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Friday, February 2, 2018

Transfer of Shares from PGN Could Immediately Reach

    The Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk is scheduling the agenda for approval of amendment to the articles of association and shareholder approval of the transfer of state shares to PT PGN to PT Pertamina. However, the establishment of the parent company of the state-owned oil and gas sector still has to wait for the government regulation.

Fajar Harry Sampurno

    This was conveyed by Deputy Minister of Mining Business, Strategic Industries, and Media Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises Fajar Harry Sampurno.

 "The implementation team of SOE holding companies in the oil and gas sector has been established, namely the vision and mission team, transactions, operational, communication and human resources," said Fajar.

    The purpose of establishing a holding company of BUMN in oil and gas sector is to improve efficiency and business performance. For example, in terms of accessibility. Public access to gas needs to be expanded at affordable prices. The availability of gas as an environmentally friendly energy for consumers needs to be maintained.

    In the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of PT PGN which is planned to be implemented on January 25, will be discussed the amendment of the articles of association, including the approval of shareholders in relation to the transfer of state shares to PT Pertamina to PT PGN. 

    The government has a stake in PT PGN of 56.96 percent and the public owns 43.04 percent of the shares. From the existing data, PT PGN profit in 2016 amounted to 308 million US dollars or about Rp 4 trillion with an exchange rate of Rp 13,000 per US dollar.

The process of formation

  Nicke Widyawati

    According to Human Resources Director of PT Pertamina Nicke Widyawati, the company will form a strategic holding company covering upstream or upstream subholding, processing, marketing and retail, and gas.

    First of all, PT Pertamina will undertake the formation of the parent company of subholding gas. The establishment and consolidation of other subholding parent companies will be carried out subsequently and will not interfere with business operations already in operation.

    Fajar added that the draft of the government regulation (PP) for the establishment of the holding company of BUMN oil and gas sector is still being processed in the State Secretariat and it is only signed by the President. Shareholders may schedule discussion of shareholders' approval on the transfer of state shares in PT PGN without having to wait for the Government Regulation to come out.


Pengalihan Saham dari PGN Bisa Segera Terealisasi

    Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk menjadwalkan agenda persetujuan perubahan anggaran dasar dan persetujuan pemegang saham atas pengalihan saham negara pada PT PGN ke PT Pertamina. Namun, pembentukan perusahaan induk badan usaha milik negara sektor minyak dan gas bumi itu masih harus menanti peraturan pemerintah.

    Hal itu disampaikan Deputi Bidang Usaha Pertambangan, Industri Strategis, dan Media Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara Fajar Harry Sampurno.

 ”Tim implementasi perusahaan induk BUMN di sektor migas sudah dibentuk, yaitu tim visi dan misi, transaksi, operasional, komunikasi, dan sumber daya manusia,” kata Fajar.

    Tujuan pembentukan perusahaan induk BUMN di sektor migas adalah meningkatkan efisiensi dan kinerja usaha. Misalnya, dari sisi aksesibilitas. Akses masyarakat mendapatkan gas perlu diperbanyak dengan harga terjangkau. Ketersediaan gas sebagai energi ramah lingkungan bagi konsumen perlu dijaga.

    Dalam RUPS Luar Biasa PT PGN yang direncanakan dilaksanakan 25 Januari, akan dibahas perubahan anggaran dasar, termasuk persetujuan pemegang saham terkait dengan pengalihan saham negara pada PT PGN kepada PT Pertamina. Pemerintah memiliki saham di PT PGN sebesar 56,96 persen dan publik memiliki saham 43,04 persen. Dari data yang ada, laba PT PGN tahun 2016 sebesar 308 juta dollar AS atau sekitar Rp 4 triliun dengan nilai tukar Rp 13.000 per dolar AS.

Proses pembentukan
    Menurut Direktur Sumber Daya Manusia PT Pertamina Nicke Widyawati, pihaknya akan membentuk perusahaan induk secara strategis yang meliputi pembagian subholding upstream atau hulu, pengolahan, pemasaran dan ritel, serta gas.

    Pertama-tama, PT Pertamina akan melakukan pembentukan perusahaan induk subholding gas. Pembentukan dan konsolidasi perusahaan induk subholding lain akan dilakukan kemudian dan tidak akan mengganggu kegiatan bisnis yang sudah beroperasi.

    Fajar menambahkan, draf peraturan pemerintah (PP) pembentukan perusahaan induk BUMN sektor migas masih diproses di Sekretariat Negara dan tinggal ditandatangani Presiden, Pemegang saham bisa saja mengagendakan pembahasan persetujuan pemegang saham mengenai pengalihan saham negara di PT PGN tanpa harus menunggu Peraturan Pemerintah keluar.

Kompas, Page-18, Wednesday, Jan 24, 2018

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