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Thursday, June 21, 2018

Pertagas Acquisition Process Completed End of June

Pertamina will establish another subholding after sublinging the gas is completed

PT Pertamina (Persero), as the holding holding of BUMN Migas wants to immediately complete the formation of subholding gas. Namely by integrating PT Perusahaan Gas Negara. (PGN) and Pertamina Gas (Pertagas).

Nicke Widyawati

Acting President Director of Pertamina, Nicke Widyawati targets, the acquisition transaction by Pertagas PGN can be completed pacla June 29, 2019.

"So it's still in the process," Nicke said.

According to Nicke, Pertamina and PGN are still in the process of completing Pertagas valuation. Although the Deputy for Mining, Strategic Industries, and Media of State Enterprises Ministry Fajar Harry Sampurno has said the value of Pertagas valuation under US $ 2.5 billion, Nicke said Pertagas valuation process has not been completed.

"After Eid Fitri we finalize," said Nicke.

With Pertagas acquisition process by PGN which will soon be completed, Nicke insists there will be no dismissal of PGN and Pertagas employees. According to him, the government chose the acquisition option rather than continuing the merger between Pertagas and PGN because it did not want to happen the dismissal of employees.

Nicke said, with the acquisition scheme, PGN and Pertagas organizations will remain the same. Meanwhile, with the merger scheme, there will likely be a merger of two organizations, namely PGN and Pertagas. This step would be potentially going to dismiss employees.

"Dimerger or acquisition, then organizational structure will be much different.If the merger is merged, So bottom line commitment is no lay off so we chose the structure 'that does not happen lay off," said Nicke.

According to Nicke, the government plan to merge Pertagas and PGN is not to streamline the organization. On the contrary, with this gas subholding, Pertamina targets the two companies can be bigger. There will be many assignments from Pertamina.

"The company also wants us to raise, maybe even add people, because it needs a lot of people to run the assignment from Pertamina," said Nicke.

In addition to the formation of sublinging gas, Nicke said Pertamina has not yet established another subholding process.

"Sub-stocking gas first formed, then whether the targets we have planned to achieve, we will see," said Nicke.


Proses Akuisisi Pertagas Rampung Akhir Juni

Pertamina akan membentuk subholding Iain setelah subholding gas rampung

PT Pertamina (Persero), sebagai induk holding BUMN Migas ingin segera menyelesaikan pembentukan subholding gas. Yakni dengan mengintegrasikan PT Perusahaan Gas Negara. (PGN) dan Pertamina Gas (Pertagas).

Pelaksana Tugas Direktur Utama Pertamina, Nicke Widyawati menargetkan, transaksi akuisisi oleh Pertagas  PGN bisa selesai pacla 29 Juni 2019 mendatang. 

"Jadi sekarang masih dalam proses," kata Nicke.

Menurut Nicke, Pertamina dan PGN saat ini masih dalam proses menyelesaikan valuasi Pertagas. Meskipun Deputi Bidang Pertambangan, Industri Strategis, dan Media Kementerian BUMN Fajar Harry Sampurno sudah mengatakan nilai Valuasi Pertagas di bawah US$ 2,5 miliar, Nicke menyebut proses valuasi Pertagas belum selesai. 

"Setelah idul fitri kami finalisasi," kata Nicke.

Dengan proses akuisisi Pertagas oleh PGN yang sebentar lagi akan selesai, Nicke menegaskan tidak akan terjadi pemecatan karyawan PGN dan Pertagas. Menurutnya, pemerintah memilih opsi akuisisi daripada melanjutkan merger antara Pertagas dan PGN karena tidak ingin terjadi pemecatan karyawan.

Nicke bilang, dengan skema akuisisi, organisasi PGN dan Pertagas akan tetap sama. Sementara dengan skema merger, kemungkinan akan ada penggabungan dua organisasi, yaitu PGN dan Pertagas. Langkah ini justru akan berpotensi terjadi pemecatan karyawan. 

"Dimerger atau akuisisi, nanti struktur organisasiakan berbeda jauh. Kalau merger digabung, Jadi intinya komitmen tidak ada lay off jadi kami memilih struktur' yang tidak terjadi lay off," tegas Nicke.

Menurut Nicke, rencana pemerintah menggabungkan Pertagas dan PGN bukan untuk melakukan perampingan organisasi. Justru sebaliknya, dengan subholding gas ini, Pertamina menargetkan kedua perusahaan tersebut bisa lebih besar. Akan ada banyak penugasan dari Pertamina.

"Perusahaan juga mau kami besarkan, malah mungki nanti menambah orang, karena perlu banyak orang untuk menjalankan penugasan dari Pertamina," kata Nicke.

Selain pembentukan subholding gas, Nicke menyebut Pertamina belum melakukan proses pembentukan subholding lain. 

"Subholding gas dulu yang terbentuk, kemudian apakah target-target yang kami telah rencanakan tercapai, nanti kami lihat," kata Nicke.

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, June 12, 2018

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