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Thursday, June 7, 2018

Government Transfer Gas Allocation to Owner of Pipe

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources immediately transferred the gas allocation in the case of a multilevel trader to a business entity with a pipeline. Furthermore, the business entity must revise the gas purchase agreement (PJBG) with the consumer. Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandra Tahar said three weeks ago, all business entities involved in 10 cases of multilevel traders have agreed to resolve this polemic.

All entities have signed an agreement regarding their solution. So, now there are no more multilevel traders in Indonesia. Furthermore, the government will undertake the transfer of gas allocation.

"Our gas transfer is done according to Ministerial Regulation (Ministerial Regulation), it needs time, as soon as possible," he said in Jakarta.

Regulation of the Minister in question is Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources no. 6 of 2016 on the provisions and procedures for determining the allocation and utilization and natural gas price. Article 33 of the present regulation states that business entities receiving natural gas allocation shall own or control infrastructure of distribution facilities and / or natural gas usage.

"This case that has facilities there are some (business entities), which have facilities we will give (gas allocation). As per the Ministerial Regulation (6/2016) only, "said Arcandra. Later on, for gas companies that do not have gas allocation, are welcome to negotiate in business with the owner of the allocation.

So that gas distributor in one pipeline from upstream to downstream is possible more than one company. Condition, this gas business entity has a pipe. With regard to the toll fee and the margin of two commercial entities it is allowed to be negotiated with the consumer. The government does not limit margin and toll fees obtained.

"There are also those who follow the Ministerial Regulation concerning 7/11, so each solution is different," said Arcandra.

Ministerial Regulation concerning 7/11 in question is Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 58 of 2017 on the selling price of natural gas through pipelines on downstream oil and gas business activities. In this regulation, the government limits the maximum margin cost of 7% of the natural gas price and the internal rate of return (IRR) of 11%. When gas distribution through two commercial business entities facilitates touching end consumers, commercial costs are shared between the two business entities.

However, added Arcandra, the government can not force the business entities must follow the provisions of Ministerial Regulation 58 / 2017. Because, this beleid only valid 18 months since published.

"Just according to the intended, business entity is also not harmed," he said.

The abolition of tiered traders is mandated by Ministerial Regulation 6/2016. Article 35 Paragraph 2 of Regulation of the Minister of Finance No. 6/2016 states that the implementation of natural gas trading business activities other than to the end user can be implemented no later than two years since the regulation is valid, precisely, this deadline is February 24, 2018. For PJBG changes with consumers, Arcandra hopes can be done as soon as possible.

"It has been agreed, it should be fast (revision of PJBG)," he said.

The provision of gas price, he explained, only entirely follows Ministerial Regulation 58/2017 when the existing PJBG ends. If the gas price has been referring to this regulation, it is optimistic that domestic gas price to the public will go down. Unfortunately, he did not specify the amount of the decline.

Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Djoko Siswanto, once stated that a business entity not appointed by the government to distribute gas will be revoked its business license. With the loss of several business entities in one pipeline, he is optimistic that the price of gas will go down.

"If the philosophy, multilevel traders do not exist, the price of gas is reduced," said Djoko. The application of gas price is only effective after adjustment of PJBG with the consumer.

Previously, Chairman of the Indonesia Natural Gas Traders Association (INGTA) Sabrun Jamil asked the government not to get out of hand by having the business body complete the business. The reason, business entities are also prosecuted by employees and banks as lenders. In addition, in some cases, there are regional enterprises (BUMD) involved.

"Finishing it is not easy, there are accounts receivable, infrastructure, employees. We are trying to solve but business problems are not an easy matter. We are negotiating with all stakeholders, "he said.

Sabrun proposed another way out of the case of this multilevel trader, by waiting for a gas sale and purchase contract. For the time being, it proposes that the ongoing contract remains respected.

"The average contract is not long anymore. There is also a long time, "he said.


Pemerintah Alihkan Alokasi Gas ke Pemilik Pipa  

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral segera mengalihkan alokasi gas dalam kasus trader bertingkat kepada badan usaha yang memiliki pipa. Selanjutnya, badan usaha harus merevisi perjanjian jual beli gas (PJBG) dengan konsumen. Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar menuturkan, tiga pekan lalu, seluruh badan usaha yang terlibat dalam 10 kasus trader bertingkat telah sepakat menyelesaikan polemik ini. 

Seluruh badan usaha telah menandatangani kesepakatan terkait solusi penyelesaiannya. Sehingga, kini tidak ada lagi trader bertingkat di Indonesia. Selanjutnya, pemerintah akan melakukan pengaiihan alokasi gas. 

“Pengalihan gas kami lakukan sesuai Peraturan Menteri (peraturan menteri), itu perlu waktu, secepatnya,” kata dia di Jakarta.

