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Thursday, June 21, 2018

ESDM Specifies Termination Block Operators

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) will formally establish a contract extension operator in five working areas of oil and gas (oil and gas) or oil and gas blocks that will expire in 2020.

Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Djoko Siswanto, said the government will assign five working areas or oil and gas blocks to the existing contractors. It is the South Jambi Block to Petrochina, the Malacca Strait Block to Energi-Mega Persada, Brantas Block to Lapindo, Salawati Block and Bird's Head to Petrogas.

The signing bonus of Malacca Straits is US $ 2.5 million, Brantas US $ 1 million, South Jambi US $ 5 million, Salawati US $ 1 million and Bird Head US $ 1 million. The bonus signature of Makassar Strait Block will not be set, because as the existing operator Chevron Pasific Indonesia has not proposed a contract extension. According to the plan, the government will set the Makassar Strait Block by the end of June 2018.

"It will be combined with Indonesian Deepwater Development (IDD), so we also process IDD at the end of June," said Vice Minister of EMR, Arcandra Tahar.

Claim Arcandra, with the determination of termination working area, there will be additional investment. He mentioned that the determination of termination working areas in 2019-2020 already has an investment commitment of about US $ 500 million. The average investment commitment is definitely worth US $ 40 million. But there is also a certain high commitment value, such as the Jambi Merang Block with total investment for commitment must reach US $ 239 million.

While the oil and gas blocks terminated in 2021, especially the Rokan Block will be decided on July 2018 tones. However, Faisal Yusra, President of the Confederation of Indonesian Migrant Workers Union in written broadcasts requested. President Joko Widodo to revoke Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources 23 year 2018 which no longer gives direct termination block to Pertamina.

"Currently there is no urgency," he said.

He said that all Oil and Gas Blocks that have been discharged in the contracts in 2018-2019 have been processed by the decision of the old minister more "red-white". "Let the new policy of 2021 come to be thought of by the government of the new period, whoever becomes president," he advised.


ESDM Tetapkan Operator Blok Terminasi

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) segera menetapkan secara resmi operator perpanjangan kontrak di lima wilayah kerja minyak dan gas (migas) atau blok migas yang akan habis kontrak tahun 2020 mendatang.

Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM Djoko Siswanto mengatakan, pemerintah akan menetapkan lima wilayah kerja atau blok migas ke kontraktor eksisting. Yaitu Blok South Jambi kepada Petrochina, Blok Malaka Strait kepada Energi-Mega Persada, Blok Brantas kepada Lapindo, Blok Salawati dan Kepala Burung kepada Petrogas.

Bonus tandatangan Malaka Straitsebesar US$ 2,5 juta, Brantas US$ 1 juta, South Jambi US$ 5 juta, Salawati US$ 1 juta dan Kepala Burung US$ 1 juta. Adapun bonus tandatangan Blok Makassar Strait belum akan ditetapkan, karena sebagai operator eksisting Chevron Pasific Indonesia belum mengajukan perpanjangan kontrak. Rencananya, pemerintah akan menetapkan Blok Makassar Strait pada akhir Juni 2018. 

"Akan dikombinasikan dengan Indonesian Deepwater Development (IDD), jadi IDD juga kami proses di akhir Juni," klta Wakil Menteri ESDM, Arcandra Tahar.

Klaim Arcandra, dengan penetapan wilayah kerja terminasi, akan ada tambahan investasi. Dia menyebut, penetapan wilayah kerja terminasi tahun 2019-2020 sudah ada investasi komitmen kerja sekitar US$ 500 juta. Rata-rata investasi komitmen pasti mencapai US$ 40 juta. Namun ada juga nilai komitinen pasti yang cukup tinggi, seperti Blok Jambi Merang dengan total investasi untuk komitmen pasti mencapai US$ 239 juta.

Sementara blok migas yang terminasi tahun 2021, terutama Blok Rokan akan diputuskan nada Juli 2018. Namun, Faisal Yusra, Presiden Konfederasi Serikat Pekerja Migas Indonesia dalam siaran tertulis meminta. Presidenw Joko Widodo agar mencabut Keputusan Menteri ESDM 23 tahun 2018 yang tidak lagi memberikan langsung blok terminasi ke Pertamina. 

"Saat ini belum ada urgensinya," tegas dia.

Dia bilang, semua Blok Migas yang habis kontrak pada tahun 2018-2019 sudah diproses dengan Keputusan menteri lama yang lebih "merah-putih". "Biarkan kebijakan baru tahun 2021 mendatang dipikirkan pemerintahan periode baru nanti, siapapun yang menjadi presiden," kata dia memberi saran.

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, June 11, 2018

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