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Thursday, May 17, 2018

The Government Immediately Establishes the Four Block Block Manager

The government will set a new manager for four oil and gas blocks that will expire next year, this week. Exiting contractors have the opportunity to remain the managers of these four blocks.

"Discuss WK (working area) termination first, this should be fast. This week's signature, "said Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) ArcandraTahar in Jakarta.

Director of Upstream Oil and Gas Business Development Ministry. ESDM Ediar Usman explained that the signing is a decision letter related to the stipulation of management as well as the terms and condition of the contract for four oil and gas blocks which will be completed by next year's contract. The four oil and gas blocks are Pendopo and Raja, Bula, Ceram Non Bula, and Jambi Merang.

The government sets the existing contractor to work on these four oil and gas blocks. However, before Thursday (10/5), the existing contractor must apply for the continuation of block management that is currently in operation. This does not mean that this determination is not a final decision directly followed by the signing of a production sharing contract (PSC).

"Not yet (signature contract). Later SKK Migas call (existing contractor), able not (to meet terms and condition). If you can not afford it, leave it alone, "he explained. Terms and conditions in question include the amount of signature bonus, investment commitment the first three years, besara rights of participation, and others. The details of terms and conditions are the authority of the Minister of EMR. The plan of this decree issued on Friday (11/5)

"So the date of May 11 stipulated by the Minister of EMR. It was said so by Mr. Wamen earlier, "said Ediar.

Currently, Pendopo and Raja is managed by Joint Operating Body (JOB) of Pertamina Golden Spike Energy Indonesia, where PT Golden Spike and PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Raja Tempirai hold 50% participation rights. Furthermore, Bula Block is currently managed by Kalrez Petroleum (Seram) Ltd with 100% ownership interest.

Next, the Seram Non Bula Block is operated by CITIC Seram Energy Limit with ownership interest of 51% with KUFPEC partners 30%, Gulf Petroleum 16.5% and Lion Energy 2.5%. Finally, Jambi Merang Block is operated by JOB Pertamina-Talisman Jambi Merang where Pertamina holds 50% participation rights, Talisman 25%, and Pacific Oil and Gas Indonesia 25%.

Previously, the government issued Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 23 of 2018 on the management of oil and gas working area that ended his contract. In this regulation, the sequence of terminating oil and gas blocks management is the extension of PSC by the contractor, the management by Pertamina, then the joint management between the contractor and Pertamina.

Arcandra once revealed that Ministerial Regulation 23/2018 is intended to keep the oil and gas production from terminated oil and gas blocks not down ahead of the end of the contract. This Ministerial Regulation is expected to provide investment certainty for oil and gas companies. The contract form for the new contract will still use the gross split scheme. 

       Referring to data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, there are 21 oil and gas blocks that will expire in 2019-2026, including four oil and gas blocks that expired in 2019 earlier. In 2020, Block J Block South Bl, Brantas, Salawati Bird's Head, Malacca Strait, Makassar Strait, and Onshore Salawati Basin will be completed by contract.

In 2021, the contracted block is the Bentu Segat Block, the Long Strait, and the Rokan Block which produces the largest oil in Indonesia. In 2022, following the Tarakan East Block, Coastal Plains and Pekanbaru, Bengkal, and Sengkang will be completed by contract. Furthermore in 2023, Rimau Block, Jabung, and Corridor. The Corridor Block is one of the blocks with a large gas production in Indonesia which is worked on by Conoco Philips. In 2025, the Bangko Block will follow the completion of the contract.


Pemerintah Segera Tetapkan Pengelola Empat Blok Terminasi

Pemerintah akan menetapkan pengelola baru untuk empat blok migas yang akan berakhir kontraknya tahun depan, pada pekan ini. Kontraktor eksiting berpeluang tetap menjadi pengelola empat blok ini.

“Bahas WK (Wilayah kerja) terminasi dulu, ini harus cepat. Minggu ini tanda tangan,” kata Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) ArcandraTahar di Jakarta.

