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Thursday, May 24, 2018

Government-Saka Energy Signs Two Oil and Gas Contracts

The government and PT Saka Energi Indonesia signed a production sharing contract (PSC) for two oil and gas blocks won in the 2017 auction, namely Pekawai and West Yamdena Blocks.

Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Djoko Siswanto said the contracts were originally planned to be signed at the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) earlier this month, along with another block, the Merak Block Lampung. 

     However, since PT Tansri Madjid Energi as the winner of the Merak Block Lampung has not completed the guarantee payment of investment commitment, the signing of the contract is postponed. However, until the signing of the contract with Saka, Tansri Madjid has not yet completed the guarantee of performance bond.

"Immediately signed if performance bonds were scattered, now it has not been submitted. We will not sign if we do not pay, "said after the signing of PSC in Jakarta. This guarantee amounts to US $ 1.5 million.

Meanwhile, the signing of the Pekawai and West Yamdena Blocks, the government received a signature bonus of US $ 1 million. In addition, the government also obtained an investment commitment of US $ 12.5 million. In detail, Saka promised to work on G & G studies and drill an exploration well in Pekawai Block, and work on G & G studies and 2D seismic data acquisition in the West Yamdena Block.

"Saka certainly can, with investment commitments and gross split contracts, can find large reserves," said Djoko.

President Director of Saka Energi Tumbur Parlindungan explained, it will immediately start exploration activities in these two blocks after the signing of the contract. It will do G & G study followed by seismic survey. Although his side and the previous government conducted a joint study on the two blocks, a more detailed retrospective study is needed. At the end of the exploration period, only the well drilling is done.

"Maybe at the end of the new we drilled oil and gas wells in Pekawai Block, in 2020 or 2021. If you can quickly fast," he said.

While in the West Yamdena Block, Saka does not commit exploration drilling wells. Tumbur explained that the two oil and gas projects will be economical. In West Yamdena Block for example, although far from various facilities, oil and gas resources are estimated to be quite large, reaching 45 trillion cubic feet. It also plans to use gas facilities in Masela Block when the project is completed.

"When Masela is ready, we may use their facilities. The intention is so if it can (reserves), this is still an exploration, "said Tumbur.

While in Pekawai Block, he admitted oil and gas resource is not too big, which is about 1-2 trillion cubic feet. However, the block is located close to oil and gas facilities, one of which is liquefied natural gas (LNG) in Bontang, East Kalimantan.

"It's close (facilities), so actually (reserves) 150-200 billion cubic feet is already economical," he added.

In the oil and gas block auction last year, there were five oil and gas blocks won by oil and gas companies. However, in early April, two contracts were signed for the Andaman II Block with the Consortium of Premiere Oil Far East Ltd, Kris Energy (Andaman II) BY and Mubadala Petroleum (Andaman II JSA) Ltd, and the Andaman I Block with Mubadala Petroleum ( SE Asia) Ltd.

The Andaman II Block and Andaman II contracts were suppressed on 5 April. Of the two contracts, the government received a signature bonus of US $ 1.75 million. In addition, the government also received an investment commitment of US $ 7.55 by the Consortium of Premiere Oil Far East Ltd, Kriss Energy (Andaman II) BV, and Mubadala Petroleum (Andaman II JSA) Ltd in Andaman II Block, and US $ 2.15 million by Mubadala Petroleum (SE Asia) Ltd in the Andaman I Block.

If the Lampung Merak Block contract is signed, the government will pocket additional signature bonus of US $ 500 thousand and investment commitment of US $ 1.32 million.


Pemerintah-Saka Energi Tandatangani Dua Kontrak Migas

Pemerintah dan PT Saka Energi Indonesia menandatangani kontrak kerja sama (production sharing contract/PSC) untuk dua blok migas yang dimenangkan dalam lelang 2017, yakni Blok Pekawai dan West Yamdena. 

Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Djoko Siswanto mengatakan, kontrak kedua blok migas ini awalnya direncanakan untuk diteken pada perhelatan Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) pada awal bulan ini, bersama satu blok lain yakni Blok Merak Lampung. 

     Namun, karena PT Tansri Madjid Energi sebagai pemenang Blok Merak Lampung belum menyelesaikan pembayaran jaminan komitmen
investasi, maka penandatanganan kontrak ditunda. Meski demikian, hingga penandatanganan kontrak dengan Saka, Tansri Madjid belum juga menyelesaikan jaminan berupa performance bond tersebut. 

