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Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Saka Will Work on Joint Study of Two Oil and Gas Blocks

    PT Saka Energi Indonesia is proposing a joint study of two new oil and gas blocks in Indonesia. Saka targets to continue to increase oil and gas reserves through the exploration of new oil and gas blocks.

    Saka Energy Exploration Vice President Rovicky Putrohari said there was no target that the company would add new exploration blocks to a certain amount each year. But it continues to seek additional oil and gas reserves in exchange for oil and gas that has been produced. This is so that the company can survive in the future.

"If it's not like that, we'll just dying. So we are not just looking for existing ones, but we also find (oil and gas reserves) that do not yet exist, "he said after the announcement of the winners of the 2017 oil and gas block auction in Jakarta.

    One of the steps taken by Saka is by conducting a study with the oil and gas block with the government. According to Rovicky, it is now proposing to conduct joint study on two oil and gas blocks. Unfortunately he is reluctant to reveal which blocks are targeted for this development. The reason is that the block studied will usually be auctioned by the government.

"We are proposing a joint study proposal in two new oil and gas working areas. For the joint study is eight months, "he explained.


working areas of oil and foreign countries in Indonesia

   Currently, Saka is involved in the management of 11 oil and gas blocks at home and abroad. Three oil and gas blocks are still under exploration, namely South Sesulu, West Bangkanai and Wokam II. While others have been in production, namely Muara Bakau Block, Bangkanai Block, Pangkah, Ketapang, South East Sumatra, Muriah, and Sanga-Sanga. Abroad, Saka owns a stake in Fasken Block, United States.


oil and gas working areas
      Previously, President Director of Saka Energi Indonesia Tumbur Parlindungan said the company's oil and gas production could reach 100 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day / boepd in the next five years. Achieving that by simply relying on blocks that have been owned by the company at this time.

    However, the achievement of the projection depends on the success of Saka Energy's exploration. In 2018, Saka targets its oil and gas production to rise 10 percent from last year's production. For that, Saka budgeted an investment fund of about US $ 150-200 million to work on the oil and gas blocks it manages.

    Most of the capital expenditures will be channeled for drilling activities in Pangkah Block where Saka becomes operator and holds 100% participating interest.

    Throughout 2018, Saka plans to conduct seven drilling activities. Five of them are conducted in Pangkah Block, East Java consisting of four development projects and one exploration drilling. The remainder is an exploration drilling activity in Wokam II, Papua and one exploration drilling in South Sesulu, East Kalimantan. In addition, his side started the development phase of Sidayu and West Pangkah Project in Pangkah Block.


Saka Akan Mengerjakan Joint Study Dua Blok Migas

    PT Saka Energi Indonesia sedang mengajukan proposal kajian bersama (joint study) dua blok migas baru di Indonesia. Saka menargetkan dapat terus menambah cadangan migas melalui eksplorasi blok migas baru.

    Vice President Exploration Saka Energi Rovicky Putrohari mengatakan tidak ada target bahwa perusahaan akan menambah blok eksplorasi baru dalam jumlah tertentu setiap tahunnya. Namun pihaknya terus berupaya mendapat tambahan cadangan migas sebagai ganti migas yang sudah diproduksikan. Hal ini agar perusahaan dapat bertahan di masa mendatang.

“Kalau tidak seperti itu, kami dying saja. Makanya kami tidak hanya sekadar mencari yang sudah ada, tetapi kami juga menemukan (cadangan migas) yang belum ada,” kata dia usai pengumuman pemenang lelang blok migas 2017 di Jakarta.

    Salah satu langkah yang ditempuh Saka yakni dengan melakukan kajian bersama blok migas dengan pemerintah. Menurut Rovicky, pihaknya kini sedang mengajukan proposal untuk melakukan kajian bersama di dua blok migas. Sayangnya dia enggan mengungkapkan blok mana saja yang diincar untuk dikembangkan ini. Pasalnya, blok yang dikaji ini biasanya akan dilelang oleh pemerintah.

“Kami sedang ajukan proposal joint study di dua Wilayah Kerja migas baru. Untuk joint studynya delapan bulan,” jelasnya.

    Saat ini, Saka terlibat dalam pengelolaan 11 blok migas di dalam dan luar negeri. Tiga blok migas masih dalam tahap eksplorasi, yakni South Sesulu, West Bangkanai, dan Wokam II. Sementara lainnya sudah berproduksi, yakni Blok Muara Bakau, Blok Bangkanai, Pangkah, Ketapang, South East Sumatera, Muriah, serta Sanga-Sanga. Di luar negeri, Saka memiliki saham di Blok Fasken, Amerika Serikat.

    Sebelumnya, Presiden Direktur Saka Energi Indonesia Tumbur Parlindungan mengatakan, produksi migas perusahaan yang dipimpinnya itu bisa mencapai 100 ribu barel setara minyak per hari (barrel oil equivalent per day/boepd) dalam lima tahun ke depan. Pencapaian itu dengan hanya mengandalkan blok-blok yang telah dimiliki perusahaan pada saat ini.

    Namun, pencapaian proyeksi itu tergantung pada keberhasilan eksplorasi yang dilakukan Saka Energi. Pada 2018 ini, Saka menargetkan produksi migasnya bisa naik 10% dari realisasi produksi tahun lalu. Untuk itu, Saka menganggarkan dana investasi sekitar US$ 150-200 juta untuk menggarap blok-blok migas yang dikelolanya.

    Sebagian besar belanja modal akan disalurkan untuk kegiatan pengeboran di Blok Pangkah di mana Saka menjadi operator dan memegang hak partisipasi sebesar 100%.

    Sepanjang 2018, Saka merencanakan untuk melakukan tujuh kegiatan pengeboran. Lima di antaranya dilakukan di Blok Pangkah, Jawa Timur yang terdiri dari empat pengerboran pengembangan dan satu pengeboran eksplorasi. Sisanya, satu kegiatan pengeboran eksplorasi di Wokam ll, Papua dan satu pengeboran eksplorasi di South Sesulu, Kalimantan Timur. Selain itu, pihaknya memulai fase pengembangan Proyek Sidayu dan West Pangkah di Blok Pangkah.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Thursday, Feb 1, 2018

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