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Wednesday, May 16, 2018

16 Oil and Gas Working Areas Set Gross Split

With the partition cost recovery schemes received by the government are often smaller than those obtained by operators. The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) noted that there are 16 oil and gas working areas using the gross split system established in early 2017. This is in contrast to the conditions under which the cost recovery system is still in place, from 2015 to 2016 no one sells.

Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) Archandra Tahar said the gross split determination will answer the difficulties faced by managers of oil and gas blocks in determining the production cost agreed by the state in this case represented by SKK Migas.

"For operators it will make it easier for them to count the cost, while for the government is to make sure the share or split it earns from the production of oil and gas blocks," said Archandra in his office.

So far with the cost recovery scheme, the share received by the government is often smaller than that obtained by operators. That's because all the costs incurred by the manager must be paid in advance by the government. Thus, the results obtained are far from the percentages set out in the cost recovery scheme of 85% for governments and operators 15%. Indonesia is not the only country in the world to apply gross split. In the United States, gross splits are applied under different names.

"In America based on royalty and tax. The tax is fixed, the royalties are negotiable, "Archandra said.

Increased climate level

Head of Communications, Public Information Services, and Cooperation Bureau of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Agung Pribadi, explained that since January 2017 to early May 2018, there are already 16 WK using gross split. Details 1 Work Area Onshore Nortth West Java (ONWJ), 5 Working Areas of 2017 auction results, 6 Termination Working Areas 2018, and 4 Work Areas of the tender results of the 2012 Direct Deals.

"For regular auction 2018 results will be announced Iuni 2019. Can be added again. This is evidence of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources bringing energy management to follow the times, "he said.

Even Chevron, one of the KKKS operating in Indonesia, also acknowledged the improved investment climate of Indonesia's oil and gas.

"We have seen positive changes through the revision of the Minister of EMR regulations related to gross split. It is very clear that the ESDM Ministry has received industry input and strengthened the provisions to improve the competitiveness of this scheme, "explained Chuck Taylor, Managing Director of Chevron IndoAsia Business Unit, in its official statement (2/5).

Agung said efforts to improve the investment climate continue to be done by the government. The fundamental policies of the ESDM sector in the last two years have also begun to show results.

"There can be no government that deliberately inhibits investment. The proof at the beginning of this year the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources has cut 186 licenses in the EMR sector. It's not a discourse anymore, but it was done last March. As a result, the investment process is more smooth, many business actors feel the benefits directly, "said Agung.

The next investment policy is to provide an opportunity for existing investors to manage WK oil and gas so that investment and production are maintained, but still must be more profitable to the state. The policy is implemented through Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 23 of 2018 on Management of Oil and Gas Working Areas that will End Their Cooperation Contracts.


16 Wilayah Kerja Migas Tetapkan Gross Split

Dengan skema cost recovery bagian yang diterima pemerintah sering kali lebih kecil daripada yang diperoleh operator. Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) mencatat telah ada 16 wilayah kerja minyak dan gas bumi (WK migas) yang menggunakan sistem gross split yang ditetapkan pada awal 2017. Hal itu berkebalikan dengan kondisi saat masih diterapkan sistem cost recovery, lelang blok kerja migas sejak 2015 hingga 2016 tidak ada yang laku.

Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Archandra Tahar mengatakan penetapan gross split akan menjawab kesulitan yang selama ini dihadapi pengelola blok migas dalam menentukan biaya produksi yang disetujui negara dalam hal ini diwakili SKK Migas.

“Bagi operator akan memudahkan mereka dalam berhitung biaya, sementara bagi pemerintah ialah memastikan bagian atau split yang diperolehnya dari hasil produksi blok migas itu,” kata Archandra di kantornya.

Selama ini dengan skema cost recovery, bagian yang diterima pemerintah sering kali lebih kecil daripada yang diperoleh operator. Hal itu karena seluruh biaya yang dikeluarkan pengelola harus dibayarkan terlebih dahulu oleh pemerintah. Dengan demikian, hasil yang diperoleh jauh dari persentase yang disusun dalam skema cost recovery yakni 85% untuk pemerintah dan operator 15%. Indonesia bukan satu-satunya negara di dunia yang menerapkan gross split. Di Amerika Serikat, gross split diterapkan dengan nama berbeda.

“Di Amerika berdasarkan royalty and tax. Tax-nya fixed, royaltinya nego,” tandas Archandra.

Tingkatan iklim invetasi

Kepala Biro Komunikasi, Layanan Informasi Publik, dan Kerja Sama Kementerian ESDM, Agung Pribadi, menjelaskan sejak Januari 2017 hingga awal Mei 2018, sudah ada 16 WK menggunakan gross split. Perinciannya 1 Wilayah Kerja Onshore Nortth West Java (ONWJ), 5 Wilayah Kerja hasil lelang 2017, 6 Wilayah Kerja terminasi 2018, dan 4 Wilayah Kerja hasil lelang penawaran Iangsung 2018.

“Untuk lelang reguler 2018 hasilnya nanti diumumkan Iuni 2019. Bisa tambah lagi. Ini bukti Kementerian ESDM membawa pengelolaan energi mengikuti zaman,” ujarnya. 

Bahkan Chevron, salah satu KKKS yang beroperasi di Indonesia juga mengakui membaiknya iklim investasi migas Indonesia.

“Kita telah melihat perubahan-perubahan positif melalui revisi atas peraturan Menteri ESDM terkait gross split. Sangat jelas Kementerian ESDM telah menerima masukan industri dan memperkukuh ketentuan-ketentuan untuk meningkatkan daya saing skema ini,” jelas Chuck Taylor, Managing Director Chevron IndoAsia Business Unit, dalam keterangan resminya (2/5).

Agung menuturkan usaha peningkatan iklim investasi terus dilakukan pemerintah. Berbagai kebijakan fundamental sektor ESDM yang dilakukan dua tahun terakhir ini juga sudah mulai menunjukkan hasil.

“Tidak mungkin ada pemerintah yang sengaja menghambat investasi. Buktinya awal tahun ini Menteri ESDM sudah pangkas 186 perizinan di sektor ESDM. Itu bukan wacana lagi, tapi sudah dilakukan Maret lalu. Hasilnya, proses investasi lebih Iancar, banyak pelaku usaha yang merasakan langsung manfaatnya,” ungkap Agung.

Kebijakan investasi berikutnya ialah memberi kesempatan kepada investor existing untuk mengelola WK migas sehingga investasi dan produksi terjaga, tetapi tetap harus lebih menguntungkan negara. Kebijakan tersebut dilakukan melalui Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 23 Tahun 2018 tentang Pengelolaan Wilayah Kerja Migas yang akan Berakhir Kontrak Kerja Sama-nya.

Media Indonesia, Page-17, Monday, May 7, 2018

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