The government is committed to cutting down the practice of multilevel gas trading with no more allocation of natural gas to gas trading companies that do not have infraservices.
The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) claimed that multilevel trading business actors had been eradicated. Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation no. 6/2016 Provisions and Procedures for the Determination of Allocation and Utilization of Natural Gas Price and Gas Allocation are void revised. Based on Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 6/2016, beginning February 24, 2018 there is no more multilevel gas trading practice. Beleid was published on February 24, 2016 and effective 2 years from the date of publication.
All gas trading business entities that receive gas allocation must directly sell to consumers, should not be sold to other business actors. The government has given 2 years to the multilevel gas trader to immediately clean up. However, until the deadline ends, there are still gas companies that still practice the multilevel gas trading system.
At the end of February 2018, the EMR Ministry confirmed it would not revise the beleid. However, in early April 2016, the government has drafted revisions to the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources. 6, so that companies that still practice multilevel gas trading can continue to operate until the contract is completed.
Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Djoko Siswanto, said that the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation no. 6/2016 not so revised. The multilevel gas trading practices carried out by 10 companies, he said, have been resolved.
"Later, multi-level trader permits are revoked. For example, a multilevel trader will have three layers, then one will remain, while the other two will be B to B [business mechanism] solving the problem, "he said.
Djoko said that in the process of curbing the commercial actors of multilevel gas, it will revoke the gas allocation owned by gas companies that still run the commercial practice of storied. Later on, the revocation of gas allocation will require a decision letter from the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources.
"After that, the business license of the multi-storey trader waiting to be revoked in accordance with the rules only. Moreover, if you do not have gas allocation, gas traders also have no activity anymore, "he said.
Previously, the problem of multilevel gas trading is very complicated because two cases of 10 cases have not agreed to follow the provisions of Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources. 6/2016. However, the two cases are said to have been completed and are in the process of completion. Majority of the problem of multilevel gas niagas occur in the area of West Java and East Java. The total companies involved in the multilevel gas trading practice reached 20 companies. Djoko said, one and two cases of multilevel traders were completely finished, while one more case is still in process.
"One case is in the Bekasi region of West Java, they are reporting to the Bupati because it is related to regional income. Once the regional issue is over, B to B will continue up to them, "he said.
Although the Ministry of ESDM canceled the revision of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation no. 6/2016, Indonesia Natural Gas Trader Asocialion (INGTA) continues to respond positively to the policy. Chairman of INGTA Sabrun Jamil said it responded positively to the government's decision because the ESDM Ministry is not as rigid as before.
"Thus, although Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation no. 6/2016 is revised, but the EMR Ministry is not rigid in its efforts to resolve the problems of multilevel traders. "
In addition to trade management issues, natural gas prices are expected to begin adjusting according to Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation no. 58/2017 on Purchase Price of Natural Gas through Pipes in Downstream Oil and Gas Business Activities, gas trading margin is a maximum of 7% especially when multilevel gas trading system no longer exists. Djoko hopes that the price of natural gas can be adjusted according to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation S8 despite the maximum period of 18 months after the issuance, which is at the end of 2018.
According to him, the price of natural gas from the practice of long gas disuibusi chain that will change after there is an adjustment on the gas sale and purchase agreement. Sabrun added that the issue of gas price change is in the hands of BPH Migas. The gas company will follow the existing provisions only. However, the BPH Migas Committee member Jugi Prajogo was reluctant to comment further, especially related to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation no. 6/2016.
Tata Niaga Gas Dipangkas
Pemerintah berkomitmen untuk memangkas praktik tata niaga gas bertingkat dengan tidak lagi memberikan alokasi gas bumi kepada perusahaan niaga gas yang tidak memiliki infrasfruktur.
Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) mengklaim pelaku usaha niaga gas bertingkat sudah diberantas. Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 6/2016 Ketentuan dan Tata Cara Penetapan Alokasi dan Pemanfaatan Serta Harga Gas Bumi Alokasi Gas batal direvisi. Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 6/2016, mulai 24 Februari 2018 tidak ada lagi praktik tata niaga gas bertingkat. Beleid itu terbit pada 24 Februari 2016 dan berlaku efektif 2 tahun sejak terbit.
