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Saturday, May 19, 2018

Project Acceleration and New Contracts Supported by ELSA

PT Elnusa Tbk is optimistic to earn significant revenue in the second quarter of 2018

PT Elnusa Tbk projected revenues in the second quarter of 2018 will increase significantly compared to the previous quarter. In comparison, Elnusa's revenue in the first quarter of 2018 was Rp 1.45 trillion, increasing. 50.14% compared to last year's revenues of Rp 969.92 billion.

Elnusa's optimism is based on the completion of the project in West Papua faster. The land seismic project could be completed sooner in April 2018. Initially, the seismic project underway from 2017 was completed in June 2019. In fact, the completion of the project in Papua is a year ahead of the target. So we projected the second quarter earnings of 2018 more exciting, "said Wahyu Irfan, Head of Corporate Communications Enulsa, after the General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) in Graha Elnusa.

Wahyu added, in 2017 the project worked on Papua is still done 60%. Because the completion of the project can be faster, Elnusa will enjoy additional revenue. Although it does not mention its value, he said, the project in Papua could menyurubang 20% ​​-30% of revenue this year. In addition to completing the project in Papua, Elnusa is currently focusing on accelerating oil and gas business operations, optimizing non-asset based services, and oil and gas distribution to several parts of Indonesia.

"For the value of the project we can not mention one by one," he said.

In addition to the support of several completed projects, the kineria-Elnusa jugu will be supported by the acquisition of oil and gas service contracts in the Mahakam Block. According to Wahyu, the talks on the transfer of oil and gas service contractors in the Mahakam block with PT Pertamina are done since the end of 2017. Now, "Elnusa has started to manage this Mahakam block," he said.

This year, Elnusa allocated a 2018 capital expenditure budget of Rp 300 billion, of which Rp 250 billion has been spent on instrument investment "We are strengthening the seismic side as well, so we are investing heavily in appliance investment," he said. he said.

Profit up 50%

About the increase in the performance of the first quarter of 2010, Wahyu said, the contributor is a surge in revenues from energy distribution and logistics services business. So far, the business line still dominates Elnusa's revenue source. Energy distribution and logistic services business sustained 54.79% of ELSA's total revenue in the first quarter of 2018. While the upstream oil and gas services business sustains revenue of 39.90%. The rest of the revenue comes from oil and gas services business.

"The composition is dominated by distribution and logistics services, which tend to go downstream, for drilling is not very dominating now.


Percepatan Proyek dan Kontrak Baru Sokong ELSA

PT Elnusa Tbk optimistfs bisa memperoleh pendapatan signifikan pada kuartal II-2018

PT Elnusa Tbk memproyeksikan pendapatan kuartal II-2018 akan naik signifikan dibanding kuartal sebelumnya. Sebagai perbandingan, pendapatan Elnusa pada kuartal I-2018 sebesar Rp 1,45 trilliun, meningkat. 50,14% jika dibandingkan dengan pendapatan tahun lalu yang senilai Rp 969,92 miliar.

Optimisme Elnusa itu berdasarkan pada tuntasnya proyek di Papua Barat yang lebih cepat. Proyek seismik darat itu bisa rampung lebih cepat pada April 2018. Awalnya, proyek seismik yang digarap mulai tahun 2017 selesai Juni 2019. Nyatanya, Penyelesaian proyek di Papua setahun lebih cepat dari target. Sehingga kami proyeksikan pendapatan kuartal II 2018 lebih menggembirakan" ujar Wahyu Irfan, Head of Corporate Communications Enulsa, seusai Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) di Graha Elnusa.

Wahyu menambahkan, tahun 2017 proyek yang digarap di Papua itu masih terlaksana 60%. Karena penuntasan proyek tersebut bisa lebih cepat, Elnusa akan menikmati tambahan pendapatan. Meski tidak menyebut nilainya, ia menyatakan, proyek di Papua itu bisa menyurubang 20%-30% pendapatan tahun ini. Selain merampungkan proyek di Papua, saat ini Elnusa sedang fokus mempercepat operasional bisnis migas, mengoptimalkan jasa berbasis non-aset, serta distribusi migas ke beberapa daerah Indonesia. 

"Untuk nilai proyeknya kami tidak bisa menyebutkan satu per satu," katanya.

Selain didukung beberapa proyek yang sudah rampung, kineria- Elnusa jugu akan ditopang oleh perolehan kontrak jasa migas di Blok Mahakam. Menurut Wahyu, pembicaraan peralihan kontraktor jasa migas di Blok Mahakam dengan PT Pertamina dilakukan sejak akhir tahun 2017. Kini,"Elnusa sudah memulai mengelola Blok Mahakam ini," kata dia. 
Tahun ini, Elnusa mengalokasikan anggaran belanja modal 2018 sebesar Rp (300 miliar. Dari jumlah itu sudah terpakai Rp 250 miliar untuk investasi alat. "Yang besar di alat. Kami sedang memperkuat sisi seismik juga, jadi kami investasi cukup banyak untuk investasi alat," ujarnya.

Laba naik 50%

Ihwal peningkatan kinerja kuartal I-2018, Wahyu menyatakan, kontributornya adalah lonjakan pendapatan dari bisnis jasa distribusi energi dan logistik. Sejauh ini, lini bisnis tersebut memang masih mendominasi sumber pendapatan Elnusa. Bisnis jasa distribusi energi dan logistik menopang sebesar 54.79% terhadap total pendapatan ELSA pada kuartal I-2018. Sedangkan bisnis jasa hulu migas menopang pendapatan sebesar 39,90%. Adapun bagian pendapatan selebihnya berasal dan bisnis jasa migas. 

"Memang komposisinya didominasi jasa distribusi dan logistik, yang cenderung ke arah hilir. Untuk pengeboran tidak terlalu mendominasi sekarang ini.

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, May 15, 2018

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