, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Pertamina Allocates Capital Expenditure this Year to USD 5.59 Billion - MEDIA MONITORING OIL AND GAS -->


Saturday, February 10, 2018

Pertamina Allocates Capital Expenditure this Year to USD 5.59 Billion

    PT Pertamina (Persero) allocates capital expenditure (capital expenditure / capex) of USD 5.59 billion in 2018. This year's capex rose from the actual capex of 2017 amounting to USD 3.6 billion.

    Director of Investment Planning and Risk Management of Pertamina Gigih Prakoso said the capital expenditure budget this year will be prioritized for the company's investment in the upstream sector. The investment portion of upstream sector in this year's capital expenditure budget is 59%.

"For 2018 budget capex is planned to be USD 5.59 billion, allocated for upstream of 59%, 15% marketing, 15% mega project, 5% gas, 3% processing and 3% other supporting research," said Gigih.

 the Mahakam Block

  According to Gigih, this year Pertamina has several investment development plans in the upstream sector, among others, the development of Tiung Biru Jimbaran Field, Mahakam Block transfer process, and geothermal development. While in the petrochemical and processing sectors are RDMP refinery projects, new grass root refineries, increased refinery crude versatility, and the development of other derivative products.

"In the marketing sector, the investment plan is to strengthen the terminal distribution infrastructure of Fuel Petroleum (Refinery) and refinery pipe and rejuvenation," he said.

Elia Massa Manik
    Meanwhile, President Director of Pertamina Elia Massa Manik said that until the end of 2017 the company recorded a net profit of USD2.41 billion. This profit is down 23.5% from 2016 reached USD3.15 billion.

"The depth of Pertamina's net profit was triggered by price hike of Indonesia Crude Price (IPC) last year which rose by 27% or from USD 40.16 per barrel to 51.17 per barrel," Elia said.

    He explained that the increase of world oil price which is not followed by the increase of premium fuel price and diesel fuel until March 2018 impact on the decrease of profit. This also makes the company must be operating expenditure (operating expenditure / opex) over the past year.

    Elia revealed that Pertamina's unaudited revenue of 2017 reached USD 42.86 billion. This figure is up 17% from 2016 which is only USD 36.49 billion.

"These figures have not been audited, but this will change later, but the audit will be released on February 14," he said.

Projects in Bangladesh

    On the other hand, PT Pertamina (Persero) and the Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDP) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on the development of integrated electricity projects in Bangladesh. In a press release mentioned the signing of MoU done VP Power New Renewable Energy Pertamina Ginanjar with Chairman of BPDP Khaled Mahmood witnessed President Joko Widodo and Prime Minister of the Republic of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina in Dhaka.

    This cooperation is a follow up of the previous MoU in the energy sector signed by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) with the Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources of the People's Bangladesh, on September 15, 2017, "said Pertamina press release.

    In the previous MoU, Pertamina will build and develop an integrated project in Bangladesh consisting of an Independent Power Producer (IPP) Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) Power Plant with a capacity of 1,400 MW.

    This project will be connected to LNG receiving facility consisting of Floating Storage and Regasification Unit (FSRU), mooring and offloading infrastructure, and gas pipeline, subsea and onshore.

    In this project, BPDB will act as the buyer of electricity generated by the integrated facility. The investment value of this project is estimated at USD 2 billion or around Rp 26.3 trillion.

    Because the completion of construction of this facility will take three years after financial closing stage is reached. The construction plan will begin in 2019.


Pertamina Alokasikan Belanja Modal Tahun Ini USD 5,59 Miliar

    PT Pertamina (Persero) mengalokasikan belanja modal (capital expenditure/ capex) sebanyak USD 5,59 miliar pada 2018. Capex tahun ini naik dari realisasi capex tahun 2017 yang sebesar USD 3,6 miliar.

    Direktur Perencanaan Investasi dan Manajemen Risiko Pertamina Gigih Prakoso mengungkapkan, anggaran belanja modal tahun ini akan diprioritaskan untuk investasi perseroan di sektor hulu. Adapun porsi investasi sektor hulu pada anggaran belanja modal tahun ini adalah sebesar 59%.

