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Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Arcandra: Gross Split Fixes Investors

The government is optimistic that the gross splits oil and gas (oil and gas) contract mechanism will still attract investors to invest in the oil and gas sector in Indonesia, which over the past few years has declined. This is because the gross split mechanism offers a simpler and more profitable business process for contractors and governments.

"A lot of things the government is doing to improve the investment climate of oil and gas, among them provide ease of investing with transparandan accountable fiscal regime, and cut licensing. The most important thing is the change in mechanism from cost recovery to gross split, "said the Vice Minister Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar in Jakarta.

The statement of Arcandra at the same time responded to the request of President Joko Widodo to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources when it opened the 42nd IPA Convention and Exhibition 2018 in Jakarta on Wednesday (2/5) to cut and simplify regulations and permits in upstream oil and gas industry to attract investment to Indonesia. According to Arcandra, the business process on cost recovery mechanism is very complicated and lengthy.

"Cost recovery is complicated, because every penny issued must get approval from SKK Migas. So when we offer a simple gross split business process, no more approval budget but only the program, "he explained.

Changes made by the government too, said Arcandra, to fruition. He mentioned that at 2016 oil and gas auction, when the cost recovery scheme still prevails, the result is that no oil and gas blocks are in demand. But at auction 2017, when the government began to apply gross split, oil and gas blocks attracted investors. In 2017, as many as five blocks of interest and in 2018 as many as 11 blocks of interest.

"Later in June there will be more signed contracts," said Arcandra.

Arcandra denied the notion that increased interest in the auction of oil and gas blocks was triggered by rising oil prices. Some even think that gross split is only in demand by small companies.

"The price of oil in 2017 has not gone up yet. Moreover oil and gas investment does not depend on oil prices for a moment. Investors see it as a long-term prospect, because this investment takes 15-20 years, "he said.

He also denied that oil and gas companies that are interested in gross split are small scale companies.

"Please check the multinational companies that get new oil and gas blocks. There's Repsol, Andaman, "he said.

Arcandra ensures that these mechanism changes are underway to enhance the exploration activities that results will be enjoyed in the next 10-15 years. Meanwhile, to increase production in the short term, the government seeks to open itself to various technologies that can be applied to boost production. Appreciation of the gross split mechanism was also submitted by Managing Director of Chevron IndoAsia Business Chuck Taylor Unit.

"We have seen positive changes through the revision of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation related to gross split. It is very clear the ESDM Ministry has received industry input and strengthen the provisions to improve the competitiveness of this scheme, "said Chuck Taylor.

Another investment policy is to provide an opportunity for existing investors to manage the oil and gas working area (WK) so that investment and production are maintained, but still have to be more profitable to the state. The policy is implemented through Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 23 of 2018 on Management of Oil and Gas Working Areas that Will End Their Contract of Work.

The spirit of the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources to maintain, even increase the oil and gas production from WK whose contract will expire. In addition, also maintain the continuity of investment in WK oil and gas. The end result, the greatest benefit for the state.

Oil and Gas Investment

Meanwhile, oil and gas investment that entered into Indonesia as of March 2018 was US $ 2.4 billion or around Rp 33 trillion, or 14 percent of the 2018 investment target of US $ 14.2 billion (Rp 200 trillion).

In the IPA event, the President of Indonesian Potroleum Association (IPA) Ronald Gunawan said investment is needed to boost production numbers that continue to decline and get new reserves of oil and gas. Until 2050, oil and gas will still be the main support of Indonesia's energy needs. Related to efforts to attract investors in the oil and gas sector, Ronald said the government has made a number of policy alignment. The form starting from the revision of existing rules, issuing new rules, to cut the rules that are considered to hinder operations.

"We expect that the improvement of the oil and gas investment climate in Indonesia continues to increase the number and speed up oil and gas projects to produce," said Ronald.

He also appreciated the issuance of Government Regulation (PP) 27/2017 and PP 53 / 2017. However, IPA hopes that simplification of regulation can continue to the local government level.

"One of the most important is the integration of central and local government regulations. If the rules in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources have been pruned, but in other ministries as yet, it is also difficult. The local government also has some rules that need to be streamlined and not convoluted, "he said.