Direktur Pembinaan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian. ESDM Ediar Usman menjelaskan, penandatanganan yang dimaksud yakni surat keputusan terkait penetapan pengelolaan serta prasyarat (terms and condition) kontrak untuk empat blok migas yang akan selesai kontraknya pada tahun depan. Keempat blok migas ini adalah Blok Pendopo dan Raja, Bula, Seram Non Bula, dan Jambi Merang.

Pemerintah menetapkan kontraktor eksisting untuk menggarap empat blok migas ini. Namun, sebelum Kamis (10/5), kontraktor eksisting harus mengajukan permohonan kelanjutan pengelolaan blok yang kini di kerjakan. Hal ini bukan berarti penetapan ini bukan keputusan akhir yang langsung diikuti dengan penandatanganan kontrak kerja sama (production sharing contract/ PSC).

“Belum (tanda tangan kontrak). Nanti SKK Migas panggil (kontraktor eksisting) , sanggup tidak (memenuhi terms and condition). Kalau tidak sanggup, biarkan saja,” jelas dia. Terms and condition yang dimaksud diantaranya adalah besaran bonus tanda tangan, komitmen investasi tiga tahun pertama, besara hak partisipasi, dan lainnya. Rincian terms and condition tersebut merupakan wewenang Menteri ESDM. Rencananya surat keputusan ini terbit pada Jumat (11/5)

“Jadi tanggal 11 Mei ditetapkan Menteri ESDM. Dibilang begitu oleh Pak Wamen tadi,” kata Ediar.

Saat ini, Blok Pendopo dan Raja dikelola oleh Joint Operating Body (JOB) Pertamina Golden Spike Energy Indonesia, di mana PT Golden Spike dan PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Raja Tempirai memegang hak partisipasi 50%. Selanjutnya, Blok Bula saat ini masih dikelola Kalrez Petroleum (Seram) Ltd dengan kepemilikan saham partisipasi 100%.

Berikutnya, Blok Seram Non Bula dioperatori CITIC Seram Energy Limit dengan kepemilikan hak partisipasi 51% bersama mitra KUFPEC 30%, Gulf Petroleum 16,5%, dan Lion Energy 2,5%. Terakhir, Blok Jambi Merang dioperatori oleh JOB Pertamina-Talisman Jambi Merang di mana Pertamina memegang hak partisipasi 50%, Talisman 25%, dan Pacific Oil and Gas Indonesia 25%.

Sebelumnya, pemerintah menerbitkan Peraturan Menteri ESDM No 23 Tahun 2018 tentang pengelolaan Wilayah kerja migas yang berakhir kontraknya. Dalam regulasi ini, urutan pengelolaan blok migas terminasi yakni perpanjangan PSC oleh kontraktor, pengelolaan oleh Pertamina, kemudian pengelolaan bersama antara kontraktor dan Pertamina.

Arcandra pernah mengungkapkan, Peraturan Menteri 23/2018 dimaksudkan untuk menjaga agar produksi migas dari blok migas terminasi tidak turun jelang kontrak berakhir. Peraturan Menteri ini diharapkan memberikan kepastian investasi bagi perusahaan migas. Bentuk kontrak untuk kontrak baru nantinya tetap menggunakan skema bagi hasil kotor (gross split). 

     Mengacu pada data Kementerian ESDM, terdapat 21 blok migas yang akan berakhir pada 2019-2026, termasuk empat blok migas yang habis pada 2019 tadi. Pada 2020, Blok South Jambi Block B, Brantas, Salawati Kepala Burung, Malacca Strait, Makassar Strait, serta Onshore Salawati Basin akan rampung kontraknya.

Pada 2021, blok yang terminasi kontraknya adalah Blok Bentu Segat, Selat Panjang, dan Blok Rokan yang menghasilkan minyak terbesar di Indonesia. Pada 2022, menyusul Blok Tarakan East, Coastal Plains and Pekanbaru, Bengkal, serta Sengkang bakal rampung kontraknya. 

   Selanjutnya di 2023, Blok Rimau, Jabung, dan Koridor. Blok Koridor merupakan salah satu blok dengan produksi gas cukup besar di Indonesia yang digarap Conoco Philips. Di 2025, Blok Bangko akan menyusul rampung kontraknya.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Tuesday, May 8, 2018

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