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Thursday, May 17, 2018

Next Week Three Oil and Gas Contracts will be signed

Three oil and gas production sharing contrac (PSC) contracts for 2017 auction results are scheduled to be signed next week. The total investment commitment for the first three years of the three oil and gas blocks reaches US $ 13.87 million.

The three oil and gas contracts are the Merak-Lampung Block with PT Tansri Madjid Energi, and the Pekawai Block and West Yamdena with PT Saka Energi Indonesia. "That date on May 14 (contract) will be signed," said Director of Upstream Oil and Gas Management of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ediar Usman in Jakarta.

In last year's auction of oil and gas blocks, five oil and gas blocks were won by oil and gas companies. However, in early April, two new contracts were signed for the Andaman II Block with the Consortium of Premiere Oil Far East Ltd, Kris Energy (Andaman II) BIC and Mubadala Petroleum (Andaman II JSA) Ltd, and the Andaman I Block with Mubadala Petroleum (SE Asia) Ltd. Ediar explained, PSC for the other three new blocks signed in the next week because there is still a guarantee of investment commitments the first three years of unfinished.

"Then there is something wrong with the contract details," he said.

The total investment commitment for the first three years for the three oil and gas blocks is US $ 13.87 million. In detail, investment commitment in Merak-Lampung Block is US $ 1.32 million, Pekawai Block is US $ 10.45 million and West Yamdena Block is US $ 2.1 million. In addition, the government will also get a signature bonus with a total of US $ 1.5 million.

Furthermore, in June, the government plans to sign four oil and gas block contracts offered at an auction of direct oil and gas blocks of 2018. These four PSCs are for Citarum Block with PT Cogen Nusantara Energi and PT Green World Nusantara, East Ganal Block with Eni Indonesia Ltd, Block East Seram Lion Energy Ltd, and Southeast Jambi Block with Talisman West Bengara BV-MOECO-South Sumatra Co Ltd Consortium.

The total investment commitment for the first three years for the four blocks is US $ 44.65 million. In detail, investment commitment in Citarum Block is US $ 3.75 million, East Ganal Block US $ 35.35 million, East Seram Block US $ 900 thousand, and Southeast Jambi Block US $ 4.65 million. While the total signature bonus is US $ 3.25 million.

"Early June (contract signed)," said Ediar.

He added that all signed contracts are required to use Gross Splits Production Sharing Contract (PAS) scheme according to the prevailing regulations. The government is auctioning five oil and gas blocks through this direct offer. However, one block has no winner, the East Papua Block. Ediar explained, this is because companies that conduct joint study (joint study) experiencing internal financial problems. The company in question is a joint venture between Indonesian and Australian companies.

"We understand also that the financial condition, rather than the development of oil and gas blocks," he said.

Second Phase Auction

In the second half of 2018, the government will hold an auction of 2018 oil and gas blocks of the second phase. According to Ediar, it prepares more oil and gas blocks compared to last year. Several oil and gas blocks that are auctioned are the result of joint study, which will be auctioned through direct offer.

"Yes it is better. In this case, KKKS (contractor of cooperation contract) is more optimistic. They have communication, if the joint study is better, "he said. Unfortunately Ediar did not specify when the second stage auction was held.

Meanwhile, for the regular auction of the first stage of 2018, still lasts until mid-June 2018. Ediar said, oil and gas companies who submit the auction documents recorded very much. "Blocks of interest (blocks) that neighbors already exist, close to other facilities," he added.

Blocks offered through this regular auction are South CPR Nibung Block, Batu Gajah Dua, Air Komering, West Bukit, East Sokang, Banyumas, East Muriah, North Kangean, Andika Bumi Kita, Belayan, West Sangasanga, Suremana I, Southeast Mahakam, Manakarra Mamuju, Karaeng, Ebuny, West Berau, and Cendrawasih Bay II.

At the auction of this oil and gas block the government set a minimum investment commitment and signature bonus that must be met by investors. In every oil and gas block, minimum investment commitment requested on average in the form of geological and geophysical (G & G) and seismic studies, only 12 oil and gas blocks are required to drill one exploration well. As for the average signature bonus is set at least US $ 500 thousand.


Pekan Depan, Tiga Kontrak Migas akan di tanda tangani

Sebanyak tiga kontrak kerja sama (production sharing contrac/PSC) blok migas hasil lelang 2017 dijadwalkan untuk ditandatangani pada pekan depan. Total komitmen investasi tiga tahun pertama ketiga blok migas ini mencapai US$ 13,87 juta.

Tiga kontrak migas tersebut yakni Blok Merak-Lampung dengan PT Tansri Madjid Energi, serta Blok Pekawai dan West Yamdena dengan PT Saka Energi Indonesia. “Itu tanggal 14 Mei (kontraknya) akan ditandatangani,” kata Direktur Pembinaan Usaha Hulu Migas Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Ediar Usman di Jakarta.

