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Friday, May 18, 2018

Pertamina Delays Iran Oil and Gas Blocks Contract

PT Pertamina (Persero) was forced to postpone the signing of a contract for the management of one of the oil and gas blocks in Iran, the Mansouri Block this month. This followed the imposition of sanctions against Iran by the United States.

"If there are sanctions from the United States or any other country or UN, then we can not continue in Iran," said Pertamina Upstream Director Syamsu Alam in Jakarta.

He explained that this is one condition precedent proposed by Pertamina to the Iranian Government when making an agreement for the management of oil and gas blocks in the country. Under current conditions, Pertamina will postpone the plan to have the Mansouri Block in Iran. Because the existence of these sanctions pose a risk to the company.

"Because there is a financial risk. Pertamina uses some financing from US or from everywhere through global bond, "said Alam.

However, it does not yet know the next step about the planned import of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) from Iran after the sanctions. Previously, Pertamina plans to sign the Mansouri Block management contract with Iran this month. In fact, the company is ready to spend investment funds up to US $ 1.5 billion in this block. This investment is to increase Mansouri Block production from 62 thousand barrels per day (bpd) to 250-300 thousand bpd within five years after Pertamina's managed block.

Not only that, in accordance with the provisions of the Iranian side, Pertamina has also established a local partner who will be engaged in working on the block and holds a 20% ownership interest. Pertamina has also started to select two candidates of international oil and gas companies that will be invited to work together.

The ownership of Mansouri Block will increase Pertamina's oil and gas production. Assuming the ownership interest of 40-50%, when the production reaches 250-300 thousand bpd, the company gets additional oil production up to 120 thousand bpd. Thus, the percentage of Pertamina's overseas production contribution over total oil production will rise significantly.

Previously, Pertamina said it would rely on oil and gas production from its overseas assets in the future, with a contribution target of 33 percent of the total production of 2025 or equivalent to 650 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day / boepd. Acquisitions abroad are needed to minimize the difference in domestic demand and supply of oil and gas in the future.

Currently, Pertamina has dropped oil and gas in some other countries. In Algeria, Indonesia's state-owned oil and gas company controls 65% stake in MLN field from 16.9% in EMK Field. In lrak, the company owns shares in West Qurna Field 1. While in Malaysia, the company holds equity interest in Block K, Kikeh Block, SN30 Block Block SK309 and Block SK311. Most recently, Pertamina controls 72.65% shares of French oil and gas company, Maurel & Prom.

Maurel & Prom has oil and gas assets scattered in Gabon, Nigeria, Tanzania, Namibia, Colombia, Canada, Myanmar, Italy, and other countries. However, the main assets that have been produced are in Gabon, Nigeria and Tanzania.


Pertamina Tunda Kontrak Blok Migas oli Iran

PT Pertamina (Persero) terpaksa menunda penandatanganan kontrak pengelolaan salah satu blok migas di Iran, yakni Blok Mansouri, pada bulan ini. Hal ini menyusul dijatuhkannya sanksi terhadap Iran oleh Amerika Serikat. 

“Kalau ada sanksi dari Amerika Serikat atau negara manapun atau PBB, maka kami tidak bisa lanjut di Iran ,” kata Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam di Jakarta.

Dia menjelaskan, hal ini merupakan salah satu condition precedent yang diajukan Pertamina kepada Pemerintah Iran ketika membuat kesepakatan untuk pengelolaan blok migas di negara tersebut. Dengan kondisi saat ini, maka Pertamina akan menunda rencana memiliki Blok Mansouri di Iran.

Pasalnya, adanya sanksi ini menimbulkan resiko bagi perseroan. 

“Karena ada resiko finansial. Pertamina mengunakan beberapa financing dari US atau dari mana-mana melalui global bond,” tutur Alam. 

Namun, pihaknya belum mengetahui langkah lanjutan soal rencana impor gas minyak cair (liquefied petroleum gas/LPG) dari Iran pasca adanya sanksi.
Sebelumnya, Pertamina berencana menanda tangani kontrak pengelolaan Blok Mansouri dengan Iran pada bulan ini. Bahkan, perseroan siap mengeluarkan dana investasi hingga US$ 1,5 miliar di blok ini. Investasi ini untuk meningkatkan produksi Blok Mansouri dari 62 ribu barel per hari (bph) menjadi 250-300 ribu bph dalam lima tahun setelah blok dikelola Pertamina. 

Tidak hanya itu, sesuai ketentuan dari pihak Iran, Pertamina juga telah menetapkan mitra lokal yang akan digandeng dalam menggarap blok tersebut dan memegang kepemilikan hak partisipasi 20%. Pertamina juga sudah mulai memilih dua calon perusahaan migas internasional yang akan diajak bekerja sama.

Kepemilikan Blok Mansouri akan menaikkan produksi migas Pertamina. Dengan asumsi kepemilikan hak partisipasi 40-50%, ketika produksi mencapai 250- 300 ribu bph, maka perseroan mendapat tambahan produksi minyak hingga 120 ribu bph. Sehingga, prosentase kontribusi produksi luar negeri Pertamina dibanding produksi minyak total akan naik signifikan. 

Sebelumnya, Pertamina menyatakan akan mengandalkan produksi migas dari aset-asetnya di luar negeri di masa mendatang, dengan target kontribusi mencapai 33% dari total produksi 2025 atau setara dengan 650 ribu barel setara minyak per hari (barrel oil equivalent per day/ boepd). Akuisisi di luar negeri diperlukan untuk memperkecil selisih kebutuhan dan pasokan migas domestik di masa mendatang.

Saat ini, Pertamina telah meblok migas di beberapa negara lain. Di Aljazair, perusahaan migas milik pemerintah Indonesia itu menguasai 65% saham di Lapangan MLN dari 16,9% di Lapangan EMK. Di lrak, perseroan memiliki saham di Lapangan West Qurna 1. Sementara di Malaysia, perseroan memegang kepemilikan saham di Blok K, Blok Kikeh, Blok SNR Blok SK309 dan Blok SK311. Yang terbaru, Pertamina menguasai 72,65% saham perusahaan migas Perancis, Maurel&Prom.

Maurel&Prom memiliki aset migas yang tersebar di Gabon, Nigeria, Tanzania, Namibia, Kolombia, Kanada, Myanmar, ltalia, dan negara lainnya. Namun, aset utamanya yang telah berproduksi yakni di Gabon, Nigeria, dan Tanzania.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, May 12, 2018

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