Seluruh badan usaha niaga gas yang mendapatkan alokasi gas bumi harus langsung menjual ke konsumen, tidak boleh dijual ke pelaku usaha lain. Pemerintah telah memberikan waktu 2 tahun kepada trader gas bertingkat untuk segera berbenah. Namun, hingga tenggat berakhir, masih ada perusahaan gas yang masih tetap mempraktikkan tata niaga gas bertingkat.
Pada akhir Februari 2018, Kementerian ESDM menegaskan tidak akan merevisi beleid itu. Namun, pada awal April 2016, pemerintah sudah menyusun draf revisi Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 6, agar perusahaan yang masih mempraktikan tata niaga gas bertingkat bisa terus beroperasi sampai kontrak selesai.
Dirjen Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM Djoko Siswanto mengatakan, Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 6/2016 tidak jadi direvisi. Praktik tata niaga gas bertingkat yang dilakukan oleh 10 perusahaan, katanya, sudah diselesaikan.
“Nantinya, izin trader bertingkat dicabut semua. Misalnya, trader bertingkat ada tiga lapis, nanti akan tersisa satu saja, sedangkan dua perusahaan lainnya akan B to B [mekanisme bisnis] menyelesaikan persoalan,” ujarnya.
Djoko menuturkan, dalam proses penertiban pelaku niaga gas bertingkat, pihaknya akan mencabut alokasi gas yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan gas yang masih menjalankan praktik niaga bertingkat. Nantinya, untuk pencabutan alokasi gas itu akan membutuhkan surat keputusan dari Menteri ESDM.
“Setelah itu, izin usaha trader bertingkat menunggu dicabut sesuai dengan peraturan saja. Lagipula, kalau sudah tidak punya alokasi gas, para trader gas juga sudah tidak ada kegiatan lagi,” tuturnya.
Sebelumnya, persoalan tata niaga gas bertingkat sangat rumit karena dua kasus dari 10 kasus belum setuju untuk mengikuti ketentuan Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 6/2016. Namun, dua kasus itu disebut sudah selesai dan sedang melakukan proses penyelesaian. Mayoritas persoalan tata niagas gas bertingkat terjadi di kawasan Jawa Barat dan Jawa Timur. Total perusahaan yang terlibat dalam praktik tata niaga gas bertingkat itu mencapai 20 perusahaan. Djoko mengatakan, satu dan dua kasus trader bertingkat itu sudah selesai sepenuhnya, sedangkan satu kasus lagi masih dalam proses.
“Satu kasus itu di wilayah Bekasi Jawa Barat, mereka sedang lapor kepada Bupati karena terkait pendapatan daerah. Setelah persoalan daerah selesai, nanti berlanjut B to B terserah mereka,” ujarnya.
Kendati Kementerian ESDM batal merevisi Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 6/2016, Indonesia Natural Gas Trader Asocialion (INGTA) tetap merespons positif kebijakan tersebut. Ketua INGTA Sabrun Jamil mengatakan, pihaknya merespons positif keputusan pemerintah karena Kementerian ESDM tidak kaku seperti sebelumnya.
“Jadi, walaupun Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 6/2016 batal direvisi, tetapi Kementerian ESDM tidak kaku dalam upaya penyelesaian berbagai persoalan trader bertingkat."
Selain persoalan tata niaga, harga gas bumi diharapkan langsung mulai menyesuaikan sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 58/2017 tentang Harga Jual Gas Bumi Melalui Pipa Pada Kegiatan Usaha Hilir Minyak dan Gas Bumi, margin niaga gas maksimal 7% terutama ketika tata niaga gas bertingkat sudah tidak ada lagi. Djoko berharap agar harga gas bumi dapat langsung menyesuaikan sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri ESDM S8 kendati masa berlaku paling lama 18 bulan setelah peraturan terbit, yaitu pada akhir 2018.
Menurutnya, harga gas bumi dari praktik rantai disuibusi gas yang panjang itu pun akan berubah setelah ada penyesuaian pada perjanjian jual beli gas. Sabrun menambahkan, persoalan perubahan harga gas ada di tangan BPH Migas. Perusahaan gas akan mengikuti ketentuan yang ada saja. Namun, Anggota Komite BPH Migas Jugi Prajogo pun enggan berkomentar lebih jauh, terutama terkait dengan Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 6/2016.
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