The existence of holding BUMN Migas initially caused turmoil among employees, especially employees of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN), which will become a subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero). However, because socialization has been massive then they have started to accept the holding of state-owned oil and gas.
PGN Corporate Secretary Rachmat Hutama said the company is conducting socialization to PGN workers in relation to the formation of BUMN holdings of oil and gas up to the plan of the Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting (RUPSLB). All PGN workers have also accepted the formation of state-owned oil and gas holding companies.
"All issues have been submitted, including benefits from holding formation, valuation achieved, related to existing operations and infrastructure integration, to subholding that will take care of midstream to downstream gas business activities.
In the socialization, all workers have been able to accept the understanding of the management and shareholders of the ministry, "said Rachmat.
Nicke Widyawati
Pertamina's Director of Mineral Resources, Nicke Widyawati, said Pertamina will make a transition effort to PGN's employees just like Pertamina in the Mahakam block. Hope this way can make the formation of holding state-owned oil and gas running smoothly.
"Like the ONWJ block, the Mahakam block, we are giving all open opportunities, and smooth, that's what we will do." The process is indeed the policy in Pertamina, "Nicke said.
"Like the ONWJ block, the Mahakam block, we are giving all open opportunities, and smooth, that's what we will do." The process is indeed the policy in Pertamina, "Nicke said.
Karyawan PGN Sudah Terima Masuk Holding
Keberadaan holding BUMN Migas awalnya menimbulkan gejolak di kalangan karyawan, khususnya karyawan PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN), yang akan menjadi anak usaha PT Pertamina (Persero). Namun, ternyata karena sosialisasi sudah masif maka mereka sudah mulai menerima adanya holding BUMN Migas.
Sekretaris Perusahaan PGN Rachmat Hutama mengatakan perseroan ini melakukan sosialisasi kepada pekerja PGN terkait pembentukan holding BUMN migas hingga rencana penyelenggaraan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa (RUPSLB). Semua pekerja PGN pun telah menerima pembentukan holding BUMN migas.
"Semua isu sudah disampaikan, termasuk benefit dari pembentukan holding, valuasi yang dicapai, terkait operasional dan integrasi infrastruktur yang ada, sampai akhirnya subholding yang akan mengurusi midstream sampai downstream kegiatan bisnis gas.
Dalam sosialisasi, semua pekerja sudah bisa menerima pemahaman dari manajemen dan pemegang saham kementerian,"kata Rachmat.
Direktur Sumber Daya Mineral Pertamina Nicke Widyawati menyebutkan, Pertamina akan melakukan upaya transisi terhadap karyawan PGN sama seperti yang dilakukan Pertamina di Blok Mahakam. Harapannya cara ini bisa membuat pembentukan holding BUMN migas berjalan mulus.
"Seperti blok ONWJ, blok Mahakam, kami memberikan semua peluang terbuka, dan smooth, itulah yang akan kami lakukan. Prosesnya memang demikian yang menjadi policy di Pertamina," kata Nicke.
Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, Jan 24, 2018
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