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Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Government Cuts Project Costs Merakes and IDD

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) managed to cut the cost of two major national oil and gas projects, namely the development of Merakes Field, East Sepinggan Block and Indonesia Deepwater Development Project (IDD) in Makassar Strait.

EMR Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Arcandra Tahar, said that he has approved Merements field plan of development (POD) since last month. In the POD, it cut investment and operating costs from ENI Indonesia's field to US $ 1.08 billion or equivalent to Rp 16 trillion, "ENI (Merake Field) has been approved POD, we cut cost USS 1.08 billion, it is capital expenditure and operational exependiture, ENI also agree, "he said in Jakarta.

He explained that the cost cutting is derived from various ways, including the related procurement system, contract strategy, and the selection of technology. Although the costs are cut, oil and gas production from Merakes Field should not be reduced from the original plan.

"Still the same oil and gas production. If cut costs, production should not go down, "said Arcandra.

Hopefully, the development of Merakes Field can be started as soon as possible. Previously, the Upstream Oil and Gas Upstream Business Unit (SKK Migas) said that Merake Field would generate 150 million cubic feet per day (mmscfd) gas in 2019. The gas production will be channeled to a floating production unit (floating production unit / FPU) of Jangkrik Field, Muara Bakau Block which is also developed by ENI ITALY.

This is possible because when Merake Field is in operation, gas production from Jangkrik Field starts to decline. In the development of Merakes Field, ENI will build a platform, 60 kilometers of undersea pipeline, and drill several wells. Wells drilling at Merakes Field is projected to be done in the fourth quarter of this year. Thus, gas production can be realized in 2019.

In its official statement, ENI ITALY announced the successful drilling and testing of Marekes Well 2 in East Sepinggan Block. Production tests are limited by surface facilities, indicating the ability of the reservoir to produce significant gas. The findings in Merakes are estimated at 2 trillion cubic feet of gas with additional potential that needs to be evaluated.

"The findings in Merakes are estimated at 2 trillion cubic feet of gas with additional potential that needs to be evaluated," it said in an official ENI statement.

ENI is the operator and holder of the majority participation rights in East Sepinggan Block with 85% shares. While the rest is owned by PT Pertamina Hulu Energy. ENI has been operating in Indonesia since 2001 and managing a number of exploration, production and development assets, including Cricket Fields. The other production assets are Sanga-Sanga Block with 16 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day.

Project Indonesia Deepwater Development

Not only Field Merakes, Arcandra said it also managed to cut the cost of developing IDD Project. "" I cut costnya, "he said. However, Arcandra is still reluctant to specify how the cost cutting successfully done his side. Arcandra had said, it has asked the Chevron from its headquarters in Houston, United States to come to Indonesia. This June, Chevron is expected to submit a proposal for the IDD Project POD. Chevron promised to immediately start the development of this IDD Project.

"They (Chevron) schedulenya fast, already contrived really yesterday. Quickly, first gas is 2023-2024. Previously far back, "he said.

It is optimistic that the target will be achieved because a number of contract strategy has been proposed it. One of them, there will be no prohibition that the company has become the contractor of the FEED design package, to also work on engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract package. Saving time can be about 1-2 years.

Chevron IDD project combines four contracts of cooperation namely Ganal, Rapak, Makassar Strait, and Muara Bakau. In the four concessions there are five fields namely Bangka Field, Gehem, Gendalo, Maha and Gandang. Bangka Field has been in production since August 2016 and producing eight liquefied natural gas (LNG) cargo shipped from Bontang LNG Terminal.

"The second phase IDD, which includes Gendalo and Gehem Fields, is estimated to have a total potential of 3 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of gas production.China has actually obtained approval of the IDD project development plan in 2008. However, after the FEED , the cost required to work on this project is two times higher, and Chevron has again submitted the POD revision by the end of 2015. Unfortunately, this POD is returned by the government because it is incomplete.


Pemerintah Pangkas Biaya Proyek Merakes dan IDD

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) berhasil memangkas biaya dua proyek migas besar nasional, yakni pengembangan Lapangan Merakes, Blok East Sepinggan dan Proyek Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) di Selat Makassar.

Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, pihaknya telah menyetujui rencana pengembangan (plan of development/ POD) Lapangan Merakes sejak bulan lalu. Dalam POD tersebut, pihaknya memangkas biaya investasi dan operasi dari lapangan yang digarap ENI Indonesia hingga US$ 1,08 miliar atau setara Rp 16 triliun, “ENI (Lapangan Merakes) sudah disetujui POD-nya, kami cut cost USS 1,08 miliar, itu capital expenditure dan operational exependiture, EN I juga setuju,” kata dia di Jakarta.

Dijelaskannya, pemotongan biaya tersebut diperoleh dari berbagai macam cara, diantaranya terkait sistem pengadaannya, strategi kontraknya, dan pemilihan teknologinya. Meski biaya dipangkas, produksi migas dari Lapangan Merakes ini tidak boleh berkurang dari rencana awal.

