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Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Jonan Reveals EMR Performance in London

    The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) continues to realize its commitment in structuring the energy and mineral sectors throughout Indonesia through the policy of Justice Energy. Licensing cuts and energy infrastructure equity programs are the focus of providing access to energy for easier reach and more competitive prices.

Ignasius Jonan  
    This is an important point that was delivered by Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Ignasius Jonan in the discussion of Indonesia Roundtable Series with the chairman of Bloomberg in London. In the oil and gas sector, the ESDM Ministry has simplified licensing from 104 to 6 licenses. Meanwhile, the minerals and coal sector now only have 6 licenses from 117 previously licensing, 5 licenses for the electricity sector and New and Renewable Energy (EBT) leaving 10 licenses.

"In the ministry I lead, licensing in the oil and gas fields is now only six permits from the previous 104 permits. We will continue to cut and simplify the permissions, "said Jonan.

    In line with this, the development of electricity infrastructure has also improved over the past two years, as evidenced by the 70 contracts signed by the EBT Power Purchase Agreement (WPA) with a capacity of more than 1.2 Giga Watt (GW). This progress has impacted on the target of electrification ratio at the end of 2017 reaching 95.4%, up from 91.2% in 2016.

    In addition, several other strategic policies implemented by the Government to reform the ESDM sector in Indonesia, such as the use of gross split schemes for upstream oil and gas up to the implementation of fuel oil (BBM) One Price that provides the same fuel prices throughout the territory of Indonesia.

    In relation to the policy, Jonan again conducted a deepening discussion with several Ambassadors of the Republic of Indonesia in Europe, such as the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the United Kingdom Rizal Sukma, Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the Netherlands I Gusti Wesaka Puja, Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Belgium Yuri O. Thamrin, Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the UN in Geneva Hasan Kleib, Deputy V Office Staff Office Jaleswari Pramodhawardani, as well as other embassy officials.

    Former Minister of Transportation expressed the purpose of the policy so that the price of fuel in all regions of Indonesia is the same as in Java, especially in Papua and West Papua Province. Jonan said, there will be 33 districts that will be built fuel dealers until 2019.

"In 2017, the total has 57 points of BBM Satu Price, so the price is equal to Java Island, of which 16 points are in Papua and West Papua," he said in the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with the embassy official.

    In addition to the BBM Satu Price policy, in the oil and gas development sector in Papua also through the builder of infrastructure Network-Gas City along the 3.898 Household Connection (SR) in Sorong City. The 2018 plan will build Network Gas City in 2 locations with 11,500 SR.

    In the electricity subsector, the ESDM Ministry's commitment is very large in Eastern Indonesia. The electricity development program in Papua and West Papua is targeted at 514 Mega Watt (WM) is completed until 2019. In addition, the rural electricity program will continue to reach 186 thousand customers until 2019.

    Another policy innovation to improve access to electricity in East Indonesia is based on the New Renewable Energy sector (EBT) by distributing the Solar Energy Saving (LTSHE) package to about 250,000 homes in 20 provinces. LTHSE lights have illuminated 79,564 homes in 5 provinces and the government is targeting to provide LTHSE by 2018 doubled from 2017 as many as 175,782 units.

    At the end of the discussion, Jonan reiterated that the priority policy for Papua and West Papua is a form of social justice for all Indonesians.

"In line with the mandate of President Joko Widodo, BBM One Price is a form of social justice and can be a unifier for the people of Indonesia," he said.


Jonan Beberkan Kinerja ESDM di London

    Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) terus mewujudkan komitmennya dalam melakukan penataan sektor energi dan mineral di seluruh wilayah Indonesia melalui kebijakan Energi Berkeadilan. Pemotongan perizinan dan program pemerataan infrastruktur energi menjadi fokus dalam memberikan akses energi agar semakin mudah dijangkau dan harga yang makin kompetitif.

    Hal tersebut menjadi poin penting yang disampaikan Menteri ESDM Ignasius jonan dalam diskusi Indonesia Roundtable Series bersama pimpinan Bloomberg di London. Di sektor migas, Kementerian ESDM telah menyederhanakan perizinan dari 104 menjadi 6 perizinan. Sementara, sektor Mineral dan Batubara kini hanya ada 6 perizinan dari sebelumnya 117 perizinan, 5 perizinan bagi sektor ketenagalistrikan dan Energi Baru dan Terbarukan (EBT) menyisakan 10 perizinan.

