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Thursday, June 21, 2018

Gas Production of Pertamina EP Asset 4 exceeded Target

The declining trend of petroleum production in Indonesia is also experienced by PT Pertamina EP Aset 4. Until May 22, 2018, petroleum production reached 12,246 barrels of oil per day or just 88 percent of the target. Asset 4 General Manager of PT Pertamina (Persero) Agus Amperianto said oil production is projected until the end of 2018 to reach the target of 14,032 barrels of oil per day (bopd).

"The fulfillment of these targets is the effort of several strategies, one of which is the optimization of Sukowati field which started on 20 May 2018. We have also done some well reactivation work, well perforation, as well as stimulation and repair of ESR" explained Agus Amperianto .

PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 has the largest operating area among all assets managed by PT Pertamina EP. They include Cepu Field in Central Java, Sukowati Field and Poleng Field in East Java Donggi Matindok Field in Central Sulawesi, and Papua Field in West Papua. Meanwhile, for gas production, the company has exceeded the planned target. That is, it reaches 171.95 mmscfd (million standard cubic feet per day) or 109 percent and YTD (year to date) target of 157.59 mmscfd or 104 percent of the 2019 target of 165.52 mmscfd.

Gas production of PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 is greatest supported by the existence of three gas processing center / central processing plant (CPP). That is, CPP Gundih in Cepu Field with production about 67 mmscfd. Coupled with CPP Donggi and CPP Matindok in Sulawesi with production reaching 92.48 mmscfd.

"Alhamdulillah, our gas production can produce above the target set by the company," he said.

For CPP Gundih, the majority of the gas is supplied to PLTGU Tambak Lorok. Meanwhile, CPP Donggi and CPP Matindok gas is supplied to Donggi Senoro LNG.

"However, we are still preparing advanced strategies so that the gas that we produce can be utilized not only for electricity needs, but also can meet the needs of the industry," said Agus.

It also seismic activities to find new sources of reserves, especially in eastern Indonesia. For example, in the Klamono area, Sorong regency, West Papua.

"The exploration team of PT Pertamina EP has completed the 3D Seismic Klamasossa which combed about 500 km2 of the area spread around Sorong regency, and of course, this seismic could give hope to find potential oil and gas reserves.


Produksi Gas Pertamina EP Asset 4 Melampaui Target

Tren penurunan produksi minyak bumi di Indonesia juga dialami PT Pertamina EP Aset 4. Hingga 22 Mei 2018, produksi minyak bumi mencapai
12.246 barel minyak per hari atau hanya 88 persen dari target. Asset 4 General Manager PT Pertamina (Persero) Agus Amperianto mengungkapkan, produksi minyak diproyeksikan hingga akhir 2018 mencapai target 14.032 barel minyak per hari (bopd). 

"Pemenuhan terhadap target tersebut kami upayakan dari beberapa strategi. Salah satunya, optimalisasi lapangan Sukowati yang mulai 20 Mei 2018 sudah secara penuh kami operasikan. Kemudian, kami lakukan juga beberapa pekerjaan reaktivasi sumur, perforasi sumur, serta stimulasi dan repair ESR” jelas Agus Amperianto.

PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 memiliki wilayah operasi terluas di antara seluruh aset yang dikelola PT Pertamina EP. Yakni, meliputi Cepu Field di Jawa Tengah, Sukowati Field dan Poleng Field di Jawa Timur Donggi Matindok Field di Sulawesi Tengah, serta Papua Field di Papua Barat. Sementara itu, untuk produksi gas, perseroan telah melampaui target yang direncanakan. Yakni, mencapai 171.95 mmscfd (million standard cubic feet per day) atau 109 persen dan target YTD (year to-date) sebesar 157.59 mmscfd atau, 104 persen dari target 2019 sebesar 165.52 mmscfd.

Produksi gas PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 paling besar ditunjang keberadaan tiga pusat pengolahan gas/ central processing plant (CPP). Yakni, CPP Gundih di Cepu Field dengan produksi sekitar 67 mmscfd. Ditambah dengan CPP Donggi dan CPP Matindok di Sulawesi dengan produksi mencapai 92.48 mmscfd. 

"Alhamdulillah, produksi gas kami bisa berproduksi di atas target yang ditetapkan perusahaan,” katanya.

Untuk CPP Gundih, mayoritas gasnya disalurkan ke PLTGU Tambak Lorok. Sedangkan gas CPP Donggi dan CPP Matindok disalurkan ke Donggi Senoro LNG. 

"Namun, kami tetap menyiapkan strategi lanjutan agar gas yang kami produksi bisa dimanfaatkan tidak hanya untuk kebutuhan kelistrikan, namun juga bisa memenuhi kebutuhan industri," terang Agus.

Pihaknya juga melakukan kegiatan seismik untuk mencari sumber cadangan baru, terutama di kawasan timur Indonesia. Misalnya, di wilayah Klamono, Kabupaten Sorong, Papua Barat.

"Tim eksplorasi PT Pertamina EP telah selesai melakukan Seismik 3D Klamasossa yang menyisir sekitar 500 km2 wilayah yang tersebar di sekitar Kabupaten Sorong. Tentunya, adanya seismik ini bisa memberikan harapan untuk menemukan potensi cadangan migas.

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, June 11, 2018

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