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Wednesday, May 16, 2018

4 Blocks Will Be Extended

The government will prioritize contractors to exist in Pendopo Block don Raja, BuLA, SeraM (non-Bula), and Jambi Merang to continue operations in the oil and gas working area.

The production sharing contracts for the four oil and gas work areas will end in 2019. Currently, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) is discussing the planned extension of the contract for the four oil and gas blocks. The ESDM Ministry will set terms and conditions (terms and conditions / T & C) for the renewal of the block. The draft terms and conditions are expected to be completed this week.

Deputy Minister of EMR Arcanclra Tahar said that the ESDM Ministry is focusing on discussing the extension of terminating oil and gas working areas, including the four blocks. In fact, Arcandra projects, there is a signing of a new contract from one of these blocks this week.

"The new contract process for this termination work area must be fast," he said on Monday (7/5).

Currently, Joint Operation Body (JOB) of PT Pertamina (Persero) and Golden Spike Energy Indonesia become operators Pendopo and Raja. Pertamina controls 50% stake and Golden Spike 50% in Pendopo Block.

Blok Bula is managed by Kalrez Petroleum (Seram) Ltd, Seram Block (non-Bula) is managed by a consortium of CITIC Seram Energy Limited consisting of CITIC Resources, KUFPEC, Gulf Petroleum and Lion Energy. The Jambi Merang Block is managed by Talisman, while the participation stake is owned by Pertamina and Pacific Oil and Gas.

Based on Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 23/2018 on the Management of Oil and Gas Working Areas Ending Cooperation Contracts issued in April 2018, termination blocks will be prioritized to operators exist. Director of Upstream Oil and Gas Business Development of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Ediar Usman, said this week a new manager will be appointed and draft the terms and conditions for the new contracts of the four working areas that will be terminated in 2019.

"All of that priority to operators exist first," he said.

Ediar said the terms and management of the four termination blocks will be included in the decree (SK) minister of ESDM.

"After the determination of T & C and the manager is completed, it will be given to SKK Migas. After that, SKK Migas will call the operators to exist to ask for readiness, if able to continue, "he said.

ESDM Minister Ignatius Jonan confirmed that the government will prioritize contractors to continue to operate the oil and gas block that has been exhausted by the contract. However, he did not explain in detail about the termination of oil and gas blocks.


In addition to the termination block, the government is also auctioning off new oil and gas working areas. Auction results of oil and gas blocks in 2018 with direct bidding scheme have been announced. However, out of a total of five working areas auctioned, only four were determined by the winners. Of the total five working areas, only the East Papua Block has no winners and the submission of the auction documents.

In fact, the direct auction scheme is brave it is certain there is one investor or prospective contractor cooperation contract (KKKS) who have conducted a joint study. Ediar Usman explains that East Papua does not propose auction proposal.

"If I'm not mistaken, it's a financial problem."

Ediar said, it also understands the problem of prospective KKKS in East Papua. The problem is caused by financial problems that could affect the commitment of its operations in one of the block auctioned.


4 Blok Akan Diperpanjang

Pemerintah akan memprioritaskan kontraktor eksis di Blok Pendopo don Raja, BuLA, SeraM (non-Bula), dan Jambi Merang untuk melanjutkan operAsi di Wilayah kerja minyak dan gas bumi tersebut.

Kontrak bagi hasil keempat wilayah kerja migas itu akan berakhir pada 2019. Saat ini, Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) sedang membicarakan rencana perpanjangan kontrak untuk keempat blok migas tersebut. Kementerian ESDM akan menetapkan syarat dan ketentuan (term and condition/T&C) untuk perpanjangan blok itu. Draf syarat dan ketentuan itu diperkirakan selesai pada pekan ini.

Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcanclra Tahar mengatakan bahwa Kementerian ESDM sedang fokus untuk membahas perpanjangan wilayah kerja migas terminasi, termasuk keempat blok tersebut. Bahkan, Arcandra memproyeksikan, ada penandatanganan kontrak baru dari salah satu blok tersebut pada pekan ini.

“Proses kontrak baru untuk wilayah kerja terminasi ini harus cepat,” ujarnya, Senin (7/5).  

Saat ini, Badan Operasi Bersama (Joint Operation Body/JOB) PT Pertamina (Persero) dan Golden Spike Energy Indonesia menjadi operator Blok Pendopo dan Raja.  Pertamina menguasai saham 50% dan Golden Spike 50% di Blok Pendopo.

Kalrez Petroleum (Seram) Ltd

Blok Bula dikelola oleh Kalrez Petroleum (Seram) Ltd, Blok Seram (non-Bula) dikelola oleh konsorsium CITIC Seram Energy Limited yang terdiri atas CITIC Resources, KUFPEC, Gulf Petroleum, dan Lion Energy. Blok Jambi Merang dikelola oleh Talisman, sedangkan saham partisipasi dimiliki oleh Pertamina dan Pacific Oil and Gas.

Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 23/2018 tentang Pengelolaan Wilayah Kerja Migas yang Berakhir Kontrak Kerja Sama-nya yang terbit pada April 2018, blok terminasi akan diprioritaskan kepada operator eksis. Direktur Pembinaan Usaha Hulu Migas Kementerian ESDM Ediar Usman mengatakan, pada pekan ini akan dilakukan penetapan pengelola baru dan draf syarat dan ketentuan untuk kontrak baru empat Wilayah kerja yang bakal terminasi pada 2019 tersebut. 

“Semua itu diprioritaskan kepada operator eksis terlebih dulu," ujarnya.

Ediar mengatakan, ketentuan dan pengelolaan empat blok terminasi itu akan dimasukkan dalam surat keputusan (SK) menteri ESDM.

“Setelah penetapan T&C dan pengelola selesai, nanti diberikan kepada SKK Migas. Setelah itu, SKK Migas akan memanggil operator eksis untuk menanyakan kesiapan, kalau sanggup bakal lanjut,” ujarnya.

Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan menegaskan bahwa pemerintah akan memprioritaskan kontraktor eksis untuk terus melanjutkan operasi blok migas yang sudah habis kontrak. Namun, dia tidak menjelaskan secara detail soal blok migas terminasi tersebut. 


Selain blok terminasi, pemerintah juga melelang wilayah kerja migas baru. Hasil lelang blok migas pada 2018 dengan skema penawaran langsung sudah diumumkan. Namun, dari total lima wilayah kerja yang dilelang, hanya empat yang ditentukan pemenang. Dari total lima wilayah kerja itu, hanya Blok East Papua yang tidak ada pemenang dan pengajuan dokumen lelang.

Padahal, skema lelang langsung ini berani sudah pasti ada satu investor atau calon kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) yang sudah melakukan studi bersama. Ediar Usman menjelaskan, East Papua memang tidak ada yang mengajukan proposal lelang. 

“Kalau tidak salah, permasalahan itu terkait masalah keuangan.”

Ediar menuturkan, pihaknya pun memahami persoalan dari calon KKKS di East Papua tersebut. Persoalan itu disebabkan oleh masalah keuangan yang bisa berpengaruh pada komitmen pasti operasinya nanti di salah satu blok yang dilelang tersebut. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Tuesday, May 8, 2018

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