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Monday, May 14, 2018

Global Contractor Still Interested in Indonesia

Oil and gas contractors said Indonesia still has good prospects for investment in upstream oil and gas sector.

But issues such as unsupported infrastructure are one of the reasons global oil and gas companies consider entering the country. Executive VP of Asia Pacific Upstream of Eni, Italian oil and gas company Franco Polo said that Indonesia still has great potential in upstream oil and gas business, such as oil and gas well development in deep sea. The company also admitted there is still a well exploration plan to increase oil and gas reserves.

"We are constantly searching for and improving the replacement ratios [reserve replacement ratio / ratio of oil and gas reserve replacement] production due to very high level of development. We also yesterday just won the auction of new exploration blocks in Indonesia and we are very happy, "he said in the 42nd IP Convex, Thursday (3/5).

Franco said that the Indonesian government or SKK Migas has a very progressive vision. It should be supported by a system that can delight all stakeholders.

"By making the process faster, it's possible that replacement can be faster. Well, the search for oil and gas reserves are not limited to a depth of 600 meters, but can be tried more deeply than that. "

Eni has just won a direct bidding auction in 2018 in the East Ganal Block. Eni Indonesia Ltd. was selected to be the winner of the auction in East Ganal from a total of two enthusiasts, another interested is the AGRA IV-EnQuest Global Ltd. consortium. Eni also bought a certain commitment worth US $ 35.35 million in East Ganal. The investment fund is used for geological and geophysical studies and drilling of one exploration well.


Regional President of Asia Pacific of British Petroleum (BP) Nader Zaki said, to be able to bring up the potential of large upstream oil and gas in Indonesia it requires a supporting infrastructure. It will increase the level of Indonesia's competitiveness.

"If infrastructure facilities support, it will make it easier to build strategies by optimizing existing facilities. Finally, business opportunities will be more, and open up the potential of other natural resources, "he said.

On the other hand, SKK Migas acknowledges that insufficient infrastructure can make gas distribution from upstream to downstream more difficult. Head of SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi said, with the infrastructure that is still very little gas distribution from upstream to downstream becomes more difficult. Gas from Bontang, Tangguh and Donggo is still difficult to bring to Java on the grounds that there is no infrastructure.

"As a result there is no adequate infrastructure, some hotels in Bandung that use gas must use LNG [liquified natural gas]. LNG was sent from Bontang to Tanjung Priok, there is a long process, "he said.

Beyond the issue of infrastructure that still needs to be strengthened, the collaboration between the government as regulator and contractor must be strengthened again. Oil and gas block operators in a country also hope given more flexibility in order to produce bigger again.

President of Malaysia Petroleum Management of Petronas Muhammad Zamn Jusoh VR said, in the process of oil and gas block management, operators are in the front line. The superior capability and ability of technology will influence the performance.

"Well, the position of government as the regulator is in charge of looking for challenges faced by operators. If, the challenge can be overcome, the level of competitiveness of Indonesia will be higher.


Kontraktor Global Masih Berminat di Indonesia  

Para kontraktor minyak dan gas bumi menilai Indonesia masih memiliki prospek bagus untuk investasi di sektor hulu migas.

Namun persoalan seperti infrastruktur yang belum mendukung menjadi salah satu alasan perusahaan migas global mempertimbangkan untuk masuk ke Tanah Air. Executive VP Asia Pacific Upstream of Eni, perusahaan migas yang berasal Italia, Franco Polo mengatakan bahwa Indonesia masih memiliki potensi yang besar pada bisnis hulu migas, seperti pengembangan sumur migas di laut dalam. Perusahaan itu pun mengaku masih ada rencana eksplorasi sumur untuk meningkatkan cadangan migas.

“Kami terus giat mencari dan memperbaiki rasio replacement [reserve replacement rasio/rasio pengganti cadangan migas] produksi karena tingkat pembangunan yang sangat tinggi. Kami pun kemarin baru saja memenangkan lelang blok eksplorasi baru di Indonesia dan kami sangat senang,” ujarnya dalam acara IPA Convex ke-42, Kamis (3/5).

Franco menuturkan kalau pemerintah Indonesia atau SKK Migas memiliki visi sangat progresif. Hal itu harus didukung sislem yang bisa membuat senang seluruh pemangku kepentingan.

“Dengan membuat proses menjadi lebih cepat, mungkin saja replacement bisa lebih cepat. Nah, pencarian cadangan migasnya pun jangan sebatas kedalaman 600 meter, tetapi bisa dicoba lebih dalam dari itu.”

Eni pun baru saja memenangkan lelang penawaran langsung pada 2018 di Blok East Ganal. Eni Indonesia Ltd. terpilih menjadi pemenang lelang di East Ganal dari total dua peminat, satu peminat lain adalah konsorsium AGRA IV-EnQuest Global Ltd. Eni pun membelikan komitmen pasti senilai US$ 35,35 juta di East Ganal. Dana investasi itu digunakan untuk studi geologi dan geofisika serta pengeboran satu sumur eksplorasi.


Regional President Asia Pacific of British Petroleum (BP) Nader Zaki mengatakan, untuk bisa memunculkan potensi hulu migas yang besar di Indonesia itu membutuhkan infrastruktur yang mendukung. Hal itu akan menambah tingkat daya saing Indonesia.

“Jika fasilitas infrastruktur mendukung, hal itu akan memudahkan dalam membangun strategi dengan optimalkan fasilitas yang ada. Akhirnya, peluang bisnispun akan lebih banyak lagi, serta membuka potensi sumber daya alam lainnya," ujarnya.

Di sisi lain, SKK Migas mengakui bahwa infrastruktur yang belum memadai bisa membuat penyaluran gas dari hulu ke hilir menjadi lebih sulit. Kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi mengatakan, dengan infrastruktur yang masih sedikit sekali penyaluran gas dari hulu ke hilir menjadi lebih sulit. Gas dari Bontang, Tangguh, dan Donggo masih sulit dibawa ke Jawa dengan alasan tidak ada infrastruktur.

“Akibat tidak ada infrastruktur yang memadai itu, beberapa hotel di Bandung yang menggunakan gas harus menggunakan LNG [liquified natural gas/gas alam cair]. LNG itu dikirim dari Bontang ke Tanjung Priok, ada proses yang panjang," ujarnya.

Di luar persoalan infrastruktur yang masih harus diperkuat, kolaborasi antara pemerintah selaku regulator dan kontraktor pun harus diperkuat lagi. Operator blok migas di suatu negara pun berharap diberikan fleksibilitas yang lebih banyak agar bisa memproduksi lebih besar lagi.

President Malaysia Petroleum Management of Petronas Muhammad Zamn Jusoh VR mengatakan, dalam proses pengelolaan blok migas, operator berada di garis paling depan. Keunggulan kemampuan dan kemampuan teknologi mumpuni akan memengaruhi kinerja yang dihasilkan.

“Nah, posisi pemerintah selaku regulator ini bertugas mencari tantangan yang  dihadapi operator. Jika, tantangan itu bisa diatasi, tingkat daya saing Indonesia pun akan semakin tinggi.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Friday, May 4, 2018

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