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Saturday, May 19, 2018

Use Gross Split, Saka Confident Two New Economical Blocks

PT Saka Energi Indonesia, a subsidiary of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk in upstream oil and gas sector recently signed two gross split contracts for two oil and gas blocks of Pekawai and West Yamdena. President Director of Saka Energi Tumbur Parlindungan said that with the signing of the Pekawai and West Yamdena Block contracts, Saka Energi can directly explore the two blocks.

Oil and Gas Block In Indonesia

The first activity that will be done by Saka in Blok Pekawai is to conduct the study, although previously Saka had already done a Joint Study with universities in the two blocks.

"Geology and geophysic studies have not been done yet - new studies with universities," he said.

2D and 3D Seismic

After conducting the study, Saka will drill one exploration well in accordance with the exact commitment signed in the contract. The plan for exploration drilling in Pekawai Block is two years away.

"We will just drill, in 2020 or 2021," said Tumbur.

Exploration well drilling is conducted to ensure the existence of oil and gas reserves in the block. So far, Tumbur said Pekawai Block has a potential reserve (resources) of 1-2 TCF.

Although the potential for small reserves, Tumbur sure enough if the potential reserves are successfully found it can still be developed economically. While for the West Yamdena Block potential reserves are quite large to reach 45 TCF.


Pakai Gross Split, Saka Yakin Dua Blok Baru Ekonomis

PT Saka Energi Indonesia, anak usaha PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk di sektor hulu migas baru saja menandatangani dua kontrak gross split untuk dua blok migas Pekawai dan West Yamdena. Direktur Utama Saka Energi Tumbur Parlindungan mengatakan dengan ditandatanganinya kontrak Blok Pekawai dan West Yamdena, Saka Energi sudah bisa langsung melakukan eksplorasi di kedua blok tersebut.

Kegiatan pertama yang akan dilakukan oleh Saka di Blok Pekawai adalah melakukan Studi, meski sebelumnya Saka sudah lebih dulu melakukan Joint Study dengan perguruan tinggi di dua blok tersebut. 

"Studi geology dan geophysic belum. Studi baru dengan universitas," katanya.

Setelah melakukan studi, Saka akan melakukan pengeboran satu sumur ekplorasi sesuai dengan komitmen pasti yang ditandatangani dalam kontrak. Rencananya pengeboran ekplorasi di Blok Pekawai dua tahun lagi. 

"Kami baru akan mengebor, di 2020 atau 2021," jelas Tumbur.

Pengeboran sumur ekplorasi tersebut dilakukan demi memastikan adanya cadangan migas di blok tersebut. Sejauh ini, Tumbur bilang Blok Pekawai memiliki potensi cadangan (resources) sebesar 1-2 TCF.

Meski potensi cadangan kecil, Tumbur cukup yakin jika potensi cadangan tersebut berhasil ditemukan maka masih bisa dikembangkan secara ekonomis. Sementara untuk Blok West Yamdena potensi cadangannya cukup besar hingga mencapai 45 TCF.

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, May 15, 2018

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