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Thursday, June 21, 2018

Momentum Comes, Interesters Sprout

The extension of the auction period of Oil and Gas Working Area 2018 due to leave with Idul Fitri, which also coincided with the momentum of world oil price hike potentially support more potential investors.

Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar said, there are 7 companies that have accessed the tender documents until before Eid fitri. The seven companies access 5 oil and gas working areas are auctioned regularly in 2018.

"There is one working area that is accessed by 3 companies. So, there are companies that access 2 working areas, the remaining 1 company access 1 working area, "he said.

However, Arcandra has not specified in detail about the work areas of interest or interested investors as the auction continues.

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources had extended the auction period of regular oil and gas fields in 2018 as it coincided with Eid al-Fitr leave. Initially, access to auction documents for the 2018 oil and gas working area will be done by June 7, 2018, while the return of documents or bid of the working area is no later than June 19, 2018. However, the government decided to leave Eid al-Idid from 11 June 2018 to 20 June 2018.

Thus, the document return period falls together with the end of the leave period with Eid al-Fitr. Therefore, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources extended the access period of documents until June 26, 2018, while the document return period until July 3, 2018. 

     At the auction of regular oil and gas area 2018 there are 19 blocks offered namely, South CPP, Nibung, Batu Gajah Dua, Air Komering, Bukit West, East Sanga, Banyumas, East Muriah, North Kangean, Andika Bumi Kita, Belayan, West Sanga-sanga, Suremana I, South East Mahakam, Mamuju Manukra, Karaeng, Ebuny, West Berau and Cendrawasih Bay I.

Outside the 2018 regular auction, the ESDM Ministry noted that there are already some oil and gas companies interested in joining the study. The ministry also gives a signal there is a potential for 2018 stage auction 2. Director of Upstream Oil and Gas Development of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Ediar Usman said, there are 5 companies that submitted a joint study plan for direct offer auction 2nd stage 2018.

"So this year there could be 9 working areas through direct offer. Because yesterday there are 4 working areas direct offer "he said.

On the other hand, the 2018 auction momentum coincided with the trend of rising world crude oil prices since the beginning of this year. Hopefully, that momentum encouraging oil and gas investment in Indonesia as well, including specialization in oil and gas working areas auctioned this year.

And Bloomberg data up to Wednesday (20/6), Brent crude oil prices have gone up by 13.65% to US $ 75.66 per barrel compared with the end of the year, while Indonesia Crude Price (ICP) until May 2018 has gone up 11, 56% to US $ 72.46 per barrel.

However, the rise in crude oil prices does not directly stimulate the level of oil and gas investment in Indonesia. Arcandra said that the level of oil and gas investment is related to rising oil prices, but not directly or there is a pause in the transition period. The reason, business actors are waiting and see.

"SoaInya, the nature of oil prices are very volatile, so the possibility of business is still waiting for the right time," he said.

He said, for that Ministry of EMR offers Gross Split contract scheme to replace Cost Recovery.

"The Gross Split scheme will attract oil and gas investment in Indonesia in the future."

Arcandra also highlighted the value of certain commitments of Gross Split contracts in 2018, 2019 and 2020 termination blocks that reach about US $ 1 billion.

"When viewed, the exact commitment level that uses Gross Split is great."

In the definite commitment of 8 termination blocks in 2018, the commitment amount must reach US $ 556.45 million, while in termination blocks 2019 and 2020 reach US $ 580 million.


Momentum Datang, Peminat Bermunculan

Perpanjangan masa lelang Wilayah Kerja migas 2018 karena cuti bersama  idul fitri, yang juga beriringan dengan momentum kenaikan harga minyak dunia berpotensi mendukung lebih banyak calon investor.

Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, ada 7 perusahaan yang sudah mengakses dokumen lelang sampai sebelum Idul fitri. Ketujuh perusahaan itu mengakses 5 wilayah kerja migas yang dilelang secara reguler pada 2018.

“Ada 1 wilayah kerja yang diakses oleh 3 perusahaan. Jadi, ada perusahaan yang akses 2 wilayah kerja, sisanya 1 perusahaan akses 1 wilayah kerja,” ujarnya.

