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Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Homework to Cut the Intermediary

Indonesia's downstream gas prices are said to be the most expensive in Asean. The government has tried to push the layers that make the downstream price become larger, but the distance of supply and demand is still a constraint.

Director of Executive Reforminer Institute Komaidi Notonegoro said the difference in the price of gas downstream in Indonesia is quite high because there are several layers in the process of distribution. Like, in Bekasi, West Java, upstream gas prices for the region are worth US $ 6 per MMBtu, but the price to end consumers could be US $ 14.5 per MMBtu so there is a difference of US $ 8.5 per MMBtu.

"There are five layers of gas traders there who each take an average margin of US $ 1.5 per MMBtu," he said.

Based on data from Reforminer Institute, the average price of gas, upstream of Indonesia reached US $ 5.3 per million British thermal units (MMBtu) with a price range of US $ 2.05 per MMBtu to US $ 8.9 per MMBtu. The average price of upstream gas in the country is more expensive when compared with other countries in Asean. Malaysia and Vietnam have an average upstream gas price of US $ 4.8 per MMBtu. 

     Then, the average price of upstream gas in Thailand and Myanmar is even cheaper each of US $ 4.5 per MMBtu and US $ 4.2 per MMBtu. Komaidi said that the price difference of upstream gas between Indonesia with neighboring countries in Asean not too much different, but from the downstream side is very much different. Meanwhile, the downstream price of gas in Malaysia and Vietnam could be cheaper because of the government's policy of sacrificing energy prices for its industry.

"They [Malaysia and Vietnam] are willing to make sacrifices on the price of industrial gas because it can support industrial productivity. It could have a positive impact on the economy, "he said.

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk. also admitted forced to buy gas allocation to channel through the infrastructure that has been built. President Director of Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) Jobi Triananda Hasjim said the company has a gas distribution infrastructure around thousands of kilometers (KM) in East Java, but for some time after the infrastructure was built there was no gas flowing.

"It made us look for another gas allocation."

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) has already issued the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation no. 06/2016 on Allocations and Prices Natural gas. Under the regulation, the gas allocation is only granted to the party who owns the infrastructure and the existence of the multilevel trader will be abolished within two years from the time the rule is issued.

Unfortunately, the deadline for the existence of a multilevel trader still can not be completed until the deadline of February 2018. In fact, there is a discourse of Ministerial Regulation no. 06/2016 it will be revised to accommodate multilevel traders who have not solved the problem. Jobi was reluctant to comment much related to the ministerial regulation revision plan.

"Discussions continue to be done, still waiting for the implementation time only. We are ready whatever the government's decision, "he said.

In addition to regulating multilevel traders, the ESDM Ministry also regulates gas trading margins to a maximum of 7% in Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 58 of 2017, but the provisions will still apply after 18 months of issued regulations.


Meanwhile, gas prices in Indonesia have the potential to remain expensive because the available gas reserves are currently very far apart and industrial gas users. Large gas reserves are currently located in eastern Indonesia, while industries are still concentrated in western Indonesia such as Java and Sumatra. Liqufied Natural Gas (LNG) can be a solution, but the process requires additional cost in the future.

Head of Oil and Gas Monetization Division of SKK Migas Waras Budi Santosa continued, the regasification in Indonesia is still expensive because the new short-term LNG contract is only about 10 years. In fact, the contract could be given a tenor of 30 years so that the process of regasification costs can go down.

"If you only rely on piped gas will be difficult. Industrial sources in Java and Sumatera, but gas reserves in West Java and South Sumatra can drop dramatically if not found in the near term, "he said.

Waras said Indonesia is potentially a surplus of LNG within the next 5 to 10 years. The gas source comes from East Kalimantan and Papua, from where it can be channeled to the needy areas. On the other hand, the Chairman of the Forum of Natural Gas User Industry (FIPGB) Achmad Safiun is still demanding the gas price for the industry could be US $ 6 per MMBtu. The reason, Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 40 of 2016 noted if the industrial gas price is higher than US $ 6 per MMBtu, related ministers can set the price of natural gas.

What, in the period 2015-2017 oil and gas prices have fallen almost 60%, but the price of gas for the industry does not immediately go down to the present. It makes it difficult for us to compete with the industry of foreign gas users, "he said.

The government must decide to use a direct or indirect subsidy strategy for industrial gas, or to wait for all implementation of the rules to naturally affect the price of natural gas, including for the industry.


Pekerjaan Rumah untuk Memotong Perantara

Harga gas hilir Indonesia disebut paling mahal di Asean. Pemerintah Telah berupaya menekan layer-layer yang membuat harga hilir menjadi lebih besar, tetapi jarak supply dan demand yang jauh masih menjadi kendala.

Direktur Executive Reforminer Institute Komaidi Notonegoro mengatakan selisih harga gas hilir di Indonesia cukup tinggi karena ada beberapa layer dalam proses penyalurannya. Seperti, di Bekasi, Jawa Barat, harga gas di hulu untuk wilayah itu senilai US$ 6 per MMBtu, tetapi harga ke konsumen akhir bisa US$ 14,5 per MMBtu sehingga ada selisih US$ 8,5 per MMBtu.

"Ada 5 layer trader gas di sana yang masing-masing mengambil margin rata-rata US$1,5 per MMBtu,” ujarnya.