“Masih sama produksi migasnya. Kalau cut cost, tidak boleh produksi turun,” tutur Arcandra.

Diharapkannya, pengembangan Lapangan Merakes ini bisa dimulai secepatnya. Sebelumnya, Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) menyatakan, Lapangan Merakes akan menghasilkan gas sekitar 150 juta kaki kubik per hari/mmscfd pada 2019. Produksi gas ini akan dialirkan ke fasilitas produksi terapung (floating production unit/ FPU) Lapangan Jangkrik, Blok Muara Bakau yang juga digarap ENI ITALY.

Hal ini memungkinkan lantaran pada saat Lapangan Merakes beroperasi, produksi gas dari Lapangan Jangkrik mulai turun. Dalam pengembangan Lapangan Merakes, ENI akan membangun satu anjungan (platform) , pipa bawah laut sepanjang 60 kilometer, dan mengebor beberapa sumur. Pengeboran sumur di Lapangan Merakes diproyeksikan bisa dilakukan pada kuartal keempat tahun ini. Sehingga, produksi gas bisa terealisasi pada 2019.

Dalam keterangan resminya, ENI ITALY mengumumkan keberhasilan pengeboran dan pengetesan Sumur Marekes 2 di Blok East Sepinggan. Tes produksi yang dibatasi oleh fasilitas di permukaan, menunjukkan kemampuan reservoir menghasilkan gas yang cukup signifikan. Temuan di Merakes ini diperkirakan sebesar 2 triliun kaki kubik gas dengan tambahan potensi yang perlu dievaluasi.

“Temuan di Merakes ini diperkirakan sebesar 2 triliun kaki kubik gas dengan tambahan potensi yang perlu dievaluasi,” demikian disebutkan dalam keterangan resmi ENI. 

ENI merupakan operator dan pemegang hak partisipasi mayoritas di Blok East Sepinggan dengan saham 85%. Sementara sisanya dimiliki oleh PT Per-
tamina Hulu Energy. ENI telah beroperasi di Indonesia sejak 2001 dan mengelola sejumlah aset eksplorasi, produksi, dan pengembangan, termasuk Lapangan Jangkrik. Aset produksi lainnya yakni Blok Sanga-Sanga dengan hasil 16 ribu barel setara minyak per hari.

Proyek Indonesia Deepwater Development

Tidak hanya Lapangan Merakes, Arcandra menyatakan pihaknya juga berhasil memangkas biaya pengembangan Proyek IDD.” “Saya cut costnya,” ujar dia. Namun, Arcandra masih enggan merinci berapa pemotongan biaya yang berhasil dilakukan pihaknya. Arcandra sempat menuturkan, pihaknya telah meminta pihak Chevron dari kantor pusatnya di Houston, Amerika Serikat untuk datang ke Indonesia. Pada Juni ini, sedianya Chevron akan mengajukan proposal POD Proyek IDD. Pihak Chevron berjanji akan secepatnya memulai pengembangan Proyek IDD ini.

“Mereka (Chevron) schedulenya cepat, sudah dibikin kok kemarin. Cepat kok, first gas itu 2023-2024. Sebelumnya kan jauh ke belakang,” kata dia.

Pihaknya optimis target tersebut bakal tercapai lantaran sejumlah strategi kontrak telah diusulkan pihaknya. Salah satunya, tidak akan ada lagi larangan bahwa perusahaan yang telah menjadi kontraktor paket desain rinci (fornt end engineering design/ FEED), untuk juga menggarap kontrak paket rekayasa, pengadaan, dan konstruksi (engineering, procurement, and construction / EPC). Penghematan waktu bisa sekitar 1-2 tahun.

Proyek IDD Chevron ini menggabungkan empat kontrak kerja sama yaitu Ganal, Rapak, Makassar Strait, dan Muara Bakau. Dalam keempat konsesi tersebut terdapat lima lapangan yaitu Lapangan Bangka, Gehem, Gendalo, Maha dan Gandang. Lapangan Bangka telah berproduksi sejak Agustus 2016 dan
menghasilkan delapan kargo gas alam cair (liquefied natural gas/ LNG) yang dikapalkan dari Terminal LNG Bontang. 

"IDD tahap kedua, yang meliputi Lapangan Gendalo dan Gehem, diperkirakan memiliki potensi total produksi gas sebesar 3 triliun kaki kubik (trillion cubic feet/ tcf). Chevron sebenarnya telah memperoleh persetujuan rencana pengembangan Proyek IDD pada 2008 lalu. Namun, setelah dilakukan pengerjaan FEED, biaya yang dibutuhkan untuk menggarap proyek ini naik dua kali lebih besar. Selanjutnya, Chevron kembali menyerahkan revisi POD pada akhir 2015. Sayangnya, POD ini dikembalikan oleh pemerintah lantaran tidak lengkap.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Monday, June 4, 2018

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