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Thursday, February 8, 2018

Petronas made Indonesia Priority

    Petronas has signed nine production sharing contract (PSC) and currently operates four oil and gas blocks in Indonesia. Malaysia's oil and gas company, Petronas, sees Indonesia providing a great opportunity for oil and gas exploration development.

"Indonesia has and provides great opportunities for the development of oil and gas exploration. Therefore, we make Indonesia top priority, "said Head of Country of Petronas Carigali Indonesia M Zaini B Md Nor in his presentation to SKK Migas, Contractor Cooperation Contract (KKKS), and a number of media leaders, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


    Petronas Carigali Indonesia operates in Indonesia since 2000. They have signed nine production sharing contracts (PSCs) and currently operate four oil and gas blocks in Indonesia. One of them is the Ketapang Block, in Lapangan Bukit Tua, near Madura, East Java.

    Bukit Tua field is the largest upstream oil and gas project of Petronas in Indonesia. Its investment reaches the US $ 800 million. As an operator, Malaysia's oil and gas company holds 80% of the shares, and the remaining 20% ​​is owned by PT Saka Ketapang Perdana, a subsidiary of state-owned Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN).

    Petronas as the operator of Ketapang Block is ready to drill two new wells in Lapangan Bukit Tua to increase production from 15,000 barrels oil per day to 20,000 BOPD.

    In addition, Petronas as the manager of the North Madura II Block also added one well for exploration. From data from SKK Migas, the investment fund for the two wells reached the US $ 80 million. The state-owned oil and gas company also controls an 80% stake in Muriah Block. Petronas also cooperates with PGN subsidiary in Blok Muriah, namely PT Saka Energy Muriah Ltd.

    Previously Petronas declared Kepodang Gas Field, Muriah Block stated in a force majeure state, ie gas production capacity fell not as predicted earlier.

"We are waiting for the study of Lemigas (Research Center and Development of Oil and Gas Technology)," said Zaini.

    The results of the study determine the circumstances of the force majeure and the number of losses suffered by Petronas.

"Oil and gas business is high risk. The capacity of oil and gas produced is often smaller than predicted, "said Zaini.

Simplify procedure

    The problem in the Muriah Block did not dampen Petronas's move to develop its oil and gas industry in Indonesia. Petronas keeps Indonesia as a key area for the development of its oil and gas industry.

    Deputy Head of SKK Migas Sukandar said Indonesia will offer a number of blocks to oil and gas companies and he expects Petronas to be interested.

"One of them is the block in Papua," said Sukandar.

    To attract oil and gas companies, SKK Migas facilitates administrative procedures.

"The Minister of EMR likes us to approve the licenses if you are interested even before the official offer you submit," said Sukandar.

    Petronas, Zaini said, would certainly consider the offer.

"We see we certainly prefer Java to Papua," he said.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in Petronas Carigali Ketapang

Media Indonesia, Page-14, Saturday, Jan 27, 2018

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