He cited the regulation of steel imports. Oil and gas companies must take care of licensing in the Ministry of Industry and Trade Ministry if they wish to import. His party and SKK Migas are working to make this simplified.

"Then the biggest problem is land acquisition. If we want drilling, we need land clearance. Local government the process is very long. From the data, it takes a long time to land acquisition, must build the land and so on, "said Ronald.

The same thing was also expressed by Head of SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi. According to him, there are areas of oil and gas operations that have not been defined in spatial and regional plans by local governments. On the other hand, the plan has been issued into a Regional Regulation (Perda). Amien Sunaryadi said that improving the competitiveness of upstream oil and gas industry in Indonesia needs communication and hard work from all stakeholders.

"We believe the oil and gas industry will remain in Indonesia due to the increasing global demand. Industry faces challenges that force us all
to be creative and innovative in doing efficiency to improve competitiveness, "said Amien.


Arcandra: Gross Split Tetap Memikat Investor

Pemerintah optimistis bahwa mekanisme kontrak minyak dan gas (migas) gross split tetap memikat investor untuk berinvestasi di sektor migas di Indonesia yang selama beberapa tahun terakhir merosot. Hal ini disebabkan mekanisme gross split menawarkan proses bisnis yang lebih sederhana dan menguntungkan kontraktor maupun pemerintah.

“Banyak hal yang dilakukan pemerintah untuk memperbaiki iklim investasi migas, di antaranya memberi kemudahan berinvestasi dengan rezim fiskal yang transparandan akuntabel, serta memangkas perizinan. Yang terpenting lagi adalah perubahan mekanisme dari cost recovery ke gross split,” kata Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar di Jakarta.

Pernyataan Arcandra tersebut sekaligus menjawab permintaan Presiden Joko Widodo kepada Kementerian ESDM ketika membuka The 42nd IPA Convention and Exhibition 2018 di Jakarta, Rabu (2/5), agar dilakukan pemotongan dan penyederhanaan peraturan dan perizinan di industri hulu migas untuk menarik investasi ke Indonesia. Menurut Arcandra, proses bisnis pada mekanisme cost recovery sangat rumit dan panjang. 

“Cost recovery itu rumit, karena setiap penny yang dikeluarkan harus mendapatkan approval dari SKK Migas. Jadi saat kita menawarkan gross split yang proses bisnisnya simpel, tidak ada lagi approval budget melainkan hanya program,” jelasnya. 

Perubahan yang dilakukan pemerintah pun, kata Arcandra, membuahkan hasil. Dia menyebutkan, pada lelang migas 2016, ketika masih berlaku skema cost recovery, hasilnya tidak ada satu pun blok migas yang diminati. Namun pada lelang 2017, saat pemerintah mulai menerapkan gross split, blok migas diminati investor. Pada 2017, sebanyak lima blok diminati dan pada 2018 sebanyak 11 blok diminati. 

“Nanti bulan Juni juga akan ada lagi kontrak yang ditandatangani,” ujar Arcandra.

Arcandra membantah anggapan yang mengatakan bahwa meningkatnya minat terhadap lelang blok migas dipicu oleh harga minyak yang mulai membaik. Bahkan ada yang beranggapan bahwa gross split hanya diminati oleh perusahaan kecil.

“Harga minyak tahun 2017 itu belum naik. Lagi pula investasi migas tidak bergantung pada harga minyak sesaat. Investor melihatnya adalah prospek jangka panjang, karena investasi ini butuh waktu 15-20 tahun,“ katanya.

Dia juga membantah bahwa perusahaan migas yang meminati gross split adalah perusahaan skala kecil. 

“Silakan cek saja perusahaan multinasional yang mendapatkan blok migas baru. Ada Repsol, Andaman,” katanya.

Arcandra memastikan bahwa perubahan mekanisme ini dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kegiatan eksplorasi yang hasilnya baru akan dinikmati dalam 10-15 tahun mendatang. Sementara untuk meningkatkan produksi dalam jangka pendek, pemerintah berupaya membuka diri terhadap berbagai teknologi yang bisa diaplikasikan untuk mendongkrak produksi. Apresiasi terhadap mekanisme gross split juga disampaikan oleh Managing Director Chevron IndoAsia Business
Unit Chuck Taylor. 