"Untuk penganggaran capex tahun 2018 direncanakan USD 5,59 miliar. Dialokasikan untuk hulu 59%, pemasaran 15%, megaproyek 15%, gas 5%, pengolahan 3%, dan riset pendukung lainnya 3%," ujar Gigih.

    Menurut Gigih, pada tahun ini Pertamina memiliki beberapa rencana pengembangan investasi di sektor hulu di antaranya, pengembangan Lapangan Jimbaran Tiung Biru, proses alih kelola Blok Mahakam, dan pengembangan geothermal. Sementara di sektor petrokimia dan pengolahan adalah proyek RDMP kilang, new grass root kilang, peningkatan fleksibilitas minyak mentah kilang, serta pengembangan produk turunan lainnya.

"Pada sektor pemasaran, rencana investasi untuk penguatan infrastruktur pasokan distribusi terminal Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) dan pipa serta peremajaan kilang,” katanya.

    Sementara itu, Direktur Utama Pertamina Elia Massa Manik mengatakan, hingga akhir 2017 perseroan mencatatkan laba bersih sebesar USD2,41 miliar. Laba ini turun 23,5% dari tahun 2016 yang mencapai USD3,15 miliar.

"Tertekannya laba bersih Pertamina dipicu kenaikan harga Indonesia Crude Price (IPC) pada tahun lalu yang naik sebesar 27% atau dari USD 40,16 per barel menjadi 51,17 per barel," kata Elia.

    Dia menjelaskan, kenaikan harga minyak dunia yang tidak diikuti kenaikan harga bahan bakar minyak (BBM) premium dan solar hingga Maret 2018 berimbas pada penurunan laba. Hal ini pun membuat perseoran harus biaya operasional perusahaan (operating expenditure/opex) sepanjang tahun lalu.

    Elia mengungkapkan, pendapatan Pertamina sepanjang 2017 yang belum diaudit mencapai USD 42,86 miliar. Angka ini naik 17% dari tahun 2016 yang hanya USD 36,49 miliar.

"Angka-angka ini belum diaudit. Ini nanti kemungkinan berubah. Tapi nanti resmi auditnya akan keluar 14 Februari mendatang,"

Proyek di Bangladesh

    Di sisi lain, PT Pertamina (Persero) dan Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDP) menandatangani nota kesepahaman (MoU) tentang pembangunan proyek listrik terintegrasi di Bangladesh. Dalam siaran pers disebutkan penandatanganan MoU dilakukan VP Power New Renewable Energy Pertamina Ginanjar dengan Chairman of BPDP Khaled Mahmood disaksikan Presiden Joko Widodo dan Perdana Menteri Republik Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina di Dhaka.

    Kerja sama ini merupakan tindak lanjut dari MoU sebelumnya di sektor energi yang ditandatangani Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) dengan Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources of the People’s Bangladesh, pada 15 September 2017 lalu,” tutur siaran pers Pertamina tersebut.

    Dalam MoU sebelumnya, Pertamina akan membangun dan mengembangkan proyek terintegrasi di Bangladesh yang terdiri dari Independent Power Producer (IPP) Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) Power Plant dengan kapasitas 1.400 MW.

    Proyek ini nanti akan terhubung dengan fasilitas penerima LNG yang terdiri dari Floating Storage and Regasification Unit (FSRU), infrastruktur mooring dan offloading, serta jalur pipa gas, subsea maupun onshore.

    Dalam proyek ini, BPDB akan bertindak sebagai pembeli listrik yang dihasilkan fasilitas terintegrasi tersebut. Adapun nilai investasi dari proyek ini diperkirakan sebesar USD 2 miliar atau sekitar Rp 26,3 triliun.

    Karena proses penyelesaian konstruksi fasilitas ini akan membutuhkan waktu tiga tahun setelah tahap financial closing dicapai. Rencananya konstruksi akan dimulai tahun 2019.

Koran Sindo, Page-17, Tuesday, Jan 30, 2018

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