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Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Investors are interested in Oil and Gas Auction with profit sharing scheme

    Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) announces the winners of the auction of conventional oil and gas working area using a scheme of contracts for the gross split, the results of the first stage of 2017.

    Based on the data, Oil and Gas Working Area (WA) is the first auction using gross split scheme. The number of WK offered is 10 (ten)
Working Area (WA), consisting of 7 Working Area (WA) through direct offer and 3 WK through regular auction.

    The WK auction has been started since late May 2017 and extended four times as it awaits the approval of government regulations on gross split taxation.

    Up to the deadline for submission of participation documents, ie December 29, 2017, there are seven documents of participation for five WKs which subsequently conducted the opening and examination and final assessment by the bid team to provide the winner's recommendation.


    The winners of direct offer auction are Mubadala Petroleum (SE Asia) Ltd (Andaman I), Premier Oil consortium Far East Ltd-KrissEnergy (Andaman Il), BV-Mubadala Petroleum (Andaman II ISA) Ltd., PT Tansri Madjid Energy (Merak-Lampung), and PT Saka Sepinggan Energy (Pekawai da West Yamdena).

    As for regular auctions on Kasuri Block III, Block Tongkol, East Tanimbar Block, and Memberamo Bloc no winners. Then the other five conventional
Working Area (WA) have not been sought as work areas available and will be offered again in the subsequent supply period of oil and gas  Working Area (WA).
    The fixed commitment investment of the five conventional
Working Area (WA) amounted to US $ 23,575,000 and a total signature bonus of US $ 3,250,000.

    Implementing Duties of the Director General of Oil and Gas, Ministry of ESDM Ego Syahrial said the profit-sharing scheme between the government and oil and gas investors received a positive response.

"So, the signal during this time that says that the gross split system is only suitable for WK extension was not. This is proven for new
Working Area (WA) or Working Area (WA) exploration, of the seven offered, five WK interest, "said Ego Syahrial.


lnvestor minati Lelang Migas dengan skema Bagi Hasil

    Kemenetrian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) mengumumkan pemenang lelang wilayah kerja migas konvensional dengan menggunakan skema kontrak bagi hasil gross split, hasil lelang tahap I 2017.

    Berdasarkan data, Wilayah Kerja (WK) migas itu merupakan lelang pertama yang menggunakan skema gross split. Jumlah WK yang ditawarkan ialah 10 (sepuluh) WK, terdiri atas 7 WK melalui penawaran langsung dan 3 WK melalui lelang reguler.

    Lelang WK telah dimulai sejak akhir Mei 2017 dan diperpanjang sebanyak empat kali karena menunggu pengesahan peraturan pemerintah (PP) tentang perpajakan gross split.

    Sampai dengan batas akhir penyampaian dokumen partisipasi yakni 29 Desember 2017, terdapat tujuh dokumen partisipasi untuk lima WK yang selanjutnya dilakukan pembukaan dan pemeriksaan serta penilaian akhir oleh tim penawaran untuk memberikan rekomendasi pemenang.

    Pemenang lelang penawaran langsung di antaranya Mubadala Petroleum (SE Asia) Ltd (Andaman I), konsorsium Premier Oil Far East Ltd-KrissEnergy (Andaman Il), BV-Mubadala Petroleum (Andaman II ISA) Ltd, PT Tansri Madjid Energi (Merak-Lampung), serta PT Saka Energi Sepinggan (Pekawai da West Yamdena).

    Adapun untuk lelang reguler pada Blok Kasuri III, Blok Tongkol, Blok East Tanimbar, dan Blok Memberamo tidak ada pemenang. Kemudian lima WK konvensional lainnya belum diminati menjadi wilayah kerja available dan akan ditawarkan kembali pada periode penawaran WK migas selanjutnya.

    Investasi komitmen pasti dari lima WK konvensional tersebut sebesar US$ 23.575.000 dan total bonus tanda tangan sebesar US$ 3,250,000.

    Pelaksana Tugas Direktur Jenderal Migas, Kementerian ESDM Ego Syahrial mengatakan skema bagi hasil antara pemerintah dan investor migas mendapat sambutan positif.

“Jadi, sinyalemen selama ini yang mengatakan bahwa sistem gross split hanya cocok untuk WK perpanjangan ternyata tidak juga. Ini terbukti untuk WK baru atau WK eksplorasi, dari tujuh yang ditawarkan, lima WK diminati,” jelas Ego Syahrial.

Media Indonesia, Page-17, Thursday, Feb 1, 2018

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