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Thursday, June 21, 2018

Guarding the Refinery

In the National Energy Plan General document, the need for fuel oil reaches 1.76 million barrels per day by 2025. Currently, its demand is about 1.6 million barrels per day, of which about 52 percent is imported. Fuel needs to be imported due to limited domestic oil refining capability.

Currently, kjlang production in the country is only able to meet half of the national fuel needs (BBM). Indonesia has not built a refinery in the past as fuel consumption continues to rise. The last time it was built in 1992 was Balongan refinery in West Java.

As a country that needs more fuel than production capacity, the construction of a refinery is a must. Good news emerged in the reign of Joko Widodo and Jusuf Kalla. Through PT Pertamina (Persero), two new refineries are planned to be built and the existing four refineries capacity is upgraded. Pertamina named the program the Refinery Development Master Plan (RDMP) and Grass Root Refinery (GRB).

The hope, fuel production from the mega project could reach 2 million barrels per day in 2025. Former Pertamina CEO Elia Massa Manik once said, there are certain parties who do not like Indonesia to build a new oil refinery. Thera are The parties have been living from hunting for imports of fuel and crude oil. They are the oil and gas mafia in Indonesia. In addition, continued Massa, building refineries are often tainted with misinformation, such as the huge cost and profits are very small.

In summary, building refineries is not very efficient. Such are the non-technical challenges facing Pertamina with its mega project. Then, how are the construction of the refinery? In a presentation at Commission VII of the House of Representatives (DPR) some time ago, Pertamina said, the RDMP and GRR programs are in the process. 

Physically it has not shown any significant progress. In terms of cost, the entire RDMP and GRR programs are estimated to require an investment of Rp 500 trillion. Of course it is not a small number, even for Pertamina though. Moreover, Pertamina must save money from the business of selling premium and subsidized diesel fuel losers.

The targets for the completion of the project were resigned, from 2023 to 2025. A number of issues became obstacles, including land acquisition and administrative issues in the selection of project partners.

Whatever the circumstances, the RDMP and GRB programs must continue to be guarded. This is a strategic program involving Indonesia's energy security. Moreover, the Priority Infrastructure Provision Acceleration Committee includes RDMP and GRB programs as national strategic projects. Again, this project must really be realized.

As a country whose economy grows and its population increases energy needs becomes vital. After becoming a net oil importer country in 2004, Indonesia is expected to have an additional predicate, namely oil and gas importers.

Having an adequate refinery can reduce dependence on fuel imports. Buying crude oil (raw materials) will be cheaper than buying fuel (finished material). The practice of hunters rente from the import of fuel can also be suppressed. The head of this country, together with Pertamina and supported by the political power of Senayan, must affirm the intention that the construction of the refineries will really be realized.


Mengawal Kilang

Dalam dokumen Rencana Umum Energi Nasional, kebutuhan bahan bakar minyak mencapai 1,76 juta barrel per hari pada 2025. Saat ini, kebutuhannya sekitar 1,6 juta barrel per hari, yang sekitar 52 persennya diimpor. Bahan bakar perlu diimpor lantaran kemampuan kilang minyak di dalam negeri terbatas.

Saat ini, produksi kjlang di dalam negeri hanya mampu mencukupi separuh dari kebutuhan Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) nasional. Indonesia sudah lama tidak membangun kilang di saat konsumsi BBM yang terus meningkat. Terakhir kali dibangun pada 1992 yaitu kilang Balongan di Jawa Barat.

Sebagai negara yang kebutuhan BBM-nya lebih banyak daripada kemampuan memproduksi, pembangunan kilang menjadi keharusan. Kabar baik muncul di masa pemerintahan Joko Widodo dan Jusuf Kalla. Melalui PT Pertamina (Persero), dua kilang baru direncanakan dibangun dan kapasitas empat kilang yang ada ditingkatkan. Pertamina menamakan program ini Refinery Development Master Plan (RDMP) dan Grass Root Refinery (GRB). 

Harapannya, produksi BBM dari mega proyek itu bisa mencapai 2 juta barrel per hari pada 2025. Mantan Dirut Pertamina Elia Massa Manik pernah mengatakan, ada pihak-pihak tertentu yang tidak senang Indonesia membangun kilang minyak baru. Para pihak itu selama ini hidup dari memburu rente impor BBM dan minyak mentah. Selain itu, lanjut Massa, membangun kilang kerap diwarnai informasi yang keliru, seperti perlu biaya besar dan keuntungan yang didapat sangat kecil. 

Ringkasnya, membangun kilang tidak terlalu efisien. Begitulah tantangan-tantangan non-teknis yang dihadapi Pertamina dengan mega proyeknya itu. Lalu, apa kabar pembangunan kilang? Dalam paparan di Komisi VII Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) beberapa waktu lalu, Pertamina menyebutkan, program RDMP dan GRR sedang dalam proses. Secara fisik memang belum menunjukkan kemajuan signifikan. Adapun dari sisi biaya, seluruh program RDMP dan GRR diperkirakan membutuhkan investasi Rp 500 triliun. Tentu itu bukan angka yang kecil, bahkan bagi Pertamina sekalipun. Apalagi, Pertamina harus berhemat dari bisnis penjualan premium dan solar bersubsidi yang merugi.

Target penyelesaian proyek itu pun mundur, dari semula pada 2023 menjadi 2025. Sejumlah hal menjadi kendala, antara lain pembebasan lahan dan masalah administrasi dalam hal pemilihan mitra proyek.

Apa pun situasinya, program RDMP dan GRB harus terus dikawal. Ini adalah program strategis yang menyangkut ketahanan energi Indonesia. Apalagi, Komite Percepatan Penyediaan Infrastruktur Prioritas memasukkan program RDMP dan GRB sebagai proyek strategis nasional. Sekali lagi, proyek ini harus benar-benar terealisasi.

Sebagai negara yang perekonomiannya berkembang dan penduduknya bertambah kebutuhan energi menjadi vital. Setelah menjadi negara pengimpor bersih minyak pada 2004, Indonesia diperkirakan menyandang predikat tambahan, yaitu pengimpor minyak dan gas bumi. 

Memiliki kilang yang memadai bisa mengurangi ketergantungan pada impor BBM. Membeli minyak mentah (bahan baku) akan lebih murah daripada membeli BBM (bahan jadi). Praktik pemburu rente dari impor BBM juga bisa ditekan. Pemimpin negeri ini, bersama Pertamina dan didukung kekuatan politik dari Senayan, wajib meneguhkan niat agar pembangunan kilang benar-benar terwujud.

Kompas, Page-13, Thursday, June 21, 2018

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