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Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Pertamina Block Performance Supporting Block

Oil and gas production of PT Pertamina in the first quarter of 2018 reached 923,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day / boepd, up 35% compared to the same period last year of 684,000 boepd.

Based on data from Pertamina, the company's crude oil production during the first quarter of 2018 was 386,000 barrels per day (bpd), up 14% compared to the same period last year of 337 bpd. Pertamina's natural gas production during the first quarter of 2018 was 3.115 million cubic feet per day (mmscfd), up 55% over the same period last year of 2,007 MMSCFD.

the Mahakam block.

However, the achievement of crude oil production during the quarter I / 2018 is only 96% of the target. In fact, there are additional production from the Mahakam Block, Attaka, and field abroad. However, most of the existing field owned by the company actually decreased production naturally. Upstream Director of Pertamina Syamsu Alam acknowledged that the increase in oil and gas production can not be separated from the Mahakam block.

Pertamina manages the Mahakam Block starting January 1, 2018. In addition, eight oil and gas termination blocks handed over to Pertamina from early this year also contributed to the increase in oil and gas production. However, according to him, Pertamina's existing assets are declining naturally since the oil and gas fields are old.

"Therefore, inevitably we have to find or get new assets uutuk continue to increase oil and gas production," he said.

Syamsu explained the upstream business has a high enough Volatility and uncertainty. He cited the price of crude oil continues to fluctuate. Policies in the upstream oil and gas sector have also changed, such as cost sharing schemes to gross split.

Pertamina Corporate Communication Vice President Adiatma Sardjito added that the upstream oil and gas performance was realized due to the company's efforts to increase production.

 "Achievement until the first quarter was the hard work of all elements of Pertamina," he said.

On the other hand, Pertamina also recorded an increase in contribution to oil and gas production nationally. Previously, the BUMN has a contribution of about 20% and now has gone up to about 40%. The increase was boosted by several government assignments in several blocks such as Offshore North West Java (ONWJ), Mahakam Block, and eight terminated oil and gas working areas in 2018, and two termination blocks in 2019.

Nicke Widyawati

Acting President Director Nicke Widyawati said that the company intends to push the oil and gas production level to continue growing.

"We expect production in some new oil and gas blocks given the government can double in 1-2 years to 3 years into the future. Like, in Jambi Merang Block, we have prepared US $ 200 million to conduct exploration, "said Nicke.

If you see the realization of 10 oil and gas blocks in 2017, Pertamina will get additional production for oil of 72.759 bpd and gas production of 386 MMscfd. Adiatma said, the process of managing block block termination, especially termination 2018, has started smoothly.

"The transition of operations and human resources operate smoothly," he said.

At eight 2018 oil and gas blocks terminated, Pertamina obtained Tuban Block, Ogan Komering, North Sumatra Offshore, Sanga-sanga, Attaka, East Kalimantan, Southeast Sumatra and Central. Then, on 2019 terminating oil and gas blocks, Pertamina gets Jambi Merang, and Pendopo Raja.

Adiatma said Pertamina has several priority programs in the upstream sector in 2018. One of them is maintaining the Mahakam Block production. The Company is developing Tunu Shallow Phase 4 Field, Handil Phase 5, and Tambosa Phase 5.

"In addition to Mahakam, we are also working to increase the production of Banyu Urip Field. We will press the decline rate by drilling 108 wells, well service and field reactivation program, "he said.

Meanwhile, in the geothermal sector, Pertamina recorded a 1% increase in production to 959 GW compared to the same period last year which amounted to 949 Gwh. Adiatma further said that Pertamina's installed geothermal capacity in the first three months of this year is still the same with the same period in 2017.

 "Currently Lumut Balai Unit 1 geothermal project is in the EPC phase and is scheduled to be onstream in the fourth quarter of 2018," he said.


Blok Terminasi Dukung Kinerja Pertamina  

Produksi minyak dan gas bumi PT Pertamina pada kuartal I/2018 mencapai 923.000 barel setara minyak per hari (barrel Oil  equivalent per day/boepd), naik 35% dibandingkan dengan periode yang sama tahun lalu 684.000 boepd.

Berdasarkan data Pertamina, produksi minyak mentah perseroan selama kuartal I/2018 sebanyak 386.000 barel per hari (bph) naik 14% dibandingkan dengan periode yang sama tahun lalu sebesar 337 bph. Realisasi produksi gas bumi Pertamina selama kuartal I/2018 sebanyak3.115 juta kaki kubik per hari (mmscfd)naik 55% dibandingkan periode yang sama tahun lalu 2.007 MMSCFD. 

