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Friday, June 8, 2018

Pertamina New Plant Using PTPN Land

Progress of new refinery development or New Grass Root Refinery Tuban was disrupted, related to the problem of land acquisition of the construction site. The latest solution which is currently under discussion is holding state-owned enterprises (SOEs), namely utilizing the land owned by PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) XI and XII.

Nicke Widyawati

Acting Director (Plt) President Director of PT Pertamina Nicke Widyawati stated, on the land, it has conducted a survey. The goal, to ensure the proper use of land owned by PTPN. In addition to conducting a survey, Pertamina also conducted an initial investigation.

"The port has been surveyed and is suitable to build a refinery there, so we hope Tuban refinery progress can be implemented, adding 300,000 barrels per day (bopd) capacity," he said at a hearing with Commission VII of the House of Representatives in Jakarta.

Nicke explained that the scheme used and got approval from the Ministry of Finance is a scheme of cooperation of utilization, namely utilizing state-owned land. The investor, in this case Rosneft requires ownership of the land and objection to the profit sharing at the end of life. While the principle permit from the Ministry of finance against the scheme of cooperation of utilization ends March 14, 2018.

According to Nicke, government land may be used, but must go through stages of change of various regulations to support, namely by revision of Presidential Regulation No. 146/2015 and the issuance of a new Presidential Regulation. The objective is to strengthen Law No. 2/2012, namely the construction of domestic oil refineries including categories of public interest.

Not to mention still have to take care of the revision of the Regional Regulation Spatial Plan for the location of additional land of stage one and the issuance of location determination by the Governor of East Java. The process will certainly take a lot of time to find another solution for the farm.

"The land belonging to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) needs to be managed up to the Ministry of Finance." However, it is necessary to change the regulation so Pertamina project will be included in the national strategy project, "Nicke Widyawati said.

The existing alternative land is located in Asembagus, Situbondo with an area of ​​807 hectares, mostly owned by PTPN XI and XII. Following the survey, the land is on the broad side as well as the capacity to receive crude shipments via VLCC3 ships and away from the settlements.


Kilang Baru Pertamina Menggunakan Lahan PTPN

Progres pembangunan kilang baru atau New Grass Root Refinery Tuban sempat terganggu, terkait masalah pengadaan lahan lokasi pembangunan. Solusi terbaru yang kini sedang dalam pembahasan adalah menggandeng Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) lain, yakni memanfaatkan lahan miliki PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) XI dan XII.

Pelaksana Tugas (Plt) Direktur Utama PT Pertamina Nicke Widyawati menyatakan, atas lahan itu, pihaknya sudah melaksanakan survei. Tujuannya, memastikan layak tidaknya penggunaan lahan milik PTPN tersebut. Selain menggelar survei, Pertamina juga melakukan initial investigation. 

"Pelabuhan sudah disurvei dan sesuai membangun kilang di situ. Dengan opsi ini jadi kita berharap progres refinery Tuban bisa dilaksanakan, menambah kapasitas 300,000 barel oil per day (bopd)," katanya dalam rapat dengar pendapat dengan Komisi VII Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat di Jakarta.

Nicke menjelaskan, skema yang digunakan dan mendapat persetujuan Kementerian Keuangan adalah dengan skema kerjasama pemanfaatan, yakni memanfaatkan lahan milik negara. Pihak investor, dalam hal ini Rosneft mensyaratkan kepemilikan lahan dan keberatan terhadap bagi hasil pada akhir masa pakai. Sementara izin prinsip dari Kementerian keuangan terhadap skema kerjasama pemanfaatan berakhir 14 Maret 2018.

Menurut Nicke, bisa saja lahan pemerintah digunakan, tapi harus melalui tahapan perubahan berbagai regulasi untuk mendukung, yakni dengan revisi Peraturan Presiden Nomor 146/2015 serta penerbitan Peraturan Presiden baru. Tujuannya menguatkan Undang-Undang Nomor 2/2012, yakni pembangunan kilang minyak dalam negeri termasuk kategori kepentingan umum.

Belum lagi masih harus mengurus revisi Peraturan daerah Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah lokasi lahan tambahan tahap satu serta penerbitan penetapan lokasi oleh Gubernur Jawa Timur. Proses tersebut dipastikan akan memerlukan banyak waktu sehingga dicari solusi lain untuk Iahan.

"Lahan milik Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (KLHK) perlu diurus hingga Kementerian keuangan. "Namun perlu perubahan regulasi, agar proyek Pertamina masuk proyek strategi nasional," kata Nicke Widyawati.

Adapun lahan alternatif yang ada berlokasi di Asembagus, Situbondo dengan luas 807 hektar, sebagian besar milik PTPN XI dan XII. Setelah survei, lahan seusai dari sisi luas maupun kapasitas kemampuan untuk menerima pengiriman crude via kapal VLCC3 dan jauh dari pemukiman.

Kontan, Page-14, Thursday, May 24, 2018

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