“Kita telah melihat perubahan-perubahan positif melalui revisiatas Peraturan Menteri ESDM terkait gross split. Sangat jelas Kementerian ESDM telah menerima masukan industri dan memperkokoh ketentuan-ketentuan untuk meningkatkan daya saing skema ini,” kata Chuck Taylor.

Adapun kebijakan investasi lain adalah memberi kesempatan kepada investor existing untuk mengelola wilayah kerja (WK) migas sehingga investasi dan produksi terjaga, tetapi tetap harus lebih menguntungkan negara. Kebijakan tersebut dilakukan melalui Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 23 tahun 2018 tentang Pengelolaan Wilayah Kerja Migas yang Akan Berakhir Kontrak Kerja Samanya.

Semangat Peraturan Menteri ESDM tersebut untuk menjaga, bahkan meningkatkan produksi migas dari WK yang kontraknya akan berakhir. Selain itu, juga menjaga kelangsungan investasi pada WK migas tersebut. Hasil akhirnya, manfaat yang sebesar-besarnya bagi negara.

Investasi Migas

Sementara itu, investasi migas yang masuk ke Indonesia per Maret 2018 tercatat US$ 2,4 miliar atau sekitar Rp 33 triliun, atau 14% dari target investasi 2018 sebesar US$ 14,2 miliar (Rp 200 triliun). 

Pada event IPA, Presiden Indonesian Potroleum Association (IPA) Ronald Gunawan mengatakan, investasi sangat diperlukan untuk mendongkrak angka produksi yang terus menurun dan mendapatkan cadangan baru migas. Hingga 2050, migas masih akan menjadi penopang utama kebutuhan energi Indonesia. 

   Terkait upaya menarik investor di sektor migas, Ronald menyebut pemerintah telah melakukan sejumlah penyelarasan kebijakan. Bentuknya mulai dari revisi aturan yang telah ada, menerbitkan aturan baru, hingga memotong aturan yang dianggap menghambat operasional.

“Kami mengharap agar perbaikan iklim investasi migas di Indonesia terus dilanjutkan sehingga dapat meningkatkan jumlah serta mempercepat proyek-proyek migas untuk berproduksi,” ujar Ronald.

Dia juga mengapresiasi penerbitan Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) 27/2017 dan PP 53/ 2017. Namun, IPA berharap penyederhanaan regulasi dapat terus dilakukan hingga ke tingkat pemerintah daerah.

“Salah satu yang paling penting adalah integrasi peraturan pemerintah pusat dan pemerintah daerah. Kalau aturan di Kementerian ESDM sudah dipangkas, tetapi di kementerian lain belum, susah juga. Pemerintah daerah juga memiliki beberapa aturan yang perlu di streamline dan tidak berbelit-belit,” kata dia.

Dia mencontohkan regulasi impor baja. Perusahaan migas harus mengurus perizinan di Kementerian Perindustrian dan Kementerian Perdagangan jika ingin mengimpor. Pihaknya dan SKK Migas sedang mengupayakan agar hal ini bisa disederhanakan.

“Kemudian masalah yang paling besar adalah pembebasan tanah. Kalau kami mau drilling, perlu pembebasan tanah. Pemerintah daerah prosesnya sangat lama. Dari data-data, perlu waktu lama untuk pembebasan lahan, harus membangun lahan dan sebagainya,” papar Ronald. 

Hal senada juga diungkapkan Kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi. Menurut dia, ada daerah operasi migas yang belum didefinisikan dalam rencana tata ruang dan wilayah oleh pemerintah daerah. Di sisi lain, rencana tersebut telah dikeluarkan menjadi Peraturan Daerah (Perda). Amien Sunaryadi mengatakan, peningkatan daya saing industri hulu migas di Indonesia butuh komunikasi dan kerja keras dari seluruh pemangku kepentingan. 

“Kami yakin industri migas akan tetap ada di Indonesia karena permintaan global yang terus meningkat. Industri menghadapi tantangan yang memaksa kita semua untuk menjadi kreatif dan inovatif dalam melakukan efisiensi untuk meningkatkan daya saing,” ujar Amien.

Investor Daily, Page-1, Monday, May 7, 2018

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