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Thursday, June 7, 2018

Gas Price Not Dropped

Natural gas prices can not be directly trimmed even though the problem of multilevel traders is over. A new decline will occur after the ex-gas ex-gas allocation contract is exhausted or at least 18 months after the Ministerial Regulation No. 58 of 2017 is issued.

Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar said, overall the problem of multilevel traders has been completed without the need to revise the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 6 of 2016.

"The multilevel traders in the 10 cases yesterday have signed an agreement that the multilevel trader no longer exists. Later the process of gas transfer will be done in accordance with the provisions and takes time, "he said.

Arcandra said in the case of the multilevel trader, several companies already have gas infrastructure facilities. Ministry of ESDM also giving space to multi-level traders who have the infrastructure to continue the contract through to completion.

"For those who have the infrastructure we still love the opportunity to complete the contract. Later on, the problem of gas allocation and so on, they will do b-to-b [business-to-business] alone, "he said.

Meanwhile, multilevel traders who do not have the infrastructure will be revoked their business license by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. In the Ministerial Regulation of 6 years 2016 concerning Provisions and Procedures for the Determination of Allocation and Utilization and Natural Gas Price Article 34 does list approval of natural gas allocations and prices that have been approved before the rules are issued remain valid until the contract is completed.

Then, in article 35 it is mentioned, a natural gas trading company that has natural gas allocation, but does not sell to end users before the issuing rule can still carry on its business activities until the contract is completed.


Chairman of Indonesia Natural Gas Trader Association (INGTA) Sabrun Jamil also responded positively to the decision of the Ministry of ESDM. He Mentioned, without revision of Ministerial Regulation 6 of 2016, the stratified decision trader trader was quite positive.

"The problem is not as rigid as before, so there is still leniency for the settlement effort, especially for the multi-level trader who has the infrastructure," he said.

Arcandra also said, solution settlement of multilevel traders on 10 different cases. However, he did not specify the trader's company solution stratified. In total, 10 cases of natural gas-level traders consist of about 21 trader companies. Meanwhile, the completion of the problem of multilevel gas traders is not merely to directly reduce the selling price of natural gas to the final consumer.

Arcandra said, the process of reducing the price of natural gas will wait for the previous gas allocation contract is completed. Once the contract is completed, the trader gas earth will follow the provisions of Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 58 of 2017 related Gas Sale Price Through Pipe.

"In the Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 58 of 2017 there is a maximum time limit of 18 months after the rule is valid. So, we will point accordingly that provision alone, "he said.

ESDM Ministry also ensured the decrease of natural gas selling price after the tertiary trader is disciplined will be in accordance with the margin stipulated in Ministerial Regulation No.58 year 2017. In the Minister Regulation, it is mentioned that commercial margin is 7% of natural gas price, while internal rate of return (IRR) is 11% with US dollar rate.

"With that provision, the gas price margin also depends on how long the infrastructure built by the trader company," said Arcandra.

Industrial gas users expect gas prices to be around US $ 6 per MMBTU, while the average downstream gas price in Indonesia is around US $ 8 per MMBTU to above US $ 10 per MMBTU.


Harga Gas Belum Langsung Turun

Harga gas bumi tidak dapat langsung terpangkas meski persoalan trader bertingkat selesai. Penurunan baru akan terjadi setelah kontrak alokasi gas eks trader bertingkat habis atau palinglama 18 bulan setelah Peraturan Menteri Nomor 58 tahun 2017 diterbitkan.

Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, secara keseluruhan persoalan trader bertingkat sudah selesai tanpa perlu melakukan revisi pada Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 6 tahun 2016.

“Para trader bertingkat di 10 kasus kemarin sudah menandatangani persetujuan kalau trader bertingkat sudah tidak ada lagi. Nantinya proses pengalihan gas akan dilakukan sesuai dengan ketentuan dan membutuhkan waktu,” ujarnya.

Arcandra mengatakan pada kasus trader bertingkat itu, beberapa perusahaan sudah memiliki fasilitas infrastruktur gas. Kementerian ESDM pun memberikan ruang kepada trader bertingkat yang memiliki infrastruktur untuk melanjutkan kontrak sampai selesai.

“Bagi mereka yang memiliki infrastruktur masih kami kasih kesempatan menyelesaikan kontrak. Nantinya, masalah alokasi gas dan sebagainya, mereka akan melakukan b-to-b [business-to-business] sendiri saja,” ujarnya.

Adapun, trader bertingkat yang tidak memiliki infrastruktur akan dicabut izin usahanya oleh Kementerian ESDM. Dalam Peraturan Menteri No.6 tahun 2016 terkait Ketentuan dan Tata Cara Penetapan Alokasi dan Pemanfaatan serta Harga gas Bumi pasal 34 memang menuliskan persetujuan alokasi dan harga gas bumi yang telah disetujui sebelum aturan itu terbit tetap berlaku sampai kontrak selesai.

Lalu, pada pasal 35 disebutkan, badan usaha niaga gas bumi yang telah memiliki alokasi gas bumi, tetapi tidak melakukan penjualan kepada pengguna akhir sebelum aturan terbit tetap dapat melaksanakan kegiatan usahanya sampai kontrak selesai.


Ketua Indonesia Natural Gas Trader Asociation (INGTA) Sabrun Jamil pun merespons positif keputusan Kementerian ESDM tersebut. Dia Menyebutkan, tanpa revisi Peraturan Menteri 6 tahun 2016, keputusan penertiban trader bertingkat itu cukup positif.

“Soalnya tidak kaku seperti sebelumnya, jadi masih ada kelonggaran untuk upaya penyelesaiannya, terutama untuk trader bertingkat yang memiliki infrastruktur,” ujarnya.

Arcandra pun menuturkan, solusi penyelesaian trader bertingkat pada 10 kasus itu berbeda-beda. Namun, dia tidak merinci solusi perusahaan trader bertingkat tersebut. Secara keseluruhan, 10 kasus trader bertingkat gas bumi itu terdiri dari sekitar 21 perusahaan trader.  Sementara itu, rampungnya persoalan trader gas bertingkat pun tidak semata-semata langsung menekan harga jual gas bumi ke konsumen akhir.

Arcandra menuturkan, proses penurunan harga gas bumi akan menunggu kontrak alokasi gas sebelumnya selesai. Setelah kontrak selesai, trader gas
bumi akan mengikuti ketentuan Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 58 tahun 2017 terkait Harga Jual Gas Bumi Melalui Pipa.

“Dalam aturan Peraturan Menteri ESDM 58 tahun 2017 itu ada batas waktu paling lama 18 bulan setelah aturan itu berlaku. Jadi, kami akan arahkan sesuai
ketentuan itu saja,” ujarnya.

Kementerian ESDM pun memastikan penurunan harga jual gas bumi setelah trader bertingkat ditertibkan akan sesuai dengan margin yang tertera pada Peraturan Menteri No.58 tahun 2017. Dalam Peraturan Menteri itu disebutkan margin niaga ditetapkan paling besar 7% dari harga gas bumi, sedangkan internal rate of return (IRR) paling besar 11% dengan hitungan kurs dolar AS.

“Dengan ketentuan itu, margin harga gas bumi pun juga bergantung kepada berapa panjang infrastruktur yang dibangun oleh perusahaan tradernya,” ujar Arcandra. 

Pihak industri pengguna gas bumi berharap harga gas bisa berada sekitar US$ 6 per MMBTU, sedangkan rata-rata harga gas hilir di Indonesia sekitar US$ 8 per MMBTU hingga di atas US$ 10 per MMBTU.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Friday, May 18, 2018

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