Namun, pencapaian produksi minyak mentah selama kuartal I/2018 tersebut hanya 96% dari target. Padahal, ada tambahan produksi dari Blok Mahakam, Attaka, dan lapangan di luar negeri. Namun, sebagian besar lapangan eksis milik perseroan justru mengalami penurunan produksi secara alamiah. Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam mengakui kenaikan produksi migas tersebut tidak lepas dari Blok Mahakam. 

Pertamina mengelola Blok Mahakam mulai 1 Januari 2018. Selain itu delapan blok migas terminasi yang diserahkan kepada Pertamina mulai awal tahun ini juga ikut berkontribusi terhadap kenaikan produksi migas perseroan. Namun, menurutnya, aset existing Pertamina dipastikan mengalami penurunan produksi secara alamiah karena lapangan migas sudah berusia tua.

“Oleh karena itu, mau tidak mau kita harus mencari atau mendapatkan aset baru uutuk terus meningkatkan produksi migas,” ujarnya.

Syamsu menjelaskan bisnis hulu memiliki Volatlitas dan ketidakpastian cukup tinggi,. Dia mencontohkan harga minyak mentah terus berfluktuasi. Kebijakan di sektor hulu migas juga berubah, seperti skema bagi hasil cost recovery menjadi gross split.

Vice President Corporate Communication Pertamina Adiatma Sardjito menambahkan kinerja hulu migas itu terealisasi karena upaya perseroan dalam meningkatkan produksi.

 “Pencapaian sampai kuartal pertama itu kerja keras dari seluruh elemen Pertamina," ujarnya.

Di sisi lain, Pertamina pun mencatatkan kenaikan dalam kontribusi kepada produksi migas secara nasional. Sebelumnya, BUMN tersebut memiliki kontribusi sekitar 20% dan sekarang sudah naik menjadi sekitar 40%. Kenaikan itu didorong oleh beberapa penugasan oleh pemerintah di beberapa blok seperti, Offshore North West Jawa (ONWJ), Blok Mahakam, dan delapan Wilayah kerja migas terminasi 2018, dan dua blok terminasi 2019. 

Pelaksana tugas Direktur Utama Nicke widyawati sempat menuturkan, perseroan memang berniat untuk mendorong tingkat produksi migas bisa terus tumbuh.

“Kami harapkan produksi di beberapa blok migas yang baru diberikan pemerintah bisa naik double dalam 1-2 tahun sampai 3 tahun ke depan. Seperti, di Blok Jambi Merang, kami sudah siapkan US$200 juta untuk melakukan eksplorasi," kata Nicke.

Jika melihat realisasi produksi 10 blok migas pada 2017, Pertamina akan mendapatkan tambahan produksi untuk minyak sebesar 72.759 bph dan produksi gas sebesar 386 MMscfd. Adiatma menuturkan, proses alih kelola blok terminasi, terutama terminasi 2018, sudah dimulai dengan lancar.

“Peralihan operasi dan Sumber daya manusianya beroperasi lancar,” ujarnya.

Pada delapan blok migas terminasi 2018, Pertamina mendapatkan Blok Tuban, Ogan Komering, North Sumatra Offshore, Sanga-sanga, Attaka, East Kalimantan, Southeast Sumatra, dan Tengah. Lalu, pada blok migas terminasi 2019, Pertamina mendapatkan Jambi Merang, dan Pendopo Raja.

Adiatma mengatakan Pertamina memiliki beberapa program prioritas sektor hulu pada 2018. Salah satunya, mempertahankan produksi Blok Mahakam. Perseroan sedang mengembangkan Lapangan Tunu Shallow Phase 4, Handil Phase 5, dan Tambosa Phase 5.

“Selain Mahakam, kami juga berupaya untuk menaikkan produksi Lapangan Banyu Urip. Kami akan menekan decline rate dengan mengebor 108 sumur, well service, dan program reaktivasi lapangan,” ujarnya.

Sementara itu, pada sektor panas bumi, Pertamina mencatatkan kenaikan produksi sebesar 1% menjadi 959 Gwh dibandingkan periode sama pada tahun lalu yang sebesar 949 Gwh. Lebih jauh Adiatma mengatakan kapasitas terpasang panas bumi Pertamina pada tiga bulan pertama tahun ini masih sama dengan periode sama pada 2017.

 “Saat ini proyek geothermal Lumut Balai Unit 1 dalam tahap EPC dan dijadwalkan onstream pada kuartal IV/2018." ujarnya.

Bisnis Indonesia,  Page-3, Wednesday, May 30, 2018

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