Berdasarkan data dari Reforminer Institute, rata-rata harga gas, hulu Indonesia tercatat mencapai US$ 5,3 per juta british thermal unit (MMBtu) dengan rentang harga US$ 2,05 per MMBtu sampai US$ 8,9 per MMBtu. Rata-rata harga gas hulu di dalam negeri ini lebih mahal apabila dibandingkan dengan negara lain di Asean. Malaysia dan Vietnam memiliki rerata harga gas hulu yakni, US$ 4,8 per MMBtu. 

       Lalu, rata-rata harga gas hulu di Thailand dan Myanmar malah lebih murah lagi masing-masing sebesar US$ 4,5 per MMBtu dan US$ 4,2 per MMBtu. Komaidi mengatakan bahwa perbedaan harga gas hulu antara Indonesia dengan negeri jiran di Asean tidak terlalu jauh berbeda, tetapi dari sisi hilir sangat jauh berbeda. Adapun, harga hilir gas di Malaysia dan Vietnam bisa lebih murah karena ada kebijakan pemerintahnya yang mengorbankan harga energi demi industrinya.

“Mereka [Malaysia dan Vietnam] mau bekorban pada harga gas industri karena bisa menopang produktivitas industri. Hal itu bisa berimbas positif kepada ekonomi,” ujarnya.

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk. pun mengaku terpaksa membeli alokasi gas untuk menyalurkan melalui infrastruktur yang sudah dibangun. Direktur Utama Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) Jobi Triananda Hasjim mengatakan, perseroan memiliki infrastruktur distribusi gas sekitar ribuan kilometer (KM) di Jawa Timur, tetapi selama beberapa waktu setelah infrastruktur dibangun tidak ada gas yang mengalir. 

“Hal itu membuat kami mencari alokasi gas lain.”

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) pun sudah mengeluarkan Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 06/2016 tentang Alokasi dan Harga
Gas Bumi. Dalam aturan itu, disebutkan alokasi gas hanya diberikan kepada pihak yang memiliki infrastruktur dan keberadaan trader bertingkat akan dihapuskan dengan diberikan waktu hingga 2 tahun sejak aturan itu diterbitkan.

Sayangnya, tenggat waktu keberadaan trader bertingkat masih belum mampu diselesaikan sampai batas waktu Februari 2018. Malah, ada wacana Peraturan Menteri No. 06/2016 itu akan direvisi untuk mengakomodir trader bertingkat yang belum menyelesaikan persoalannya. Jobi pun enggan berkomentar jauh terkait rencana revisi peraturan menteri  tersebut. 

“Pembahasan terus dilakukan, masih menunggu waktu implementasinya saja. Kami sudah siap apapun keputusan pemerintah," ujarnya. 

Selain mengatur trader bertingkat, Kementerian ESDM juga mengatur margin niaga gas menjadi maksimal 7% dalam Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 58 tahun 2017, tetapi ketentuan itu masih akan berlaku setelah 18 bulan peraturan diterbitkan.


Sementara itu, harga gas di Indonesia berpotensi tetap mahal karena cadangan gas yang tersedia saat ini sangat berjauhan dan pengguna gas industri. Cadangan gas yang besar saat ini berada di daerah Indonesia Timur, sedangkan industri masih terpusat di Indonesia Barat seperti, Jawa dan Sumatra. Liqufied Natural Gas (LNG) bisa menjadi solusi, tetapi prosesnya memerlukan tambahan biaya lagi ke depannya.

Kepala Divisi Monetisasi Minyak dan Gas Bumi SKK Migas Waras Budi Santosa melanjutkan, regasifikasi di Indonesia masih mahal karena kontrak LNG baru jangka pendek hanya sekitar 10 tahun. Padahal, kontrak itu bisa saja diberikan tenor 30 tahun sehingga proses regasifikasi biayanya bisa turun.

“Kalau hanya mengandalkan gas pipa akan sulit. Sumber industri di Jawa dan Sumatera, tetapi cadangan gas di Jawa Barat dan Sumatra Selatan bisa turun drastis
kalau tidak ditemukan dalam jangka dekat,” ujarnya.

Waras mengatakan, Indonesia justtu berpotensi surplus LNG dalam 5 sampai 10 tahun ke depan. Sumber gasnya itu berasal dari Kalimantan Timur dan Papua, dari sana nanti bisa disalurkan ke daerah yang membutuhkan. Di sisi Iain, Ketua Forum Industri Pengguna Gas Bumi (FIPGB) Achmad Safiun masih menuntut harga gas untuk industri bisa US$ 6 per MMBtu. Alasannya, Peraturan Presiden (Perpres) Nomor 40 Tahun 2016 mencatat jika harga gas bumi industri lebih tinggi dari US$6 per MMBtu, menteri terkait bisa tetapkan harga gas bumi tersebut.

ApaIagi, pada periode 2015-2017 harga minyak dan gas bumi sudah turun hampir 60%, tetapi harga gas untuk industri tidak segera turun hingga saat ini. Hal itu membuat kami sulit bersaing dengan industri pengguna gas di Iuar negeri,” ujarnya.

Pemerintah pun harus memutuskan untuk menggunakan strategi pemberian subsidi secara Iangsung maupun tidak Iangsung kepada gas industri, atau menunggu semua implementasi aturan memberikan dampak secara alami kepada harga gas bumi, termasuk untuk industri. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Monday, May 7, 2018

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