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap penurunan harga gas industri sesuai Peraturan Presiden No. 40/2016.

"Bisa kurang US$ 0,7 per MMBtu, ada yang US$ 0,3. Kecil sekali efeknya. Itu pun tidak di bawah US$ 6 per MMBtu jadinya," kata Arcandra.

    Bahkan, Apabila hal ini tetap dilakukan, potensi pendapatan negara bisa berkurang hingga US$4,3 juta. "Kami sudah menghitung, jumlah kehilangan PNBP sekitar US$4,3 juta,“ ujar Arcandra.

    Penghapusan PNBP dipandang masih menjadi pilihan terbaik asambil tetap melakukan evaluasi dibandingkan dengan pemangkasan harga di hulu migas. Apalagi harga minyak dunia yang terus meningkat naik juga menjadi pertimbangan lain.

    Pada kesempatan terpisah, Komaidi Notonegoro Direktur Eksekutif ReforMiner Institute, mengatakan, dampak dari pemotongan perizinan oleh Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral bisa menurunkan harga gas hilir di industri. Namun, dampaknya tidak akan terlalu besar.

"Masalah pembentuk harga gas di industri itu ada faktor di sektor hilir dan keterbatasan infrastruktur,“ ujarnya.

Komaidi menuturkan, harga gas hulu di Indonesia sudah cukup kompetitif di kawasan Asia Tenggara.

"Namun, langkah kementerian ESDM ini adalah salah satu langkah positif untuk membentuk industri gas yang lebih efisien," tuturnya.


    Sebelumnya, Presiden Joko Widodo diminta untuk turun tangan menegakkan Peraturan Presiden No. 40/2016 tentang Penetapan Harga Gas Bumi. Ketua Forum Industri Pengguna Gas Bumi (FIPGB) Achmad Safiun menuturkan Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral ESDM No. 58/2017 yang mengatur harga gas Bumi melalui pipa bertentangan dengan aturan di atasnya yakni Peraturan Presiden.

    Untuk itu, pihaknya meminta Presiden Joko Widodo kembali turun tangan agar industri dapat bertahan di tengah persaingan yang sangat kompetitif. Dia mengatakan dalam aturan turunan dari Menteri ESDM, harga gas bagi industri tidak mungkin turun sesuai dengan Peraturan Presiden. Pasalnya, selain harga gas di hulu, aturan itu juga menetapkan adanya biaya niaga, biaya transmisi, dan biaya produksi.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-25, Wednesday, Jan 31, 2018

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