Peraturan Menteri yang dimaksud adalah Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 6 Tahun 2016 tentang ketentuan dan tata cara penetapan alokasi dan pemanfaatan serta harga gas bumi. Pasal 33 regulasi ini menyatakan bahwa badan usaha yang mendapatkan alokasi gas bumi wajib memiliki atau menguasai infrastruktur fasilitas penyaluran dan/atau penggunaan gas bumi.

“Kasus ini yang punya fasilitas ada beberapa (badan usaha), yang punya fasilitas akan kami beri (alokasi gas). Sesuai Peraturan Menteri (6/2016) saja,”
ujar Arcandra. Nantinya, bagi perusahaan gas yang tidak memiliki alokasi gas, dipersilakan negosiasi secara bisnis dengan pemilik alokasi.

Sehingga penyalur gas dalam satu ruas pipa dari hulu ke hilir dimungkinkan Iebih dari satu perusahaan. Syaratnya, badan usaha niaga gas ini memiliki pipa. Terkait hitungan ongkos angkut (toll fee) dan marjin dua badan usaha niaga ini diperbolehkan dinegosiasikan dengan konsumen. Pemerintah tidak membatasi marjin dan toll fee yang diperoleh. 

“Ada juga yang mengikuti Peraturan Menteri soal 7/11, jadi masing-masing beda solusinya,” tutur Arcandra.

Peraturan Menteri soal 7/11 yang dimaksud adalah Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 58 Tahun 2017 tentang harga jual gas bumi melalui pipa pada kegiatan usaha hilir migas. Dalam regulasi ini, pemerintah membatasi biaya marjin paling besar 7% dari harga gas bumi dan tingkat pengembalian modal (internal rate of return/IRR) badan usaha 11%. Bila penyaluran gas melalui dua badan usaha niaga berfasilitas untuk menyentuh konsumen akhir, biaya niaga dibagi ke dua badan usaha tersebut.

Namun, tambah Arcandra, pemerintah tidak dapat memaksa badan usaha harus mengikuti ketentuan Peraturan Menteri 58/ 2017. Pasalnya, beleid ini baru berlaku 18 bulan lagi sejak diterbitkan.

“Pokoknya sesuai yang diniatkan, badan usaha juga tidak dirugikan,” ujarnya.

Penghapusan trader bertingkat merupakan amanat Peraturan Menteri 6/2016. Pasal 35 Ayat 2 Peraturan Menteri 6/2016 menyatakan bahwa pelaksanaan kegiatan usaha niaga gas bumi selain kepada pengguna akhir dapat dilaksanakan paling lama dua tahun sejak regulasi tersebut berlaku, tepatnya, batas waktu ini yakni 24 Februari 2018. Untuk perubahan PJBG dengan konsumen, Arcandra berharap dapat dilakukan secepatnya. 

“Kan sudah sepakat, harusnya cepat (revisi PJBG),” kata dia.

Ketentuan harga gas, jelasnya, baru seluruhnya mengikuti Peraturan Menteri 58/2017 ketika PJBG eksisting berakhir. Jika harga gas telah mengacu regulasi ini, pihaknya optimis harga gas dalam negeri ke masyarakat akan turun. Sayangnya, dia tidak merinci besaran penurunannya.

      Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM Djoko Siswanto pernah mengungkapkan, badan usaha yang tidak ditunjuk pemerintah untuk menyalurkan gas akan dicabut izin usaha niaganya. Dengan hilangnya beberapa badan usaha dalam satu ruas pipa, dia optimis harga gas akan turun.

“Kalau filosofinya, trader bertingkat tidak ada, harga gas berkurang,” tutur Djoko. Pemberlakuan harga gas ini baru efektif setelah ada penyesuaian PJBG dengan konsumen.

Sebelumnya, Ketua Indonesia Natural Gas Trader Association (INGTA) Sabrun Jamil meminta pemerintah jangan lepas tangan dengan menyuruh badan usaha merampungkan secara bisnis. Pasalnya, badan usaha juga dituntut oleh karyawan dan bank selaku pemberi pinjaman. Selain itu, dalam beberapa kasus, terdapat badan usaha milik daerah (BUMD) yang terlibat.

“Menyelesaikannya tidak mudah, ada utang piutang, infrastruktur, karyawan. Kami berusaha menyelesaikan tapi masalah bisnis bukan perkara mudah. Kami sedang berunding dengan semua stakeholder,” tutur dia.
Sabrun mengusulkan jalan keluar lain dari kasus trader bertingkat ini, yakni dengan menunggu kontrak jual beli gas. Untuk sementara, pihaknya mengusulkan agar kontrak yang masih berlangsung tetap dihormati.

“Rata-rata kontraknya tidak lama lagi. Ada juga yang masih lama,” kata dia.

Investor Daily, Page-15, Friday, May 18, 2018

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