“Di kementerian yang saya pimpin, perizinan di bidang minyak dan gas sekarang hanya enam izin dari sebelumnya 104 perizinan. Kami akan terus memangkas dan mempermudah perizinannya," kata Jonan.

    Sejalan dengan hal tersebut, pembangunan infrastruktur ketenagalistrikan juga mengalami kemajuan pada dua tahun terakhir, Hal ini dibuktikan dengan 70 kontrak penandatangan Power Purchase Agreement WPA) berbasis EBT dengan kapasitas lebih dari 1,2 Giga Watt (GW). Kemajuan ini berdampak pada terlampuinya target rasio elektrifikasi pada akhir 2017 mencapai 95,4%, naik dari pencapaian sebesar 91,2% di 2016.

    Selain itu, beberapa kebijakan strategis lain di implementasikan oleh Pemerintah untuk mereformasi sektor ESDM di Indonesia, seperti penggunaan skema gross split bagi hulu migas hingga implementasi Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) Satu Harga yang memberikan harga BBM sama di seluruh wilayah Indonesia.

    Terkait kebijakan tersebut, Jonan kembali melakukan pendalaman diskusi dengan beberapa Duta Besar Republik Indonesia di Eropa, seperti Duta Besar Republik Indonesia untuk Inggris Rizal Sukma, Duta Besar Republik Indonesia untuk Belanda I Gusti Wesaka Puja, Duta Besar Republik Indonesia untuk Belgia Yuri O. Thamrin, Duta Besar Republik Indonesia untuk PBB di Jenewa Hasan Kleib, Deputi V Kantor Staf Kepresidenan Jaleswari Pramodhawardani, serta pejabat kedutaan lainnya.

    Mantan Menteri Perhubungan itu mengutarakan tujuan kebijakan tersebut agar harga BBM di seluruh wilayah Indonesia sama dengan di Pulau Jawa, terutama di Provinsi Papua dan Papua Barat. Jonan menuturkan, akan ada 33 kabupaten yang akan dibangun lembaga penyalur BBM hingga 2019.

"Tahun 2017 lalu total sudah ada 57 titik BBM Satu Harga sehingga harganya sama dengan Pulau Jawa. Dari total tersebut, 16 titik berada di Papua dan Papua Barat,” ujarnya dalam Focus Group Discussion (FGD) bersama pejabat kedutaan tersebut.

    Selain kebijakan BBM Satu Harga, di sektor Migas pembangunan di Papua juga melalui pembangun infrastruktur Jaringan- Gas Kota sepanjang 3.898 Sambungan Rumah Tangga (SR) di Kota Sorong. Direncanalaan tahun 2018 akan terbangun Jaringan Gas Kota di 2 lokasi dengan 11.500 SR.

    Pada subsektor Ketenagalistrikan, komitmen Kementerian ESDM sangat besar di Indonesia Timur. Program pembangunan listrik di Papua dan Papua Barat ditargetkan sebesar 514 Mega Watt (WM) rampung hingga 2019. Selain itu program listrik pedesaan jugal dilanjutkan hingga menjangkau 186 ribu pelanggan sampai tahun 2019.

    Inovasi kebijakan lain untuk meningkatkan akses listrik di wiayah Timur Indonesia bertumpu pada sektor Energi Baru Terbarukan (EBT) dengan membagikan paket Lampu Tenaga Surya Hemat Energi (LTSHE) kepada sekitar 250 ribu rumah di 20 provinsi. Lampu LTHSE telah menerangi 79.564 rumah di 5 provinsi dan pemerintah mentargetkan akan memberikan LTHSE pada tahun 2018 dua kali lipat dari tahun 2017 yakni sebanyak 175.782 unit.

    Di penghujung diskusi, Jonan menegaskan kembali kebijakan prioritas bagi Papua dan Papua Barat adalah wujud keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia.

"'Sesuai amanat Presiden Joko Widodo, BBM Satu Harga adalah wujud keadilan sosial dan bisa menjadi pemersatu bagi rakyat Indonesia," tuturnya.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Thursday, Feb 1, 2018

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