Dalam lelang blok migas tahun lalu, terdapat lima blok migas yang dimenangi oleh perusahaan migas. Namun, pada awal April lalu, baru dua kontrak yang ditanda tangani yakni untuk Blok Andaman II dengan Konsorsium Premiere Oil Far East Ltd, Kris Energy (Andaman II) BIC dan Mubadala Petroleum (Andaman II JSA) Ltd, serta Blok Andaman I dengan Mubadala Petroleum (SE Asia) Ltd. Ediar menjelaskan, PSC untuk tiga blok lainnya baru ditanda tangani pada pekan depan lantaran masih adanya jaminan komitmen investasi tiga tahun pertama yang belum selesai.

“Kemudian masih ada yang salah juga pada detail kontrak ,” tutur dia.

Total komitmen investasi tiga tahun pertama untuk ketiga blok migas ini yakni sebesar US$ 13,87 juta. Rincinya, komitmen investasi di Blok Merak-Lampung US$ 1,32 juta, Blok Pekawai US$ 10,45 juta, dan Blok West Yamdena US$ 2,1 juta. Selain itu, pemerintah juga akan memperoleh bonus tanda tangan dengan total US$ 1,5 juta. 

Selanjutnya, pada Juni, pemerintah berencana akan menandatangani empat kontrak blok migas yang ditawarkan pada lelang blok migas penawaran langsung 2018. Empat PSC ini yakni untuk Blok Citarum dengan PT Cogen Nusantara Energi dan PT Green World Nusantara, Blok East Ganal dengan Eni Indonesia Ltd, Blok East Seram Lion Energy Ltd, serta Blok Southeast Jambi dengan Konsorsium Talisman West Bengara BV-MOECO-South Sumatra Co Ltd.

Total komitmen investasi tiga tahun pertama untuk empat blok ini yakni US$ 44,65 juta. Rincinya, komitmen investasi di Blok Citarum US$ 3,75 juta, Blok East Ganal US$ 35,35 juta, Blok East Seram US$ 900 ribu, dan Blok Southeast Jambi US$ 4,65 juta. Sementara total bonus tanda tangan yakni US$ 3,25juta.

“Awal Juni (kontrak ditandatangani),” tutur Ediar. 

Ditambahkannya, seluruh kontrak yang ditanda tangani wajib menggunakan skema Produstion Sharing Contract (PAS) bagi hasil kotor (gross split) sesuai peraturan yang berlaku. Pemerintah melelang lima blok migas melalui penawaran langsung ini. Namun, satu blok tidak ada pemenangnya, yakni Blok East Papua. Ediar menjelaskan, hal ini lantaran perusahaan yang melakukan kajian bersama (joint study) mengalami masalah keuangan internal. Perusahaan yang dimaksud merupakan perusahaan patungan antara perusahaan Indonesia dan Australia. 

“Kami pahami juga kalau kondisi keuangan, dari pada tidak ada pengembangan blok migas,” ujar dia.

Lelang Tahap Kedua

Pada paruh kedua 2018, pemerintah bakal menggelar lelang blok migas 2018 tahap kedua. Menurut Ediar, pihaknya menyiapkan lebih banyak blok migas dibandingkan dengan tahun lalu. Beberapa blok migas yang dilelang merupakan hasil joint study, sehingga akan dilelang melalui penawaran langsung.

“Ya lebih baik. Kalau begini, KKKS (kontraktor kontrak kerja sama) lebih optimistis. Mereka ada komunikasi, kalau joint study lebih bagus,” tutur dia. Sayangnya Ediar tidak merinci kapan lelang tahap kedua digelar.

Sementara itu, untuk lelang reguler tahap pertama 2018, masih berlangsung sampai pertengahan Juni 2018. Ediar menyatakan, perusahaan minyak dan gas yang menyerahkan dokumen lelang tercatat sangat banyak. “Blok yang diminati (blok) yang tetangganya sudah ada, dekat dengan fasilitas lain,” tambahnya.

Blok yang ditawarkan melalui lelang reguler ini adalah Blok South CPR Nibung, Batu Gajah Dua, Air Komering, Bukit Barat, East Sokang, Banyumas, East Muriah, North Kangean, Andika Bumi Kita, Belayan, West Sangasanga, Suremana I, Southeast Mahakam, Manakarra Mamuju, Karaeng, Ebuny, West Berau, dan Cendrawasih Bay II.

Pada lelang blok migas ini pemerintah mengatur minimal komitmen investasi dan bonus tanda tangan yang harus dipenuhi investor. Di setiap blok migas, minimal komitmen investasi yang diminta rata-rata berupa studi geologi dan geofisika (G&G) dan seismik, hanya 12 blok migas yang diminta ada pengeboran masing-masing satu sumur eksplorasi. Sementara untuk bonus tanda tangan rata-rata ditetapkan minimal US$ 500 ribu.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Tuesday, May 8, 2018

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