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Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Some Contractors Interested

auction of oil and gas blocks

    Several oil and gas contractors are interested to participate in the 25-40 auction of oil and gas working areas to be opened this month. Some companies claim to see offerings of about 25 work areas to 40 work areas as an opportunity to strengthen oil and gas business in Indonesia.

    Vice President of Public and Government Affairs of ExxonMobil Indonesia Erwin Maryoto said it will continue to seek and evaluate new opportunities in Indonesia.

"We will seek potential in Indonesia that is in line with business objectives, including oil and gas blocks offered by the Indonesian government," he said.

    Erwin said, it is committed to continue to invest in the oil and gas sector in Indonesia, both upstream and downstream sectors.

"Currently, our oil and gas production from Banyu Urip field in Cepu Block is more than 200,000 barrels per day. Nationally, the production is arguably already 25% of total oil and gas production in Indonesia, "he said.

    Not only Exxon, PT Saka Energy Indonesia was already square off to follow the auction of oil and gas blocks this year. Vice President Exploration Saka Energi Indonesia Rovicky Putrohari said the company is proposing to conduct joint study on two working areas this year.

"A joint study proposal has been submitted to the government."

     Subsidiary of PT PGN Tbk. it just won an oil / gas block auction stage I / 2017 at the end of last month. Saka Energy won the Pekawai Block and West Yamdena Block. At the 2018 oil and gas block auction there are 40 work areas ready to be auctioned, but the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) is still evaluating the prospect of 15 termination working areas available.
    The 25 unconventional conventional oil and gas blocks will come from the work areas available by 2018, working areas prepared for the second phase / 2017 auction, and unsold work areas by 2015 and 2016.

    Meanwhile, the ESDM ministry has allowed oil and gas companies to conduct joint studies on oil and gas working areas to be auctioned.


Beberapa Kontraktor Mulai Berminat

    Beberapa kontraktor minyak dan gas bumi berminat untuk ikut serta dalam lelang 25-40 wilayah kerja migas yang akan dibuka bulan ini. Beberapa perusahaan mengaku melihat penawaran sekitar 25 wilayah kerja sampai 40 wilayah kerja sebagai peluang untuk memperkuat bisnis migas di Indonesia.

    Vice President Public and Government Affairs ExxonMobil Indonesia Erwin Maryoto mengatakan, pihaknya akan terus mencari dan mengevaluasi kesempatan baru yang ada di Indonesia.

“Kami akan mencari potensi di Indonesia yang sesuai dengan tujuan bisnis, termasuk blok-blok migas yang ditawarkan pemerintah Indonesia,” ujarnya.

    Erwin menuturkan, pihaknya berkomitmen untuk terus berinvestasi pada sektor migas di Indonesia, baik sektor hulu maupun hilir.

“Saat ini, produksi migas kami dari lapangan Banyu Urip di Blok Cepu sudah Iebih dari 200.000 barel per hari. Secara nasional, produksi itu bisa dibilang sudah 25% dari total produksi migas di Indonesia,” tuturnya.

    Bukan hanya Exxon saja, PT Saka Energi Indonesia pun sudah ancang-ancang untuk mengikuti lelang blok migas pada tahun ini. Vice President Exploration Saka Energi Indonesia Rovicky Putrohari mengatakan, perseroan sedang mengajukan untuk melakukan studi bersama pada dua wilayah kerja pada tahun ini.

“Proposal studi bersama sudah diajukan kepada pemerintah.”

    Anak usaha PT PGN Tbk. itu baru saja memenangkan lelang blok migas tahap I/2017 pada akhir bulan lalu. Saka Energi memenangkan Blok Pekawai dan Blok West Yamdena. Pada lelang blok migas 2018 terdapat 40 wilayah kerja yang siap dilelang, tetapi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) masih mengevaluasi prospek 15 wilayah kerja terminasi yang tersedia.

    Secara 25 blok migas konvensional yang pasti dilelang itu berasal dari wilayah kerja yang tersedia pada 2018, Wilayah kerja yang disiapkan untuk lelang tahap II/2017, dan wilayah kerja yang tidak laku pada 2015 dan 2016.

    Sementara itu, kementerian ESDM telah mengizinkan perusahaan migas melakukan studi bersama terhadap wilayah kerja migas yang akan dilelang.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Monday, Feb 5, 2018

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