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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Jonan Unburses Investment Blocks

    ESDM Minister Ignatius Jonan admitted that the revocation of 32 rules is nothing but to remove the barriers that have been complained by entrepreneurs.

    The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) cut 2 regulations across the sector and will continue to accelerate investment. The effort is also expected to eliminate the barriers that had been a barrier for entrepreneurs.

    The 32 regulations of the revoked ESDM sector are spread over the oil and gas sub-sectors (minerals), minerals, electricity, renewable energy and energy conservation (EBTKE), as well as regulations on the Special Rapporteur Upstream Oil and Gas Business (SKK Migas).

SKK Migas

"As per the President's direction, we should try to encourage investment for economic growth and better job creation. One directive is to reduce licensing, reduce regulations that are seen as encouraging for business activities and investment getting better, "said ESDM Minister Ignasius Jonan at the Office of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Jakarta yesterday.

ESDM Minister Ignatius Jonan

    Jonan said that of the 32 regulation deleted, the details are 11 regulations from oil and gas, 4 electricity regulations, 7 mineral and coal sectors, 7 EBTKE and 3 regulations on SKK Migas.

    According to him, the regulations under it should also be immediately revoked. That way, the policy can run optimally and it seems to be felt immediately entrepreneurs.

    Jonan claimed the cornerstone of the revocation of 32 rules was none other than to remove obstacles that have been complained of entrepreneurs. The obstacles to making investments are difficult to grow as expected by the government and society.

    He said the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources will continue to implement the strategy for the business sector getting better and better. Efforts to facilitate investment through revocation or simplification of regulations and licensing will continue to be improved.

"It is not only 32 (the current rules are revoked), maybe a week or two more will be reduced again so that business activities better," he concluded.


    On the same occasion, Secretary General of the ESDM Ministry Ego Syarial explains the reason 11, the rules in the oil and gas sector are revoked is in addition to complained entrepreneurs, is also no longer relevant.

Ego Syarial 

    As well as Regulation of Minister of Mines and Energy Number 02 Year 1975 concerning work safety at distribution pipe and facility of completion for oil and gas transportation outside work area of ​​oil and gas mining.

"This regulation is already irrelevant because there is already a new regulation," he said.

    Then, the process of licensing the oil and gas sector will also be simplified. Ego says the basic principles of ESDM regulations that will not be revoked include derivatives of the Basic Law mandate on the management of natural resources as much as possible-for the welfare of society and the rules of safety.

"Beyond that, the things that are irrelevant and suspected to have hampered the business world, we pull," he said.


Jonan Cabut Regulasi Penghambat Investasi

    Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan mengaku pencabutan 32 aturan itu tidak lain untuk menghilangkan hambatan yang selama ini dikeluhkan para pengusaha.

    Kementerian Energi dan Sumher Daya Mineral (ESDM) memangkas 2 peraturan di seluruh sektor dan akan terus dilakukan untuk memperlancar investasi. Upaya itu juga diharapkan mampu meniadakan hambatan yang selama ini menjadi hambatan bagi para pengusaha.

    Ke-32 regulasi sektor ESDM yang dicabut itu tersebar pada sub-sektor minyak dan gas bumi (migas), mineral dan batu bara (minerba), ketenagalistrikan, energi baru terbarukan dan konservasi energi (EBTKE), juga regulasi pada Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas).

“Sesuai arahan Presiden, kita harus coba mendorong investasi untuk pertumbuhan ekonomi dan penciptaan lapangan kerja yang lebih baik. Salah satu arahan ialah mengurangi perizinan, mengurangi peraturan yang dipandang bisa mendorong untuk kegiatan usaha dan investasi makin lama makin baik,” ujar Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan di Kantor Kementerian ESDM, Jakarta, kemarin.

    Jonan menuturkan, dari total 32 regulasi yang dihapus, perinciannya ialah 11 regulasi dari migas, 4 regulasi ketenagalistrikan, 7 sektor minerba, 7 EBTKE, dan 3 peraturan pelaksanaan pada SKK Migas.

    Menurut dia, peraturan di bawahnya juga harus segera turut dicabut. Dengan begitu, kebijakan bisa berjalan optimal dan nampaknya bisa segera dirasakan pengusaha.

    Jonan mengaku landasan pencabutan 32 aturan itu tidak lain untuk menghilangkan hambatan yang selama ini dikeluhkan para pengusaha. Hambatan membuat investasi sulit untuk tumbuh sesuai harapan pemerintah dan masyarakat.

    Dia mengatakan Kementerian ESDM akan terus menjalankan strategi supaya sektor usaha semakin makin lama semakin baik. Upaya mempermudah investasi melalui pencabutan atau penyederhanaan peraturan serta perizinan akan terus ditingkatkan.

“Bukan hanya 32 (aturan yang saat ini dicabut), mungkin seminggu-dua minggu lagi akan dikurangi lagi supaya kegiatan usaha semakin baik,” tutupnya.

Tidak relevan

    Pada kesempatan yang sama, Sekretaris Jenderal Kementerian ESDM Ego Syarial menjelaskan alasan 11, aturan di sektor migas dicabut ialah selain dikeluhkan pengusaha, juga sudah tidak relevan lagi.

    Seperti halnya Peraturan Menteri Pertambangan dan Energi Nomor 02 Tahun 1975 tentang keselamatan kerja pada pipa penyaluran serta fasilitas kelengkapan untuk pengangkutan minyak dan gas bumi di luar wilayah kerja pertambangan minyak dan gas bumi.

“Peraturan ini memang sudah tidak relevan karena sudah ada peraturan baru,” katanya.

    Kemudian, proses perizinan sektor migas juga akan disederhanakan. Ego mengatakan prinsip dasar peraturan ESDM yang tidak akan dicabut meliputi turunan dari amanat Undang-Undang Dasar tentang pengelolaan sumber daya alam yang sebesar-besarnya-untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat dan aturan tentang safety.

“Di luar itu, hal-hal yang sifatnya sudah tidak relevan dan ditengarai selama ini menghambat dunia usaha, kita cabut,” tukasnya.

Media Indonesia, Page-28, Tuesday, Feb 6, 2018

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