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Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Government Obtains Investment Commitment of US $ 23.6 Million

    The government sets forth five companies as the winners of the 15 oil and gas blocks auction period of 2017 which uses a gross split production sharing scheme (production sharing contract / PSC) for the first time. From this lease, the government obtained the first three year investment commitment of US $ 23.6 million.

Arcandra Tahar 
    Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar said many companies still have doubts about the gross split PSC. Some companies even ask for time to discuss these new scheme contracts together, including large corporations. However, through this auction, there are oil and gas companies interested in doing business with gross split scheme.

"There are five companies that are interested to run the business in the oil and gas industry in Indonesia," he said after the announcement of the winning bidder of oil and gas blocks in Jakarta.

Ego Syahrial

     Secretary General and Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of ESDM Ego Syahrial explained that until the deadline of the submission of the bid documents, there are seven competing companies who have five oil and gas blocks. The main competition for the Andaman II Block, where there are three companies fighting over it.

"The total commitment value of the five oil and gas blocks won is US $ 23.6 million. While the bonus marks obtained by US $ 3.25 million, "he said.

Far East Premier Consortium Ltd

     The Andaman II block, he said, was won by Far East Premier Consortium Ltd, Kriss Energy (Andaman II) BVI and Mubadala Petroleum (Andaman II JSA) Ltd. Mubadala promises a definite commitment for the first three years of G & G and activities 3D seismic area of ​​1,850 square kilometers (km2) worth US $ 7.55 million. While the signature bonus is given US $ 1 million.

    Next, the Andaman I Block was won by Mubadala Petroleum (SE Asia) Ltd with a definite investment commitment of US $ 2.15 million and a signature bonus of US $ 750 thousand. Furthermore, the Merak-Lampung Block was achieved by PT Tansri Madjid Energi, which promised an investment of US $ 1.32 million and a signature bonus of US $ 500 thousand.

    Meanwhile PT Saka Energy won the Pekawai Block and West Yamdena. In Pekawai, Saka Energi promised an investment commitment of US $ 10.45 million and a signature bonus of US $ 500 thousand. While in West Yamdena, investment commitment to be spent of US $ 2.1 million and signature bonus given US $ 500 thousand.

    The signing of the PSC with the five winners will be made as soon as possible. "Usually within 14 days after they receive," he said.

    Two international companies, Premier Oil and Mubadala Petroleum, followed the auction of the oil and gas block because the rate of investment in Indonesia is still attractive. Another consideration is that oil and gas potential in the company's targeted block is also very promising.

"According to the information everything in the Andaman Block is interesting enough to be explored," said Vice President and Information Service of Premier Oil Indonesia Erfan Chidir.

    Vice President Exploration of PT Saka Energi Indonesia Rovicky Putrohari said the gross split contract scheme is not the only thing that the company consider. Moreover, the gross split scheme is still negotiable with the government. For oil and gas potential in certain blocks is considered good enough, it would be interested to spend the funds in the block.

"In essence, if its potential is indeed large enough, with any scheme may still be interesting," he explained. Two blocks obtained by his side belong to the category that has good enough reserves.

Keep it Fixed

    Meanwhile, this year, Arcandra said it will auction off 25 - 40 oil and gas blocks by mid-February. It promised to make business in the Indonesian oil and gas sector more easy and attractive for investors.

    Previously, through Regulation Men 52/2017 on gross split contract and Government Regulation 53/2017 on gross split taxation, his side has given a number of incentives. Now, the government is finalizing the revision of Government Regulation 35/2004 on upstream oil and gas business activities. A number of improvements are made through this Government Regulation.

 "As the firm commitment can be transferred, the asset used during the exploration can be used in another work area, or if no hydrocarbons are found, the goods purchased can be used by another company by paying import duty," said Arcandra.

    Not only that, the regulation will also provide a legal basis for the opening of existing oil and gas data. The ESDM Ministry will collect data in the Data and Information Center (Pusdatin) and the Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas). All data will be accessible, except the data that is still actively used by the company holding the contract.

