, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Four Oil and Gas Block Auctions have been sold - MEDIA MONITORING OIL AND GAS -->

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Monday, May 14, 2018

Four Oil and Gas Block Auctions have been sold

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan stipulates the winners of oil and gas working area offered directly this year. Jonan says there are four blocks that the winner has set. First, the Citarum Block won by a consortium of PT Cogen Nusantara Energi and PT Green World Nusantara. The consortium establishes a definite commitment worth US $ 3.75 million and a signature bonus worth US $ 750,000.

Second; East Ganal Block was won by Eni Indonesia Ltd. after winning the auction of its competitors AGRA IV Consortium - EnQuest Global Ltd. The government set an investment for a definite commitment in the East Ganal Block for a total of US $ 35.35 million and a signature bonus worth US $ 1.5 million.

Third, East Seram Block was won by Lion Energy Ltd. The commitment value of this block is worth US $ 900,000 and the signature bonus US $ 500.000 Fourth, Southeast Jambi Block was won by Talisman Consortium West Bengara B.V - MOECO South Sumatra Co. Ltd. The exact commitment value for this block is worth US $ 4.65 million and the signature bonus is US $ 500,000.

The total commitment value of the four oil and gas blocks is US $ 44.65 million. While the total signature bonus worth US $ 3.25 million. In addition to the four working areas auctioned this year, there is one area of ​​work that has not received interest, the East Papua Block. The government plans to offer back to the next oil and gas bidding. Jonan said the winners of the auction of oil and gas field of direct offer will later sign a contract for the results of gross split.

"For the auction of the oil and gas working area, we have implemented a tax royalty system known as gross split, while the existing working area remains in accordance with existing agreements, renewal time is changed," said Jonan at the IPA Convention and Exhibition event, 42 years 2018.

This year, overall the Government has offered 24 conventional oil and gas fields. Five working areas with direct bidding mechanisms and 19 work areas through regular auction mechanisms. For the auction of direct offer the process is completed and the winner is announced on this occasion. While the regular auction process lasted until June 19, 2018.


Empat Lelang Blok Migas Sudah Laku

Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan menetapkan pemenang wilayah kerja migas yang ditawarkan secara langsung pada tahun ini. Jonan bilang, ada empat blok yang telah ditetapkan pemenangnya. Pertama, Blok Citarum yang dimenangkan oleh konsorsium PT Cogen Nusantara Energi dan PT Green World Nusantara. Konsorsium menetapkan komitmen pasti senilai US$3,75 juta dan bonus tanda tangan senilai US$ 750.000.

Kedua; Blok East Ganal dimenangi oleh Eni Indonesia Ltd. setelah berhasil memenangkan lelang dari pesaingnya yaitu Konsorsium AGRA IV - EnQuest Global Ltd. Pemerintah menetapkan investasi untuk komitmen pasti di Blok East Ganal dengan total US$35,35 juta dan bonus tanda tangan senilai US$ 1,5 juta.

Ketiga, Blok East Seram dimenangkan oleh Lion Energy Ltd. Nilai komitmen pasti blok ini senilai US$ 900.000 dan bonus tanda tangan US$ 500.000 Keempat, Blok Southeast Jambi berhasil dimenangkan oleh Konsorsium Talisman West Bengara B.V - MOECO South Sumatra Co. Ltd. Nilai komitmen pasti untuk blok ini senilai US$4,65 juta dan bonus tanda tangan US$ 500.000.

Total nilai komitmen pasti dari empat blok migas tersebut senilai US$44,65 juta. Sementara total bonus tanda tangan senilai US$3,25 juta. Selain keempat wilayah kerja yang dilelang tahun ini, ada satu wilayah kerja yang belum mendapatkan peminat, yaitu Blok East Papua. Pemerintah berencana menawarkan kembali pada penawaran migas selanjutnya. Jonan bilang pemenang lelang lapangan migas penawaran langsung nantinya akan menandatangani kontrak bagi hasil gross split. 

"Untuk lelang wilayah kerja migas, kami sudah menerapkan sistem tax royalty yang dikenal dengan gross split. Sementara Wilayah kerja yang kontraknya masih ada tetap sesuai perjanjian yang ada, waktu perpanjangan baru kami ubah kontraknya," jelas Jonan dalam acara Konvensi dan Pameran IPA ke-42 tahun 2018.

Pada tahun ini, secara keseluruhan Pemerintah telah menawarkan 24 lapangan migas konvensional. Lima wilayah kerja dengan mekanisme penawaran langsung dan 19 wilayah kerja melalui mekanisme lelang reguler. Untuk lelang penawaran langsung prosesnya selesai dan diumumkan pemenangnya pada kesempatan ini. Sedangkan proses lelang reguler berlangsung hingga 19 Juni 2018.

Kontan, Page-14, Thursday, May 3, 2018

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