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Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Oil production rose by 14 percent

Spurred Priority Program Upstream Sector of Pertamina

The priority program of PT Pertamina (Persero) in the upstream sector makes oil and gas production rise. During the first quarter of 2018, oil and gas production reached 923 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day (mboepd). Details, oil production of 386 barrels per day. Up 14 percent compared to the same period last year. Meanwhile, gas production reached 3.1 15 mmscfd or up 55 percent.

Vice President Corporate Communications of PT Pertamina (Persero) Adiatma Sardjito said Pertamina has a number of priority programs in the upstream sector to boost production.

the Mahakam Block

"Among other things, maintaining oil and gas production of Mahakam Block by developing Tunu Shallow Phase 4 Field, Handil Phase 5, and Tambora Phase 5, "he said.

The government-owned oil and gas company also seeks to increase the production of Banyu Urip Field, decreasing the decline rate by drilling 108 wells; well service, and field reactivation program. 

     In addition, optimizing geothermal operations Ulubelu, Kamojang, and Lahendong. Some upstream projects are also a priority program by 2018. Among them are the geothermal of Karaha and Lumut Balai, the gas of Jambaran Tiung Biru, and the development of PLN Phase IV PIEP project to increase the international oil and gas production.

Exploration to increase oil and gas reserves and production was also carried out. Pertamina targets the drilling of 27 exploration wells with a total of resources (2C) of 556 million barrels of oil equivalent (mmboe). Until the end of the first quarter, Pertamina has drilled six exploration wells. 

    The drilling resulted in 2C findings of 40 mmboe from Wells Merest-2 of PHE collaboration with KKKS (contractor of cooperation contract). In 2017, new oil and gas reserves will be discovered with a production potential of 569 mmboe in the Parang-1 structure of the Nunukan Block, North Kalimantan. Each 374 mmbo for oil and gas reaches 1,136 BCE.

"We are grateful that the findings of the Parang Block become one of the top 10 findings of oil and gas 20 17 in Asia Pacific," he said.

The Nunukan block holders of participation rights consist of 64.5 percent PHE; 12.5 percent, BPRL Ventures Ind BV; and 23 percent Videcon Indonesia Nunukan Inc. Meanwhile, the company's geothermal production rose 1 percent from 949 GWh to 959 GWh. Pertamina's installed geothermal capacity until the first quarter of 2018 reached 617 mw. That's the same as the position in 2017.

"Current geothermal project is Lumut Balai Unit 1 in the EPC stage and is scheduled onstream in Q4 of 2018" he said.


Produksi Minyak naik 14 Persen 

Dipacu Program Prioritas Sektor Hulu Pertamina

Program prioritas PT Pertamina (persero) di sektor hulu membuat produksi minyak dan gas bumi naik. Sepanjang triwulan penama 2018, produksi migas perseroan mencapai 923 ribu barel setara minyak per hari (mboepd). Perinciannya, produksi minyak 386 barel per hari. Naik 14 persen jika dibandingkan dengan periode yang sama tahun lalu. Sementara itu, produksi gas mencapai 3.1 15 mmscfd atau naik 55 persen.

Vice President Corporate Communication PT Pertamina (Persero) Adiatma Sardjito menyatakan, Pertamina mempunyai sejumlah program prioritas di sektor hulu untuk mendongkrak produksi. 

”Antara lain, mempertahankan produksi migas Blok Mahakam dengan mengembangkan Lapangan Tunu Shallow Phase 4, Handil Phase 5, dan Tambora Phase 5," ujarnya.

Perusahaan migas milik pemerintah tersebut juga berupaya menaikkan produksi Lapangan Banyu Urip, menurunkan decline rate dengan mengebor 108 sumur; well service, dan program reaktivasi lapangan. Selain itu, melakukan optimalisasi operasi panas bumi Ulubelu, Kamojang, dan Lahendong. 

     Beberapa proyek hulu juga menjadi program prioritas pada 2018. Di antaranya, panas bumi Karaha dan Lumut Balai, gas Jambaran Tiung Biru, serta pengembangan proyek PIEP PLN Phase IV untuk menambah produksi migas dari internasional.

Eksplorasi untuk menambah cadangan dan produksi migas pun dilakukan. Pertamina menargetkan pengeboran 27 sumur eksplorasi dengan jumlah temuan Sumber daya (2C) 556 juta barel setara minyak (mmboe). Hingga akhir triwulan pertama, Pertamina telah mengebor enam sumur eksplorasi. 

      Pengeboran tersebut menghasilkan temuan 2C sebesar 40 mmboe dari Sumur Merakes-2 hasil kerja sama PHE dengan KKKS (kontraktor kontrak kerja sama). Pada 2017, terdapat temuan cadangan migas baru dengan potensi produksi 569 mmboe di struktur Parang-1 bagian dari Blok Nunukan, Kalimantan Utara. Masing-masing 374 mmbo untuk minyak dan gas bumi mencapai 1.136 BCE.

”Kami bersyukur karena temuan Blok Parang jadi satu di antara 10 besar temuan migas 20 17 di Asia Pasifik," katanya. 

Pemegang hak partisipasi di Blok Nunukan terdiri atas 64,5 persen PHE; 12,5 persen, BPRL Ventures Ind BV; dan 23 persen Videcon Indonesia Nunukan Inc. Sementara itu, produksi panas bumi perseroan naik 1 persen dari 949 GWh menjadi 959 GWh. Kapasitas terpasang panas bumi Pertamina hingga triwulan pertama 2018 mencapai 617 mw. Itu sama dengan posisi pada 2017. 

"Saat ini proyek geotermal Lumut Balai Unit 1 dalam tahap EPC dan dijadwalkan onstream pada triwulan empat 2018" katanya.

Jawa Pos,  Page-6, Wednesday, May 30, 2018

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