"In doing the analyzes, the data already in the open, it can be used. Maybe it can be seen, the analysis until basin base, "he said.

    Rovicky said that the plan to collect and open the oil and gas data is very good. Because, during this company difficulties to complete data from oil and gas blocks are targeted. He hoped the block that will be auctioned later can be equipped with data that becomes more attractive to investors.
"The data is equipped and indeed has been done early evaluation by ESDM, so when sold it (oil and gas block) interesting. Primarily. how big the potential was, "he said.

    Whether to follow the auction of oil and gas blocks this year, Rovicky said, Saka Energy as an Indonesian company, always evaluate the opportunities that exist in Indonesia. Of the 40 blocks offered this year, around 2030% is considered attractive to develop. While some oil and gas blocks are not attractive not because of fiscal.

"Now we are evaluating again in the same way if all using the gross split is what it is," he said.


Pemerintah Peroleh Komitmen Investasi US$ 23,6 Juta 

    Pemerintah menetapkan lima perusahaan sebagai pemenang dari Ielang 15 blok migas periode 2017 yang menggunakan skema kontrak kerja sama (production sharing Contract/PSC) bagi hasil kotor (gross split) untuk pertama kalinya. Dari leIang ini, pemerintah memperoleh komitmen investasi tiga tahun pertama sebesar US$ 23,6 juta.

    Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, banyak perusahaan yang masih memiliki keraguan dengan PSC gross split. Beberapa perusahaan bahkan sampai meminta waktu untuk mendiskusikan kontrak skema baru ini bersama-sama, termasuk perusahaan besar. Meski demikian, melalui lelang ini, terlihat terdapat perusahaan migas yang tertarik berbisnis dengan skema gross split.

“Ada lima perusahaan yang menyatakan berminat untuk menjalankan bisnis di industri migas di Indonesia,” kata dia usai pengumuman pemenang lelang blok migas di Jakarta.

    Sekretaris Jenderal merangkap Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM Ego Syahrial menjelaskan, sampai batas akhir pemasukkan dokumen penawaran, terdapat tujuh bersaing yang memperbutkan lima blok migas. Persaingan utamanya untuk Blok Andaman II, di mana terdapat tiga perusahaan yang memperebutkannya.

“Total nilai komitmen pasti dari kelima blok migas yang dimenangkan yakni US$ 23,6 juta. Sementara bonus tanda langan yang diperoleh US$ 3,25 juta,” ujarnya.

    Blok Andaman II, sebutnya, dimenangkan oleh Konsorsium Premier Oil Far East Ltd, Kriss Energy (Andaman II) BVI dan Mubadala Petroleum (Andaman II JSA) Ltd. Mubadala menjanjikan komitmen pasti tiga tahun pertama berupa kegiatan G&G dan seismik 3D seluas 1.850 kilometer persegi (km2) senilai US$ 7,55 juta. Sementara bonus tanda tangan yang diberikan US$ 1 juta.

    Berikutnya, Blok Andaman I dimenangkan oleh Mubadala Petroleum (SE Asia) Ltd dengan komitmen pasti investasi US$ 2,15 juta dan bonus tanda tangan US$ 750 ribu. Selanjutnya, Blok Merak-Lampung berhasil diraih oleh PT Tansri Madjid Energi yang menjanjikan investasi US$ 1,32 juta dan bonus tanda tangan US$ 500 ribu.

    Sementara PT Saka Energi memenangkan Blok Pekawai dan West Yamdena. Di Pekawai, Saka Energi menjanjikan komitmen investasi US$ 10,45 juta dan bonus tanda tangan US$ 500 ribu. Sementara di West Yamdena, komitmen investasi yang akan dikeluarkan sebesar US$ 2,1 juta dan bonus tanda tangan yang diberikan US$ 500 ribu.

    Penandatangan PSC dengan kelima pemenang akan dilakukan sesegera mungkin. “Bisanya dalam waktu 14 hari setelah mereka terima,” tuturnya.

