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Thursday, June 21, 2018

EMR: Split Gross Scheme, Beneficial Country

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources continues to encourage the gross split scheme, especially for 20 oil and gas blocks terminating throughout 2017-2020. EMR claims, this scheme contributes to state finance of US $ 63.2 million. This figure is approximately Rp 847 billion (assuming the rupiah exchange rate is in line with the 2018 State Budjet (APBN) of Rp 13,400 per US dollar).

Such receipts come from signature bonus payments for exploration activities by 20 Contractor Cooperation Contracts (KKKS) upon signing of the contract.

"The contribution of gross split from 20 oil and gas fields could increase the state's finances," said Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandra Tahar.

Of the value, the Jambi Merang block is the largest state cash supporter, which is US $ 17.29 million or Rp 231 billion. After that, the Sanga-sanga and South East Sumatra blocks each contribute US $ 10 million or Rp 134 billion. The other blocks are between US $ 500,000 and US $ 1 million. 

     In addition to signature bonuses, the state also has the potential to gain investment by contractors through a Definite Working Commitment. This commitment is agreed to increase reserves and production within the first five year period approved by SKK Migas.

Overall of the 20 oil and gas blocks under the contracting system have a definite commitment of US $ 989.86 million or equivalent to Rp 13.2 trillion. The greatest definite working commitment is in the Jambi Merang block of US $ 2393 million.


ESDM: Skema Gross Split, Menguntungkan Negara  

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) terus mendorong skema gross split, khususnya untuk 20 blok minyak dan gas (migas) terminasi sepanjang tahun 2017-2020. Klaim ESDM, skema ini menyumbang keuangan negara sebesar US$ 63,2 juta. Angka ini sekitar Rp 847 miliar (asumsi nilai tukar rupiah sesuai dengan APBN 2018 Rp 13.400 per dollar Amerika Serikat).

Penerimaan tersebut berasal dari pembayaran bonus tanda tangan (signature bonus) kegiatan eksplorasi oleh 20 Kontraktor Kontrak Kerjasama (KKKS) saat penandatanganan kontrak. 

"Kontribusi gross split dari 20 lapangan migas mampu menambah keuangan negara," ujar Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar.

Dari besaran nilai tersebut, blok Jambi Merang merupakan pendukung kas negara terbesar, yaitu US$ 17,29 juta atau Rp 231 miliar. Setelah itu Blok Sanga-sanga dan South East Sumatera masing-masing berkontribusi  US$ 10 juta atau Rp 134 miliar. Sementara blok lain antara US$ 500.000 hingga US$ 1 juta. 

     Selain signature bonus, negara juga berpotensi mendapatkan investasi para kontraktor melalui Komitmen Kerja Pasti. Komitmen ini disepakati untuk peningkatan cadangan dan produksi dalam periode lima tahun pertama yang disetujui SKK Migas.

Secara keseluruhan dari 20 blok migas dengan sistem kontrak mendapat komitmen pasti sebesar US$ 989,86 juta atau setara Rp 13,2 triliun. Komitinen kerja pasti terbesar ada pada blok Jambi Merang sebesar US$ 2393 juta.

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, June 12, 2018

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