Namun, Arcandra belum menybutkan secara rinci mengenai wilayah kerja yang diminati maupun investor yang berminat seiring masih berlangsungnya lelang.

Kementerian ESDM sempat memperpanjang masa lelang wilayah kerja migas reguler 2018 karena bersamaan dengan cuti bersama Idul fitri. Awalnya, akses dokumen lelang wilayah kerja migas 2018 paling lambat dilakukan 7 Juni 2018, sedangkan pengembalian dokumen atau bid wilayah kerja paling lambat pada 19 Juni 2018. Namun, pemerintah memutuskan cuti bersama Idul fitri dari 11 Juni 2018 sampai 20 Juni 2018.

Dengan demikian, periode pengembalian dokumen jatuh bersamaan dengan berakhirnya masa cuti bersama Idul fitri. Untuk itu, Kementerian ESDM memperpanjang masa akses dokumen hingga 26 Juni 2018, sedangkan masa pengembalian dokumen hingga 3 Juli 2018. 

      Pada lelang wilayah kerja migas reguler 2018 ada 19 blok yang ditawarkan yakni, South CPP, Nibung, Batu Gajah Dua, Air Komering, Bukit Barat, East Sokang, Banyumas, East Muriah, North Kangean, Andika Bumi Kita, Belayan, West Sanga-sanga, Suremana I, South East Mahakam, Manakarra Mamuju, Karaeng, Ebuny, West Berau, dan Cendrawasih Bay I.

Di luar lelang reguler 2018 itu, Kementerian ESDM mencatat sudah ada beberapa perusahaan migas yang tertarik melakukan join study. Pihak kementerian pun memberikan sinyal ada potensi lelang 2018 tahap 2. Direktur Pembinaan Hulu Migas Kementerian ESDM Ediar Usman mengatakan, sudah ada 5 perusahaan yang mengajukan rencana join study untuk lelang direct offer tahap 2 2018. 

“Jadi tahun ini bisa jadi ada 9 wilayah kerja lewat direct offer. Karena kemarin sudah ada 4 wilayah kerja direct offer” ujarnya.

Di sisi lain, momentum lelang 2018 beriringan dengan tren kenaikan harga minyak mentah dunia sejak awal tahun ini. Harapannya, momentum itu
mendorong gairah investasi migas di Indonesia juga, termasuk peminatan pada wilayah kerja migas yang dilelang pada tahun ini.

Dan data Bloomberg sampai Rabu (20/6), harga minyak mentah Brent sudah naik sebesar 13,65% menjadi US$ 75,66 per barel dibandingkan dengan akhir tahun laiu, sedangkan Indonesia Crude Price (ICP) sampai Mei 2018 sudah naik 11,56% menjadi US$ 72,46 per barel.

Namun, kenaikan harga minyak mentah itu tidak langsung menggairahkan tingkat investasi migas di Indonesia. Arcandra mengatakan, tingkat investasi migas memang berhubungan dengan kenaikan harga minyak, tetapi tidak secara langsung atau ada jeda masa transisinya. Pasalnya, pelaku usaha sedang wait and see.

“SoaInya, sifat harga minyak sangat fluktuatif, jadi kemungkinan pelaku usaha masih menunggu waktu yang tepat,” ujarnya.

Dia menuturkan, untuk itu Kementerian ESDM menawarkan skema kontrak Gross Split menggantikan Cost Recovery.

“Skema Gross Split akan menarik minat investasi migas di Indonesia ke depannya.”

Arcandra pun menyoroti tingkat nilai komitmen pasti kontrak Gross Split pada blok terminasi 2018, 2019, dan 2020 yang mencapai sekitar US$ 1 miliar. 

“Kalau dilihat, tingkat komitmen pasti yang menggunakan Gross Split itu besar.”

Pada komitmen pasti 8 blok terminasi 2018, jumlah komitmen pasti mencapai US$ 556,45 juta, sedangkan pada blok terminasi 2019 dan 2020 mencapai US$ 580 juta.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-22, Thursday, June 21, 2018

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