    Dua perusahaan internasional, Premier Oil dan Mubadala Petroleum, mengikuti lelang blok migas karena menilai investasi di Indonesia masih menarik. Pertimbangan lainnya, potensi migas di blok yang diincar perusahaan juga sangat menjanjikan.

“Menurut informasi semuanya di Blok Andaman cukup menarik dieksplorasi,” kata Vice President and Information Service Premier Oil Indonesia Erfan Chidir.

    Vice President Exploration PT Saka Energi Indonesia Rovicky Putrohari mengatakan, skema kontrak gross split bukanlah satu-satunya hal yang menjadi pertimbangan perusahaan. Apalagi, skema gross split ini masih bisa dinegosiasikan dengan pemerintah. Selama potensi migas dalam blok tertentu dinilai cukup bagus, pihaknya pasti tertarik untuk mengeluarkan dana di blok tersebut.

“Intinya, kalau potensinya itu memang cukup besar, dengan skema apapun mungkin akan masih menarik,” jelasnya. Dua blok yang diperoleh pihaknya termasuk kategori yang memiliki cadangan cukup bagus.

Terus Perbaiki

    Sementara itu, pada tahun ini, Arcandra menyebut bahwa pihaknya akan melelang 25 - 40 blok migas pada pertengahan Februari. Pihaknya menjanjikan akan membuat berbisnis di sektor migas Indonesia semakin mudah dan menarik bagi investor.

    Sebelumnya, melalui Peraturan Men 52/2017 tentang kontrak gross split dan Peraturan Pemerintah 53/2017 tentang perpajakan gross split, pihaknya sudah memberikan sejumlah insentif. Kini, pemerintah seang merampungkan revisi Peraturan Pemerintah 35/2004 tentang kegiatan usaha hulu migas. Sejumlah perbaikan dilakukan melalui Peraturan Pemerintah ini.

 “Seperti firm commitment bisa ditransfer, kemuadian aset yang dipakai selama ekslplorasi bisa digunakan di wilayah kerja lain, atau jika tidak ditemukan hidrokarbon, barang-barang yang dibeli bisa digunakan perusahaan lain dengan membayar import duty," papar Arcandra.

    Tidak hanya itu, lanjumya, regulasi ini juga akan memberikan dasar hukum untuk pembukaan data migas yang ada selama ini. Kementerian ESDM akan mengumpulkan data-data yang ada di Pusat Data dan Informasi (Pusdatin) dan Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas). Seluruh data akan bisa diakses, kecuali data yang masih aktif digunakan perusahaan yang memegang kontrak.

“Dalam melakukan analisa-analisa, data yang sudah di buka, maka bisa digunakan. Mungkin bisa dilihat, analisanya sampai basin basis,” tuturnya.

    Rovicky menilai rencana untuk mengumpnlkan dan membuka data migas itu sangat bagus. Pasalnya, selama ini perusahaan kesulitan untuk melengkapi data dari blok migas yang diincar. Pihaknya berharap blok yang dilelang nantinya bisa dilengkapi data-nya sehingga menjadi lebih menarik bagi investor.

“Datanya dilengkapi dan memang sudah dilakukan evaluasi awal oleh ESDM, sehingga ketika dijual itu (blok migas) menarik. Utamanya. seberapa besar potensinya tadi,” ujarnya.
    Disinggung apakah akan mengikuti lelang blok migas tahun ini, Rovicky menuturkan, Saka Energi sebagai perusahaan Indonesia, selalu mengevaluasi peluang-peluang yang ada di Indonesia. Dari 40 blok yang ditawarkan tahun ini, sekitar 2030% dinilai menarik untuk dikembangkan. Sementara beberapa blok migas tidak menarik bukan karena fiskalnya.

“Sekarang kami evaluasi lagi dengan cara yang sama kalau semuanya menggunakan gross split itu seperti apa,” kata dia.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Thursday, Feb 1, 2018

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