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Thursday, May 17, 2018

Three Challenges Confront Oil and Gas Business

The Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) assesses that the dynamics of the world oil and gas industry in the last four years requires stakeholders to adapt. Government as a regulator, must revise and even remove a number of rules. On the other hand, oil and gas companies must improve the efficiency of production activities.

Ronald Gunawan, President (IPA), delivered a series of discussions of various parties for three days IPA Convex is expected to contribute to various issues in the upstream oil and gas sector of Indonesia.

"We consider the upstream oil and gas sector in Indonesia is still very attractive, because we can feel the same focus to improve the competitiveness of upstream oil and gas investment in the eyes of global investors," said Ronald Gunawan, last weekend.

There are three issues that challenge the oil and gas company. First, the development of information technology up to the latest development of operational technology and the right business model for upstream oil and gas sector. Second, efficiency in the face of crisis. Third, the map of global oil and gas industry investment competition.

According to Ronald, one of the things that concerns is related to the need for division of responsibilities between investors and the government in encouraging investment and growth of the oil and gas industry. For example, investors can offer technical and financial skills, global experience, and capacity building.

"The government can provide a supportive and stable investment climate, as well as efficient regulation," he said.

For example, IPA gathers stakeholders in the upstream oil and gas industry. Including policymakers, governments, investors and oil and gas supporting sectors to encourage more investment into Indonesia.

Meanwhile, Head of Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities Amien Sunaryadi said one of the forms of support needed by oil and gas companies is from the Indonesian financial industry, by facilitating the mobilization of funds for oil and gas projects. In addition, all parties must support exploration by facilitating permits, smooth land acquisition, minimize levies and facilitate social settlement when it arises.


Tiga Tantangan Menghadang Bisnis Migas

Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) menilai, dinamika di industri minyak dan gas dunia dalam empat tahun terakhir menuntut stakeholder menyesuaikan diri. Pemerintah sebagai regulator, harus merevisi bahkan menghapus sejumlah aturan. Di sisi lain, perusahaan migas harus meningkatkan efisiensi kegiatan produksi.

Ronald Gunawan, Presiden (IPA), menyampaikan serangkaian diskusi berbagai pihak selama tiga hari IPA Convex diharapkan memberikan kontribusi atas berbagai isu yang ada di sektor hulu migas Indonesia. 

"Kami menilai, sektor hulu migas Indonesia masih sangat menarik, karena kami bisa merasakan adanya kesamaan fokus demi memperbaiki daya saing investasi hulu migas tanah air di mata investor global," papar Ronald Gunawan, akhir pekan lalu.

Ada tiga isu yang menjadi tantangan perusahaan migas. Pertama, perkembangan teknologi informasi hingga perkembangan terkini dari teknologi operasional dan model bisnis yang tepat untuk sektor hulu migas. Kedua, efisiensi saat menghadapi krisis. Ketiga, peta kompetisi investasi industri migas global.

Menurut Ronald, salah satu hal yang menjadi concern adalah terkait perlunya pembagian tanggung jawab antara investor dan pemerintah dalam mendorong investasi dan pertumbuhan industri migas, Sebagai contoh, investor bisa menawarkan kemampuan dalam hal teknis dan finansial, pengalaman secara global, hingga pembangunan kapasitas. 

"Pemerintah bisa menyediakan iklim investasi yang mendukung dan stabil, serta regulasi yang efisien," ungkap dia.

Misalnya, IPA mengumpulkan para pemangku kepentingan dalam industri hulu migas. Termasuk pembuat kebijakan, pemerintah, investor dan sektor penunjang industri migas untuk mendorong lebih banyak investasi ke Indonesia.

Sementara itu, Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi Amien Sunaryadi mengatakan, salah satu bentuk dukungan yang diperlukan perusahaan migas adalah dari industri keuangan Indonesia, dengan memfasilitasi mobilisasi dana untuk proyek-proyek migas. Di samping itu, semua pihak harus mendukung eksplorasi dengan memudahkan perizinan, memuluskan pembebasan lahan, meminimalkan pungutan dan memfasilitasi penyelesaian aspek sosial apabila muncul.

"Semua itu merupakan langkah bersama," kata dia 

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, May 8, 2018

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