“Secepatnya ditanda tangani kalau performance bond diserakan, sekarang belum diserahkan. Tidak akan kami tandatangani kalau tidak bayar,” kata
dia usai penandatanganan PSC di Jakarta. Nilai jaminan ini sebesar US$ 1,5 juta.

Sementara itu, penandatanganan kontrak Blok Pekawai dan West Yamdena, pemerintah memperoleh bonus tanda tangan US$ 1 juta. Selain itu, pemerintah juga memperoleh komitmen investasi sebesar US$ 12,5 juta. Rincinya, Saka menjanjikan akan mengerjakan studi G&G dan mengebor satu sumur eksplorasi di Blok Pekawai, serta menggarap studi G&G dan akuisisi data seismic 2D di Blok West Yamdena. 

“Saka pasti bisa, dengan komitmen investasi dan kontrak gross split, dapat menemukan cadangan besar,” tutur Djoko.

Direktur Utama Saka Energi Tumbur Parlindungan menjelaskan, pihaknya akan langsung mulai kegiatan eksplorasi di dua blok ini pasca penandatanganan kontrak. Pihaknya akan mengerjakan studi G&G dilanjutkan dengan survei seismik. Meski pihaknya dan pemerintah sebelumnya melakukan joint study di dua blok tersebut, studi ulang yang lebih detail tetap dibutuhkan. Di akhir masa eksplorasi, hanya pengeboran sumur dilakukan.

“Mungkin di akhir baru kami mengebor sumur migas di Blok Pekawai, di 2020 atau 2021. Kalau bisa cepat ya cepat,” ujarnya. 

Sementara di Blok West Yamdena, Saka tidak me  komitmen pengeboran sumur eksplorasi. Tumbur menjelaskan, optimis kedua proyek migas ini akan ekonomis. Di Blok West Yamdena misalnya, meski jauh dari berbagai fasilitas, sumber daya migasnya diperkirakan cukup besar, yakni mencapai 45 triliun kaki kubik. Pihaknya juga berencana menggunakan fasilitas gas di Blok Masela ketika proyek tersebut selesai dikembangkan.

“Kalau nanti Masela sudah jadi, mungkin kami pakai fasilitas mereka. Niatnya begitu kalau dapat (cadangan), ini kan masih eksplorasi,” kata Tumbur.

Sementara di Blok Pekawai, diakuinya sumber daya migasnya tidak terlalu besar, yakni sekitar 1-2 triliun kaki kubik. Namun, blok ini berlokasi dekat dengan fasilitas migas, salah satunya kilang gas alam cair (liquefied natural gas/LNG) di Bontang, Kalimantan Timur.

“Itu kan dekat (fasilitas), jadi sebenarnya (cadangan) 150-200 miliar kaki kubik saja sudah ekonomis,” tambahnya.

Dalam lelang blok migas tahun lalu, terdapat lima blok migas yang dimenangkan oleh perusahaan migas. Namun, pada awal April lalu, masih dua kontrak yang ditandatangani yakni untuk Blok Andaman II dengan Konsorsium Premiere Oil Far East Ltd, Kris Energy (Andaman II) BY dan Mubadala Petroleum (Andaman II JSA) Ltd, serta Blok Andaman I dengan Mubadala Petroleum (SE Asia) Ltd.

Kontrak Blok Andaman II dan Andaman II telah ditekan pada 5 April lalu. Dari dua kontrak ini, pemerintah memperoleh bonus tanda tangan US$ 1,75 juta. Selain itu, pemerintah juga mendapat komitmen investasi sebesar US$ 7,55 oleh Konsorsium Premiere Oil Far East Ltd, Kriss Energy (Andaman II) BV, dan Mubadala Petroleum (Andaman II JSA) Ltd di Blok Andaman II, serta US$ 2,15 juta oleh Mubadala Petroleum (SE Asia) Ltd di Blok Andaman I.

Jika kontrak Blok Merak Lampung ditandatangani, maka pemerintah akan mengantongi tambahan bonus tanda tangan US$ 500 ribu dan komitmen
investasi US$ 1,32 juta.

Investor Daily,Page-9, Tuesday, May 15, 2018

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